What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Gas the kikes

The sun was warm

kill yourself before your mother dies

in her sleep tonight haha

He meant 'you retard shoulda read Desert of the Tartars'.

Arabs were a mistake gas the sun solar war now

No, what did he mean by THIS

Meursault was autistic


he meant reader fucking Kierkegaard or Heidegger or some other existentialist author worth a damn

Atheism without other values to replace religion will fuck you up


Are there any other books with autistic protagonists that were written before autism became common knowledge?

Notes from Underground, arguably.

Global warming is really going to suck for french arabs.

Crime and punishment
Catcher in the rye
Sound and the fury

Bit off topic but just finished the plague today and I was pretty underwhelmed. Twas rather average I liked the stranger because he shot an Arab.

Camus is a hack. I've just finishef the myth of sisyphus and I couldn't believe how naive and poorly written it is. Especially the parts when he comments the philosophy of Husserl, Camus obviously didn't understand a thing.

The point is, he didn't have anything profound to say in the stranger. I found the book amusing when I was a kid, but it really has no literary value.

He thinks that arabs are mounting a subversive invasion into europe, facillatated, aided, and abetted by the globalists, cultural marxists, and illuminati. And therefore the only proper action of the aryan man is to shoot these fucking due coons where they stand, and never repent. White is right motherfucker. Be proud of your heritage and identity, don't let these fucking camel jockeys overrun our beatuiful white nations.

He was definitely ahead of his time.

funny man.


This only counts if we find the phrase in the original French and in the translation of the plane scene match up.

In the French dubbing, he says

and I just checked my copy and the original text is

>he shot an Arab


>The point is, he didn't have anything profound to say in the stranger. I found the book amusing when I was a kid, but it really has no literary value.
I found this too but can't quite put my finger on it, something about mersault is annoying.

It's the autism.

That only one enemy remained; two if you counted the Sun