Why are you restricting your self to one language
Why are you restricting your self to one language
I am learning german and japanese someone help me please ;-;
Can anyone who's studied/learned ancient Greek, either in a structured setting or independently, vouch for this text's quality? It's either this or I start Wheelock's.
不知道means he doesnt know if another language exists.
会用 is "can use"
I've taught myself kraut for the past couple years and know it well enough to have gotten into a 2002 class. Thanks duolingo and /int/
I wanna learn russian and korean next though, any tips for those?
Currently learning Nip and searching for stuff to read in Spanish to bolster my vocab.
IIRC that book does not have an answer key available. If you are studying independently that might (should?) be a concern for you. Consider Introduction to Attic Greek by Mastronarde, which has an answer key published in a separate volume.
>wasted 5 years of my life getting to a competent level of japanese
>now that I can understand anime and read manga perfectly I grew out of japanese stuff a year ago
>language is now useless
Avoid intensive course readers. They all adhere to very old methods of teaching (linguistics rather than language acquisition) that don't mesh with any research on SLA. Get Polis or Athenaze or any grammar with a ton of reading at scaled difficulty
maybe you can read actual japanese lit?
Muss man Sprache lernen.
shouldn't it rly be “不会说” though?
most of you idiots barely write english competently. you are half a step up from mlp in terms of literacy
you really think its a good idea to waste time on a foreign language?
¿Qué es tu nível? yo por mí parte después de colegio leí un poco de Unamuno, Borges etc, aunque el lenguaje puede ser un poco arcaíco a veces. Leo una traducción de Lolita ahora y me ha rasgado un nuevo ojete
not OP, but it should
not OP, but it should.
Duolingos Russian is pretty ok and Dvach(Russian Veeky Forums) has an /int/ board where you can talk to the Russian versions of yourself.
Good luck.
English is the language of business and everything that is important will get translated for me. There's no need to learn another language.
I'm interested in Japanese but is there even any decent literature? I know about Osamu Dazai and a few others, but it seems to me like Russian is the ultimate Veeky Forums language.
its funny when american are stupid
I'd consider learning Japanese just to read Mishima if I weren't a weeb already. That said, Russian is also great.
> pragmatism is stupid
Very fine joke, friend! I'll be over here enjoying the bounty of all the world's literature while you slave away trying to decipher the ten relevant books your country has made in its history.
I'm taking weeb classes and study French when I can make the time.
Also want to learn Korean somewhere down the line, and some Scandinavian language.
I'm trying to learn three languages at once
Wish me luck r/Veeky Forums!
mololingual anglotards get out of my board please
if you don't learn arabic you will never be able to appreciate the Qu'ran
If everyone would stop pretending to speak Chinese... Westerners embarrass themselves in this language constantly while patting themselves on the back at their own accomplishments. Wait... never mind, pretending to speak Chinese is the perfect hobby for Veeky Forums
Any YouTube stuff that could be useful for a German learner?
What should I do to improve my Spanish?? I just started and there aren't many Spanish speakers near me.
> Qu'ran
The hamza comes after the rā’, my friend.
Do you have any tips for a Norwegian learner? I just started using Duolingo.
*¿Cuál es/Cómo es tu nivel?
wow what a retard
how about trying to read some actual novels? oh wait your japanese isn't good enough for that.
There's some. If you want to read about how shit Russia was in the 19th century and read all their rambling shit then yeah go for russian instead.
Jaja monolinguos pendejos
Read EL Eternauta, easy but worth it
Those girls with "Learn German with X" in their channel names are pretty good, and I've seen /int/ Germans recommending those.
Help me choose:
Greek or Russian
cyкa блять
The choice is:
1. Ancient Greek
2. Russian
9001. Modern Greek.
Hey, there are also options of how shit Russia was in the 18th century and how shit Russia was in the 20th century. You may even find some decent contemporary lit about 21st century.
I want to learn japanese. I as of yet dont speak any of it, not even basics. Where is a good point to start? Which websites are especially helpful? Is the juice even worth the squeeze?
Go to /jp/ or /int/, find the daily japanese thread (djt), read and follow the guide.
Will do, thanks my man.
Es mezquino
Holy shit this is magnificent, how did I not know about this site before?
>tfw there are people who speak less than 3 languages fluently
learn the kana
download anki
download 2k/6k vocab deck
develop a base of vocab (alternatively start reading immediately)
read some more
read some more
read some more
fewer than*
Are you me? At least learning Japanese got me into Heian and Edo period literature and folklore
种 is an appropriate classifier for 语言, as is 门
if you were pointing to "一种" as a whole, you’re looking at it the wrong way. 一 is a part of 另一 which means "another".
English native but parents are Spanish so I grew up listening to it all the time. I can't speak it as quickly as I should be able to and don't write for shit. Picking up Japanese made me feel a bit bad about not knowing Spanish as well as I should so I planned to start reading. Thanks for the recs.