Childhood is believing Sam Harris' concept of objective truth

Childhood is believing Sam Harris' concept of objective truth.

Adulthood is realizing that Peterson's idea of utility as truth is historically accurate and thus the actual underpinnings [TRUTH] of the world/simulation we collectively inhabit.

both of them are gay.

peterson's idea of truth is more dangerous and degenerate than all the gosh darn postmodernists put together (cause he should know better)

What is the truth of utility?

Truth just means whatever people believe to be so.

Truth is realizing that Jordan Peterson is just a korean guy wearing a mask

Using childhood/adulthood meme dichotomy is always very unfortunate user

no its not. he needs to call it moral hazard, but it is true

people who make claims need tovbavk it up, and if it ends horribly for them, they need to be declared wrong

Are there actually people who think that humans can obtain knowledge that is objective? Lol.

>something is true because it beneficial

Yeah, positivism is one hell of a drug

>other subjects in this thread have yet to grasp the identity of subject-object identity and subject-object non-identity

>keep what is working

Yes. Hence why the holocaust is true, but it didn't happen.

/pol/ is that way buddy

reading enough of either of these charlatans work to be familiar with their positions on anything is absolutely fetal.

>utility as truth

This isn't Peterson's idea at all.

I was quoting a jew.

Well go on then.

Adulthood is realizing both are retarded pop-philosophers who have nothing of interest to say that hasn't been said by much better thinkers

This. Honestly any 'philosopher' with a youtube fandom is going to be a moron, the format is deeply prescriptive & simplifying.

I don't know anything about Peterson other than the memes and that he quotes Nietzsche. If he likes Nietzsche then he believes in objective truth but that we can only arrive at that truth through a personal struggle.

Childhood is thinking jordan peterson and sam harris are at the forefront of their ideologies
Adulthood is realizing that they're not actually philosophically relevant and more famous for their placements in movements than their ideas.

Peterson is essentially saying that how we modern people use the word truth is actually a euphemism for scientific categories in the material world, e.g physical facts.

But his estimation is that capital T-truth must also include not only physical facts, but mythopoetic, wisdom-based, and behavioral categories, e.g moral and ethical categories, because that is what truth meant for most people in history.

He is actually pointing out the fact-value distinction, just through his own lens as a psychologist, and Sam Harris in particular wasn't even ready to admit such a distinction even exists philosophically, which it does.


Careful how you word that. Objective truth =/= logos. Nietzsche's perspectivism was a double edged sword, on one hand one of the greatest insights in philosophy since ancient Greeks, on the other hand the instrument that led to the clusterfuck in philosophical thought that was the 20th century.

It's the pragmatist theory of truth articulated about 100 years ago

ugh that's such a problematic word
yallz should really stop fetishizing over it


Elderhood is realizing both are just making shit up ad hoc to bolster their ideologies.

William James leaves both Ben Stiller and Peterson in the dust.

>The most ancient parts of truth . . . also once were plastic. They also were called true for human reasons. They also mediated between still earlier truths and what in those days were novel observations. Purely objective truth, truth in whose establishment the function of giving human satisfaction in marrying previous parts of experience with newer parts played no role whatsoever, is nowhere to be found. The reasons why we call things true is the reason why they are true, for "to be true" means only to perform this marriage-function

If it works, is it not then true enough?