I've read C&P and Notes this year. Both have had a big effect on the way I think and view the world...

I've read C&P and Notes this year. Both have had a big effect on the way I think and view the world. Should I read Demons or super karamazov bros next?

brothers first

how have they had a big effect on the way you think?

made me realize how I make myself miserable through my own misanthropic and anxious mindset. on a grander scale I guess I see the same characteristics in the rest of the world.

also helped me develop a conceptualization of what God is.

Even though I started, and still remained, as an atheist, Crime and Punishment gave me what I can only describe as a 'religious release' by the end of it - tears welled up.

I was raised catholic but have pretty much always been an atheist. Though C&P definitely shed some light on the idea of faith for me. More of an agnostic now, but it really broadened my worldview.

if you especially like that about C&P then yeah definitely go for brothers karamazov next. really insightful in terms of faith and examining it carefully from many perspectives. it ends up being a beautiful depiction of dostoevsky's idea of faith and the ideal role it should play in life.

also i myself think that the worldview and faith which he espouses in the book can be applied outside of religion and just in how you interact with and see your fellow humans, their hardships, and their wrongdoings.

I also find the absence of that faith pretty interesting. The malevolence that can replace it etc. Will start brothers after i finish Master and Margarita, thanks.

I absolutely agree. It just helped me understand the intricacies of humanity a little more from the inside out. Especially with how much I felt I related to Raskolnikov.

stop reading rusaboo shit. It's all awful.
Agnosticism is still atheism you absolute tool. Get that fence pole out of your asshole.

Stop trying to force everything into your ridiculous humanist ideology.

I'm actually about 200 pages into C&P right now, so I'm not sure i have as much a grasp on its themes in terms of theism, but based on what you're saying it seems very similar to parts or BK. Ill probably read the idiot next, and ill have to read notes for a class this coming semester. Looking forward to it.

yeah man for sure

Passive aggressive insults in a circlejerk thread? How unexpected!

lol, its not that much of a force. just replace seeing jesus in everyone with seeing the good or at least humanity in everyone. its essentially what dostoevsky believed, if you just sub in a different sort of faith.

>humanity is somehow a positive attribute
Humanists, everybody.
Christ isn't in everybody, you for example lack it totally, Lover of Man.

Notes was my introduction to dosto, good stuff. I'm looking forward to reading brothers. Trying to get into his short stories as well. Themes aside, he's got a very enjoyable writing style.

have you read the book

You're not reading his 'writing style', you're reading a translation. You aren't actually reading him at all.
You surely haven't. I haven't in a decade. Besides that, why are you changing the target? Does addressing the disease of humanism bother you so?

First of all, the translations make every effort to emulate his style and diction, and obviously convey his ideas and philosophies accurately. You're reading a translation of dostoevsky, and its perfectly fine if you keep that in mind as well. Second, I never said I agree entirely with his philosophy, or that I would apply it in its entirety in an atheistic way, which by the way would already require perverting it substantially. I just think it makes a good case to have stronger empathy for others. I also love the theme of purity and ultimate happiness through collective suffering. sorry.

also don't worry, even though we're having a bit of a spat you seem like a pretty smart guy and you're probably nice irl


translated by garnett ofcourse

>make every effort
Totally irrelevant; not his words.
>and obviously convey his ideas and philosophies accurately
Not true, at all.

Let me guess, you're a monolingual *nglo who cannot even begin to understand the implications of 'translation'. A translation is not an accurate 'transfer' as assumed, it is an interpretation and processing. What thing may be processed and come out the same? Resemblance is not enough. The only good translation is one done by the author themselves, or a translation of a purely academic text.


hey dude it's all russian trash anyway right?

People like you make this board miserable

Good, it's a terrible board.

Notes from The Unterground or Notes from a Dead House?

Not OP, but I was able to use it to greatly further my own Theory of Mind.


House of the Dead you philistine
also it's my favorite book, so you better dang like it