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Literature #99
Be Kagari
What does lit think of the new translation? Also stirner thread
Anyone got any books on /b/, especially "sick gets"?
Post a song and get a book recommendation
What is your preferred reading method, Veeky Forums? Do you
TLDR what are my last words to a cop before suicide because i can't think of a very cool one
How does your Friday night looks like, user?
I'm about to buy this books
What are some good motivating books that encourage self-improvement that aren't self help?
On Video Games In Lit
*destroys 5000 years of philosophy*
Bugs... easy on the carrots
Do English degrees get you anywhere?
How old is too old to start the path of Veeky Forums?
What's some good sadist-lit? I'm tired of de Sade and Octave Mirbeau
Books that don't deserve their success
Guys I'm scared
If all philosophers were put inside a gladiator arena and had a fist fight to the death, who would win?
Both used to be Marxists
Dressing like a lunatic
Ovid's Metamorphoses
Difference between Continental and Analytic Philosophy?
Good books on National Socialsm?
Any good books about creeps?
Is there an equivalent for American culture? Something steeped in the history, culture...
Do you own any big books? Here's mine, fidget spinner for scale
Yo I know that you need a posteriori knowledge in order to justify all a priori knowledge and the distinction between a...
Are there any good books about lesbians that'll make my heart flutter?
What book did you read at
Torah General
Why does the media push this pedophile hack down our throats? His novels have never been good
Why do people become manchildren? Why do they read genre fiction, play video games, watch Star Trek and anime, cosplay?
Colon and semicolon
If you could force every western person to read one book, what would it be?
Stirner's views on property do little more than justify petty theft. If I had a time machine...
I have Cotard's Syndrome. I know that I am dead and that my body is buried far below the ground in some chthonic place...
/clg/ - Catholic Literature General
So how do i use my identity (bisexual black girl with mental illness) to sell books?
Newest purchase
"And frankly if all philosophers were teenage girls...
Been posting that I'm a Christian here for months
Yfw the biggest GET in Veeky Forums history will happen in 24 hours
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Can you recommend me books on water? Nonfiction or fiction
What should I have read b4 trying to understand this? Not a philosophy major btw
Do english literature degree
Mods can I get a one month ban from Veeky Forums so I can focus on my studies
This is basically Nietzsche, right?
/SLA/ - Second-language acquisition General:
Is there a koan (Buddhist proverbs) that incites hate and violence like in the bible?
Pseuds BTFO
Ewww I HATED this book lol
Lesbian here
Is there anything logically wrong with subjectivism...
Any good books to cure women-hating induced by incel and /pol/-/r9k/ cherry picking?
Greatest thinker of the 20th century
Atlas Shrugged is a book people will still be talking about fifty years from now
What the fuck
Is continental philosophy anything more than a giant circlejerk?
Who's the most Veeky Forums world leader in recent history? Living or dead
Dangerous - Milo
"And then so small." Fanny made a grimace; smallness was so horribly and typically low-caste
Books you read as a kid and you just cant find anywhere
Reading Lu Xun's essays on literature
What is your favorite film Veeky Forums?
What are some Veeky Forums-approved notebooks?
Books on Law
I've been agnostic athiest for about 6 years, how can believe in God again?
Hey Veeky Forums, /v/ here
Ready player one
Why do we hate public intellectuals a lot more nowadays?
Fantasy Books
Books that have made you laugh out loud like a retard in public
Is the "alt-right" meme ideology dying out already...
Stop wearing glasses
Can we all just accept GOT is on the same level as 50 shades of Grey and that George RR martin is a hack?
Where to start with Ernst Junger and the Conservative Revolutionaries?
Why has Western culture become so vacuous and habitually bleak?
John Green thread
Shit Veeky Forums
I still cringe at my own writing. Any advice for frustrated writers?
Is Ta Nehisi Coates the James Joyce
Why does Veeky Forums never talk about Paul Auster?
So what's the conclusion on this guy? Should I watch his lectures and read his books?
Best sci-fi novels with literary merit?
So which books do CEO's read then?
/crit/ - Writing Critique General
What are some books that remind you of Tein Peaks? Either because of the setting, or the prose, or preferably both
Did I go full meme with my philosophy starter kit Veeky Forums?
How can one man be such a sophist?
Which country 'produces' the best theologists? Is it Germany?
Why did God create the Devil?
Racism In Publishing
I'm so fucking bored with life...
What’s his endgame?
Novel Prize 2017
How does one cure a nihilistic outlook on life?
Book Recommendations
What are some books about sexuality and politics? I'm looking to find out why conservatives are homos...
Is it possible to be an autodictact when it comes to philosophy?
Hey Veeky Forums I want to educate myself on government and politics
Hand over your memes Veeky Forums-- this is a holdup
This man is a fucking psued of the highest calibre...
Hegel, marx, nietzsche, heidegger, benjamin, stirner, carnap, adorno, schiller
Veeky Forums's thoughts on this article?
Leave jordan peterson to us
ITT: Post a piece of art, get a book recommendation
Will you write me a bed time story? I can't sleep
Once upon a time in France, two jews argued about major and minor arts...
Do you need high IQ to be a genius writer?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Best book of the Bible?
What does Veeky Forums thinks about Stephen King?
Reading the Bible
So profound
The Count of Monte Cristo?
Essential Veeky Forums based reading lists
The jew must see to it that, in a literal sense, "all things are nothing to him"
What do you think of NaNoWriMo?
Will detective fiction ever become real literature?
Whos writing a story? Whats your protagonist's primary motivation?
Was he right?
American Civil War
Can anyone recommend a book that critique's Marx's economic theory and hegelian nonsense in a fair way that doesn't...
What is the capitalist/western version of this book?
Reading for Beginners
Why is that out of all the minorities homosexuals are by far the strongest contributors to Western philosophy
How lucrative is the fujoshi demographic?
Shelf R8 Thread
Any good books on artificial intelligence and AGI?
Is it Veeky Forums to be an isolated kissless virgin who occasionally pays hookers to run their hands down your spine...
Post book covers with women's nether regions on them
Why is The Bard considered the GOAT?
Name one good book that's come out in the last 20 years. Can't do it? Thought so
Was talking to this girl about books we've recently read...
How to become impulssive and blindly passionate?
I've lost all connection to my former ideas and worldview
Obviously it's impossible to make into a movie, but could it be made into a series? Say maybe 12, 1-hour episodes?
Post novels about tragic love
Has anyone in history had a more inflated ego than Sigmund Freud?
Recommend me great literature that is not from a country in red
People always talk about Catholic intellectuals, but are there any Protestant intellectuals...
AI >= God ?
I'm going to make a philosophy lecture at a topic of my preference
Who the fuck reads novelizations?
So supposedly, Elena Ferrante is good. Like, really good
Why are books so expensive? I can’t make brain gains if I can’t afford to stock my shelves
Help me with a yearbook quote Veeky Forums
It wasn't supposed to be an instruction manual!
What does lit think about music? Especially rap?
Is Raymundo Costa, the Mexican blogging sophist, the voice of our generation?
Is it possible for someone who doesn't know Russian to take from Russian literature what a native speaker would?
Is there any good modern chinese lit?
Literary confession thread
Poor man's J.G. Ballard
Is he overrated?
19th French literature
Got a kindle paperwhite as a gift and I love the cheap ebooks and free books I can pirate but I wanted to start a book...
Paul Auster
Hey Veeky Forums, /co/ here. Have you read any literature with writing worse than this or do we win?
Is Faust Part II worth reading?
Western societies jail fools, while older societies acknowledged their existence
It's OK, to be a rock bottom virgin but highly cultured?
Is this the most incisive piece of literature in our livetimes?
What is the best publisher?
First novel
What's your go-to book for when you're travelling? Pic related; it's mine
Your life is a story told about you, not one that you tell
Is Mira Gonzalez the voice of our generation?
Casey Affleck Lands First Post-Oscar Role in ‘Stoner’ With Blumhouse, Joe Wright
Name a more genuinely evil thinker
Did /Cliff/ jump the shark?
Poetry Critique
Is he worth reading?
John Green reads first chapter of his new book
Hey Veeky Forums I've been interested in Cormac McCarthy for a while, where would i start?
Tfw you finally saw the beauty in God and cried
What are some novels or short stories that involve people digging holes and living underground...
Evan Dara is an American postmodern novelist. In 1995, his first novel, The Lost Scrapbook...
I'm so fucking bored with life...
Which writer had the most sad life?
What comes after postmodernism?
So whenever Bible contradicts reality, christians say "It was a metaphor". How do they know...
Inexplicably great lines
Post your Goodreads profile url, make friends, and stay motivated to continue studying
Hiro-approved meta thread
Are there any authors who died while writing their book?
Lately I have been wating to feel art, specialy paintings that have pretty naked women
What a pathetic little man
Hi Veeky Forums, I've finished Lost History by Bob Parry and now picked up two more books trawling secondhand bookshops...
Post a name
/litfit/ is real
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Are there any sci-fi books with realistic time travel?
That part in stoner where he smokes weed for the first time
This book changed my life for the better. I no longer hate the blacks
What are some good philosophy YouTube channels?
You can write for years, invent new writing techniques...
Kantbot's new project, The Autistic Mercury, launched today...
Is there a single kind of post that you could imagine that would forever deter you from returning to Veeky Forums?
Childhood is believing Sam Harris' concept of objective truth
What is the Twin Peaks: The Return of literature?
Horror/Weird Fiction General
What books would you recommend to someone looking for good dialogues?
What are your thoughts on capitalization in poetry?
Was he right, Veeky Forums?
Is slightly buzzed the proper way to read Pynchon?
If this guy was such a big nihilist, why did he write so many books?
Ben Shapiro
Are there any good books about dinosaurs at all?
How do I get into Existential Christianity...
Describe /lit in one post
Are there any books about the rat race of modern society...
This is required reading for my history class
Name 1 (one) reason you shouldn't kill yourself
I'm really distraught, Veeky Forums
Tfw Satan has us all in his grasp
Write what's on your mind Veeky Forums
Lets have a porn gif. thread
The Literature of Psycho Pass
Just finished Nicomachean Ethics and let me tell you, Aristotle is a damn genius; it left me in an emotional stupor
What are some good books which feature a cute boy who loves another cute boy?
Gnosticism & Western Esoterocism
*demonstrates that national socialism is more democratic than liberalism*
it's move-in day on campus
Lord of the Rings
Should free speech be defended even for those who advocate it's abolition...
Any novels about immigrants who destroy a peaceful family life?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Nordic Veeky Forums General
Choosing to forego finding a mate in favor of higher learning is the greatest display of intelligence
Be occultist
But and so and but so
Is the history of an idea as important as the idea itself?
Veeky Forums workstations thread
ITT: books that will make me woke
/grh/ - Goodreads Hate Thread
Niggas who were smart as fuck thread
Is this the most TRIGGERED book review on the internet?
What does Veeky Forums think of Catcher in the Rye?
95% of philosophy is just arguing over semantics
Is there any point in reading ancient philosophers today, given that they were wrong about virtually everything?
Was Pozzo Godot?
Women are bad writ-
So, I tried to read Sci-Fi. It's a genre that I never was very interested in, but I decided to give it a try...
Who is the best of the English Romantics, and why is it Wordsworth?
Guys help...
This is just neet wish fulfillment at best
Critique thread. Post what you want us to read
Is he the most complex, three dimensional character to be found in any art form...
Reading Joyce for the first time (Dubliners) and have to say that he's great...
Why does Veeky Forums love this novel so much?
What's a book you've read that you wouldn't be surprised to find out that you're the only person on this board who has...
John Green thread
How do you decide how to act, Veeky Forums?
*obliterates capitalism*
Who was that qt girl that deleted or hid all of her videos because of you autists
R.I.P. John Ashbery
I'm still mad
When Gregor wakes up he has a surprise lol
Are there any books you just flat out refuse to read? If so, why?
Please answer truthfully. If this little boy, in his exhaustion and tears, asked you to destroy the entire universe...
What's the book that will help me move on from her, Veeky Forums?
Does this board need moderation?
Are there any books where tennis and drug addiction are the primary focal points of the plot?
Is it unethical to not kill those who are worse than you?
MFW I can't convey the profound ideas, observations or thoughts in my head because I have a terrible vocabulary
Of course the blacks are unbearable…I don’t retract what I’ve stated so many times: the Americans made a grave...
“In the past, for reasons I try to explain, I’ve often felt I had to be careful in public...
Tfw you're proof-reading your own erotica story and it's actually getting you hard
Which version is the best...
Describe this latrine
If there were no animals other than humans would cannibalism still be immoral?
Best gay literature?
Has anyone tried writing shitty ebooks to sell on amazon for like 99p?
Reading about the lives of farmers 500 years ago
Which ones should I cop If I like Lattimore's translation more, but the Fitzgerald's editions are way better?
Childhood is thinking Piggy and Simon were the good guys, adulthood is recognizing Jack and Roger made more sense
Subjective Morality
*saves western philosophy from itself*
Novels, novels, novels, novels, novels
What's everyone drinking and reading for the weekend Veeky Forums...
Post your novel ideas
Will there ever be a greater, more redpilled work of fantasy fiction?
OG Poetry Thread
What the fuck did I just read?
Almost every person around my age that I've talked to about books has told me their favorite author is DFW and their...
Post books that make you say, "well gee, doc, really makes me think now doesn't it"
Tfw fell for the hard determinism meme
Paganism/nature/woods horror
Is freedom of speech possible outside of democracy?
I am Sunni, should I read this?
Which is truly the Great American Novel?
All memes aside, will reading Hegel faciliate my understanding of Stirner or is his philosophy self-sufficient as it is?
You know what to do
Make a books thread on /pol/
Pen thread
Reading is allegedly entertaining but I procrastinate reading novels because there are so many boring as fuck novels...
Mfw rejected for publication again
Worth reading or is it /pol/ tier garbage?
The Name of the Wind
How come the Quran is so trash compared to the Bible?
Books on Depression
High T Alpha Male safe-space
Maps of Meaning
Tfw to intelligent to not be an optimistic nihilist
Carl Jung: Better than Freud
Veeky Forums's thoughts on Lord of the Flies?
Native Americans
College Thread
Recent Haul
Write what's on your mind
Is it true that the culture, mythology, history, etc...
Will reading analytic philosophy make me a better writer?
Lit humor
Is the best and most accessible refutation of Max Stirner in Western literature?
Guys, it's a hot and sunny day in London and I'm in the University of London campus area...
What is a writers beard? And what is the best?
Where do I start?
God is necessary and must exist
I'm looking to start reading Instruction Manuals. Any and all kinds of Instruction Manuals
I need some literature that's like Evangelion
Who was in the wrong here?
Building a home library
I read about 60 pages of great expectations in total last night and today. It's really incredibly boring as fuck
What does Veeky Forums think of Roger Scruton?
Powerful entity as old as the universe
What am I in for
How the FUCK do you take the hedonism pill?
Why did americans ruin liberalism?
What's the best book on Alexander Hamilton?
Post the name of the author, his canon novel and a novel that is better then the canon by the same author
J. R. R. Tolkien died on September 2, 1973
Next book when?
We are all dependant upon the machine, and if the machines stopped working most of us would die...
Cool covers? cool covers
Is epiphenomenalism the best theory of consciousness we have thus far?
Okay Veeky Forums
When he's gone, who will defend the canon?
I know you should Start with the Greeks
[[ ]] The postmodern meltdown of culture into the economy is triggered by the fractal interlock of commoditization and...
Voyeuristically sharing my diary with all you strangers. i like to read other people's diaries on this site too...
Was Christianity a mistake for Europe?
Any books like this philosophy? I want to know more
Is this book any good?
How would their conversation go?
Infinite Jest
Your early writing efforts
Alan Watts
"Open Shakespeare," I used to say to these admirers, "wherever you like, or wherever it may chance...
Does free will exist
ITT: Post a piece of art and get a book recommendation
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
I love Bertrand Russell. He is my favorite outspoken atheist. And he was a fellow tobacco piper too
Would you still read as much as you do, if you had a satisfactory social life?
So is this just the same thing, over and over, in small bites, throughout the whole book?
Have any of you read any of his books?
What does Veeky Forums think about the ebook? Is it worth getting...
What are some good books to read while chain-smoking?
He's the kind of dude who is quick to broadcast that he's read difficult literature: Gravity's Rainbow is "masochistic...
The Bible is historical because it says so in the Bible!
Free will
Post the current book you're reading and the probable path of books that will follow it
I want to believe in God but I can't stop viewing it as a ploy to control poor people via an Oedipal father complex...
Wtf i love japanese literature now
Max Stirner
Which philosophical question defines your life or your pursuit of knowledge?
How do you get faster at reading?
Philosopher majors of Veeky Forums, how is/was it? I'm strongly considering majoring in it in college
Be born into high IQ workaholic "white trash" family on upward economic trajectory
Well lads... is it true? Is Kafka overrated?
What are the 5 to 10 essential books everyone should read to avoid being a pleb...
Post books you got memed into reading
ITT: Veeky Forums approved Twitter accounts
Tfw I can finally fuck Simon
So, user, how's your dream of becoming a fous writer coming along? Write anything lately?
Optimism is Cowardice
Vocabulary size
Tfw I literally don't have the balls to live life the way I want
Reads Nietzsche
Jordan Peterson:
Just finished reading the Inferno. I think its the best storu told. However, I would like /lits/ interpertation on it
Are Koreans the most anti-intellectual culture?
Tfw reading Republic for the first time
Pompeii Graffiti
Is Veeky Forums gay?
Unironically the Dostoevsky of our time
This thread is not about literature but I'm going to try to keep it alive for one full week
Why is contemporary literature so fucking bad?
ITT: the absolute worst thing you were forced to read as a child
Supposing work is the highest virtue, and life is only about money, why aren't more people rich?
Has anyone ever tried to contact their favorite author?
Send my crush 400 words of brilliant, refined prose
Rate my stack? Picked these up at the used book store for about $250, I think it was a good haul
Let's try one of these threads
Well, lit?
Do you guys ever reread books?
New interview with our guy!
Was this the moral of the book?
Hey Veeky Forums, what are the funniest novels you've read?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
I'm 100% sure this has been asked a milion times, but what's your opinion on Jordan B Peterson?
Why are racists/sexists (mostly white thrash) so fundamentally poor at any kind of reason...
I was asked to write why writing and reading are meaningful to me for the diagnostic essay of writing 101...
Wich one is the best Lovecraft story? I would vote for The Shadow over Innsmouth
3x3 thread
How many hours per day do you spend reading Veeky Forums?
Why are this demographic's books predominantly shit. It's not just a problem of teen girl romance being a huge genre...
ITT: Books you hold as a personal 10/10. We all have a book that is nothing but perfect in our eyes
So who are some up and coming geniuses in the field of literature, philosophy and the humanities in general?
TFW monolingual
Name every book
Writing a 1000-page novel
Do youse reckon this is worth a buy?
Is it really time to stop reading white male authors Veeky Forums?
Has anyone here stumbled upon the Colin Yost hatetrain that developed on Twitter?
I almost started Moby Dick today
Is it possible to be a nihilist without becoming depressed and crippled by anxiety?
Take the Qur'an challenge! If you think the Qur'an is so wrong...
French Veeky Forums
Why did he never get accepted into any publication? dude was one of us and they all just wanted chad writers?
Reminder you'll always be a newfag until you've read Veeky Forums's Big Four
Minecraft: The Island
I'm going to use up all my vacation time and rent a cabin out in the woods...
What book changed it all for you, Veeky Forums? I'm talking perspective-changing stuff that made you see the world...
CIA to play JJ
We STRONGLY encourage submissions from persons of color, immigrants and the undocumented...
Haha this guy thinks he has free will!!! LoL!!!
500 million copies sold
If I want to start getting into philosophy, do I have to start with the greeks?
How old were you when you realised that sex was worthless and disgusting?
Poetry Critique Thread
Is he...worse than Rupi?
I'm trying to ID the book she's reading. Anyone have an idea?
Be in philosophy class
What else is some recommended Fashcore reading? Already finished this
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Are there any significant black philosophers? Why? Why not?
Suggest me some surrealist authors, I've only read Kobo Abe and Kafka so far
Veeky Forums I need books that deal with the loss of youth and misspent childhood
What are some books that debunk /pol/shits?
How can women even compete?
Prerequisite readings to better understand Ezra Pound's writings?
Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread thread
What plans do you guys have for making a decent living while saving enough time to read and write on the side...
Let's play a little game
Is antinatalism dangerous?
This is Joshua Cohen, author of Witz and Book of Numbers as well as the recently published Moving Kings...
On my first day of intro to philosophy we were assigned to read and discuss DFW's Fish in Water commencement speech
Press F
Who is the best philosopher and why is it Ludwig Wittgenstein?
Daily reminder that publishing without a nom de plume is LITERALLY being a tripfag IRL
Welcome to Literature 101. Let's start off with an icebreaker, introduce yourselves by telling us your name...
Tfw you realise this board is 99% intellectual posturing and but a tiny fraction of the userbase actually feel an iota...
I am ugly, prospectless, friendless, will never experience romantic love, and have no real skill
/HPG/: Harry Potter General
What's your Pynchon collection?
What are Irish people like? Are they as magical as their writing or is it fake and they are a bunch of trashy slobs?
Who's the first postmodern philosopher? is it Hegel?
Remember when publishers were shitting their pants about these things killing their market?
Ywn never write lyrics as beautiful about sailing into destiny
Is Proust the greatest prose stylist ever?
Just got this
Holy shit. This fucking masterpiece is the greatest work of art I have ever come across
Short Story Collections
Anyone read this?
What's better for a first read, poem then commentary or flipping back and forth between them?
Lets all write a one take about the moon...
Catholic Literature General
What would happen if they were in the same room
Rome used to be Orthodox. Their apostasy is due maimly to two factors: the (forged) Donation of Constantine...
What is the most esoteric book you've read?
Green-pill me on Jordan Peterson
Is postmodernism ultimately a necessary part of Western thought and literature, as some sort of natural progression...
*gives a quote for the back of the book you're reading*
Should i read Lord of the rings or watch it?
Is the French goblin the best writer today?
Why does Pynchon appear to reference MK Ultra in books published before the program was uncovered?
Any recommendations of contemporary literature?
Who were/are poets and writers who had success with women or lived bohemian live surrounded by women?
Book about Veeky Forums
Why is Socrates so sassy in the dialouges?
In what works can I find the philosophic basis of hedonism?
Is there any way to increase IQ? Is there any book that can...
Anybody knows anything about writing as means of therapy? I'm not really involved in any sort of therapy...
Is Dr. /Sadler/ a scammer?
What version of the Bible should I read? Which is most authentic?
Creates Demiurge
Why does "spoil" account for both
In your best prose, complete the following:
Any good books on the legacy of colonialism and white exploitation of africa?
Was Veeky Forums ever good?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Writing General
Have you read the Bible?
Was this excessive
What is the greatest epiphany you've ever had, Veeky Forums, and why?
Tfw feeling absolutely disillusioned after finding out your favorite writer, Nabokov...
How has reading literature affected you?
Making arguments you yourself don't believe for a paper
Homer's poems were writ from a free fury, an absolute and full soul; Virgil's out of a courtly, laborious...
Best sustained allegories in literature
Hey Veeky Forums, what are your thoughts on plot-holes or inconsistencies in plot? To what extent do they weaken a work?
This book, along with Nicholas Nickleby, almost killed my interest in reading...
Teach me extensively about subject, object, and indirect object in grammar
What is the DEEPEST thing you've read? what's the book that made you go: "whoa... really made me think.."
How come Veeky Forums never talks about James Baldwin?
Where do I start with German fascist and conservative intellectuals? Prewar and postwar
Does anybody know the law regarding selling custom and modified books?
I decided to take a chance with the Goon-Pill and I am quite glad I have done so
With liberals beginning to censor everything, which works of fiction can we expect banned in the near future?
Scottish Veeky Forums
Can we PLEASE have a rational and sober discussion about the implications of this magnificent and supreme work?
Notes from the Underground
What do you Veeky Forums niggas think about BBC's new Pidgin service?
Holy Fuck Warhammer looks Badass as hell!
This is the worst poetry comp I've ever read... Its almost satire...
The greatest philosopher of our time has endorsed the trolley problem meme. It's over, Veeky Forums
Funny Books
Which starter book(s) can I read to give myself a grounding in philsophy in order to better understand difficult texts?
Write something edgy
Beat/Kerouac general
ITT: recommend a book to your 16 year-old self
Is there any good MGTOW literature?
Horror Depressing books
Why can't black people write good literature?
Jews are the Chosen Pe-
Sexual liberation as a form of control
ITT post a subject matter and anons respond with the best authors/books concerning that subject matter
Post a name
Reading on the toilet
Why Do People Think GR Is So Hard?
Essential Kidcore
Modernism vs Postmodernism | Unemployed Philosopher
Are some sexual preferences/fetishes more literary or patrician than others...
Reading is so unfulfilling...
"Thou Shalt!"
Deux-mille dix-sept
Descartes was a fag and this crafty Judean right here is the real break from pre-modern philosophy
There has never been a woman writer on the level of Tolstoy, Shakespeare
In a lit class
Try my hand at writing grimy bloody torture slasher
No longer human
Reading on the train
Do we excpet Bloom's list of western canon?
Numbers 12:1-10
What is the basis of morality?
Whats the best book you've read this summer?
ITT: Post your most contrarian literary opinions
Make this picture Veeky Forums-related
What is the problem with this?
Proust Appreciation Thread
Goodreads reviews
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Who are the angriest fiction writers?
If you had a chance to ask Aristotle what he thought of the idea of writing about physical science for general readers...
A board of people who think in memes and whose favorite book is Moby Dick disapprove of Harry Potter for reliance on...
Tfw you live post 9/11 and can no longer become a starving expatriate writer in Paris
Need an analogy
Take lsd
Thrawn/Zahn = Overrated
Do you agree with this picture
ITT: good looking authors
Is this picture true?
He hasn't taken the Deleuze Pill yet
The biggest cope perhaps of all time is that reading makes you more intelligent
What are some video games with good stories? please only post what you think is actual good writing or storytelling...
When did you finally accept the separation of body and soul?
Is there a good book on understanding women? Their mentality towards each other, men, and what they seek
What is the point of our existence, or any living thing's existence for that matter...
“By no means would I describe Adolph Hitler as sexually normal in his relationships with women...
Why haven't you abandoned literature for genre fiction? you're not a manlet, are you?
What are some good books by St. Thomas Aquinas and/or St Augustine which counter arguments this neo atheism...
Fascist Literature
Anti Leninist lit
Really hot and sunny day in London
In what order should I read Nietzsche ?
What are some great conflicts/fights of authors in literature?
'''Stack Thread:''' sup Veeky Forums just went book shopping. lets have a stack thread? r8 my stack
Fuck me
Does every writer, including ones who are now renowned as masters of the craft and geniuses, start off shit?
What is the best way to spend my Sunday as a subhuman ugly loser loner beta in London...
Is gender a spook?
Does anyone else here feels really disillusioned with the feasibility of philosophical inquiry as a method to reach...
Books for future children to be raised on
Can someone please redpill me on Strunk and White? Is this book really essential reading if I want to be a writer?
Write what's on your mind
When the fuck did this board become "western philosophy and political science"?
Bookstore cringe stories
Atheists, how do you deal with the reality that Christian thinkers are the very apex of all literature...
Any books on the ethical questions surrounding prostitution?
Overrated "Classics"
Is it even possible for one to remain a confident atheist after reading, with an open mind, Plato, Aristotle...
What the FUUUUUUUUUUCK! My mind just melts down when I read shit like this...
25+ general
Feedback for my
Redpill me on Huellenbecq. is he a reactionary?
Whats the fastest you ever dropped a book?
The Night Land (1912)
*blocks your path*
ITT: books you read as a kid/teen that gave you a fetish. I'll start
Was Tolstoy right about Shakespeare?
The translation The one that reads as if english were his native language
ITT: important books that Veeky Forumsizens ignore because they only read books comfortably selected for them by the...
Just finished reading madame Bovary (I'm French). First thing I'm reading seriously since I decided to dive into novels...
ITT books women will never understand
Was booze the only reason for his success?
For the past 1 year or so I became too much of a /pol/ack
Hot and sunny day in London
What is /Nael/s endgame?
Muh Chesterton
Can somebody give me a quick rundown on "the greeks"?
Can someone give me a quick rundown on him?
How do I evolve out of Vonnegut/King/Palahniuk core?
What am I in for?
Very rarely do you get the question and the answer on the cover of a book
I really have to doubt he was able to turn the pages that quickly with his chubby sausage fingers
Can someone give me a quick rundown on this guy?
Anything I should read / know before diving into pic related?
Does anyone have a reading guide for Nietzsche?
Veeky Forums Hobbies
What's the best bible for Catholics? Bonus points if annotated
ITT: We post the plebbiest thing you have ever done, Veeky Forums related
Books that aren't real
So. Is The Dresden Files a poorly written wish-fulfillment with a Gary Stu main protagonist
You're going to die one day
On Christianity and its faithfuls (mostly about white american men)
"Is there anybody here who believes in God?"
The The Literature of Contemporary Progressivism
ITT: books that changed the way you see the world
Read/expected/got bread:
Memes aside
You ain't born a woman: you become one
Be me
So how does this guy feel about all of his fans being neets and antisemites?
Despite being a Jewish board we don't nearly talk enough about Jewish literature...
For a week or so I've been infiltrating liberal cuck circles by appearing like them and consuming basic liberal media...
The great Irish novel is about a cuckold jew
Why does Veeky Forums hate him?
What is final boss of literature?
What did he mean by this?
Is panentheism heretical?
What book do you think about the most?
Postmodernism Is the Cancer of the Spirit
Ready Player One
So apparently all religions just plagiarized the story of horus...
Tfw a girl sits next to you on the train and asks what you're reading
Any books that explain how capitalism allows $300 cardboard fruit bowls to be a thing?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Tfw you're backed up with so many religious books including gifts and loans you haven't any time for secular reading
Main character is a writer
Hey bro!
The Big G
Fucking hell the quality of this board has gone down
Shall I go outside in to central London and sit and walk around...
Is there a single writer harder to understand?
How old are you fellas?
/Manga/ thread
Can someone explain to me how in the fuck Lovecraft is supposed to be scary in the least?
There's an lgbt literature course in the multicultural literature studies at my college this semester (it cycles...
Why are musicians who composed complex works (Mozart, Beethoven, Bach) much more productive than writers?
Are there any awards that are actually worth caring about? Pic unrelated
The saddest book
Useless degrees vs. STEM
Just read this, what else should I read to learn more about the history of art?
Is there a book about approaches manhood in the same way like The Second Sex does women? Red pills need not apply...
First-timer in literature
What went wrong, Veeky Forums?
I write cheesy high school romance stories and shipping fanfiction
I'm super new to Veeky Forums. Just bought this badass because i want to make reading one of my new hobbies...
Take a look at wiki article on Watership Down
I think I'm the smartest person living in this shithole
Best Economics Books
What did you guys think of this...
Veeky Forums's hero is a fucking STEMfag
Who else /slow reader/? It takes 2-3 weeks average for one book
ITT we post our favourite book covers
Music for reading
Stale turns of phrases
Never posted here before, Im a /pol/ac/k/ but I would like some honest criticism on a scifi story I'm writing...
Tfw so bored with life
Thoughts on this guy? I think he's pretty great as far as pulp authors go. I met him at a con once, nice guy
Do far-left readers of Nietzsche just flat out ignore chapter 9 of BG&E?
What did he mean by this?
/stack/ bread
Let me see those opening paragraphs
Of the non-English speaking countries and regions, which would you say has the overall greatest literature...
Are his novels good? Did anyone give them a look?
How's that novel coming, Veeky Forums?
What the fuck was he trying to convey this time
According to Kant, "4 is greater than 3" is a priori, for it requires no previous experience...
Writing feedback thread? Post your stuff, give constructive critique or tear it a new one whatever
What is the most nihilistic book you've ever read?
Best Bhagavad Gita translation?
Out of all the possible dumb material in the Universe you happen to occupy the small amount that are heavy atoms
Quick test thread to see how long it takes for Veeky Forums's version of barneyfag to appear posting the same copypasta...
This one is for all the christfags on Veeky Forums
ITT: Books on the Sea
Wew lad
Where are ΟΥΤΙΣ and Girardfag now? I miss them
Have you preordered this yet, Veeky Forums?
Name a bigger pseud
Did Russians ever create anything that is remotely original or intellectually complex...
Do you drink while reading?
Have creative writing workshop at uni
Once and for all
Thoughts on this book?
What do you crazy niggers think of 2chan's literature board?
Does it live up to the hype?
What are you reading there user?
Name a better book to guide humankind towards God
Books that women are biologically incapable of understanding
His mistake was not becoming a Christian
Can we all just agree that Ulysses is better than anything Shakespeare wrote? Sure...
Why do we have to give names to things in the world? and why do we have to define ourselves?
When people say JUDEO-christian are they recognizing Marcionism and other gnostics traditions?
Alright Veeky Forums be honest
Tfw deep down I know I'm a pseud
Books to read on adderall?
Books with god tier character development
If a word is used to describe a concept, does that concept necessarily exist?
What are the best critiques of mass society and technology? I'm trying to make a list
Can someone explain to me the concept of Emotional Labour?
Is there any poetry that surpasses or at least matches the greatest music? (Beethoven, Mozart...
Do we agree?
Dan Schneider
What are some books about untalented comedy show hosts who have only ad hom jokes to offer?
What are some books women have a harder time understanding?
I'm planning to shun internet and electronic stuff from my life during a week...
I'm new here so I don't know if this has already been discussed or what not...
Over 80% of Aristotle's works have not survived
What are the most Veeky Forums professions? Bonus points for less conventional answers
Microsoft Onedrive had a glitch today, lost everything I ever stored on it
So do we take this shit literally or not?
Jonathan Franzen
Any poet worth his salt can write prose. But not all prose writers can write poetry
Catholicism Vs. Orthodoxy
I love space movies like Moon and 2001. Are there any good books with the same theme?
Is literature a hobby for only high IQ people?
Muh niggas, there's something that has bother me latelly
Anyone else find that ol' Melville drags it on a bit at times? I mean...
I really enjoyed pic related, I've read it twice. Really comfy read. But it's not very challenging...
What is Veeky Forumss opinion on deckle edged books?
/sffg/ - Science Fiction and Fantasy General
Joyce is the cancer
Ayn Rand
Uni Lit department releases list of "Recommended POC authors."
What are some good books about serial killers or crime?
How does one make good right-leaning litterature ?
Best political books
Popular threads on Veeky Forums right now
Books about curbstomping liberals, nu-women, celebs, and jews?
The opening with Eru creating Arda is one of the greatest things I've ever read
Thinking about getting a PhD in Literature
Why does Peterson never mention Stirner?
Name five books, anons tell you what to read first
Holy fuck why is Greek History so hard to read...
My girlfriend broke up with me recently, and its pretty much devastated me. I've come across some money recently...
How can objective morality exist in a godless universe?
Why does /lit hate this again?
Picked up a few books today. What do I begin with?
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
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