Racism In Publishing

>"UK publishing industry remains 90% white, survey finds"

>"Research indicates diversity has improved in recent years, but a generational change is needed to balance the book trade, according to researchers"

>“I think publishers have been very proactive in trying to encourage diversity” said bookcareers.com’s Suzanne Collier. “But it is going to take a long time for this to take hold, and until that figure is reduced to about 60/40 we have not got true diversity.”"


Why the FUCK is Britain so racist?

90% of people working in publishing are white!!?!?

When only 87% of the British population is white!?!?!


Other urls found in this thread:


Europeans will always be more racist. They are just figuring out that implicit bias exists, for example. This is also the same country that's cool with being horribly racist to Poles because you can't be racist against white people.

I bet it's way more jewish than white. Fuck this anti-white bullshit though. They really think they can flood our nations with foreigners and get away with calling us names if we disapprove of our own displacement? Whites need to start destroying this system and sending the hordes back home before we're wiped out by these savages.

Reported for hate speech.

GUESS WHO Veeky Forums



>It's another "quantity over quality because we have to prove how not racist we are" episode

No matter how much you say "hurr durr it's books"
this is clearly not a literature thread
sage in all fields

>UK publishing

It's book-related dumbo.

But it's not literature.

What do publishing houses do? What is their function? Do you think they may, perhaps, have some role in the publishing of the literature you read? Think for a sec, and prepare for your mind to be blown!

Veeky Forums is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to Veeky Forums. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either Veeky Forums or Veeky Forums, but ideally those discussions of philosophy that take place on Veeky Forums should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

oi, bin that thought m8 or it's off to the gulags with you where 15 Salafists will shiv you into a state of pure tolerance

>specifically books

There you go.

report non-literature threads
sys.Veeky Forums.org/lit/imgboard.php?mode=report&no=9990564

Brits are just as bad as Swedes

Fuck it, I'm an anti-semite, the evidence is too strong

Discussions about the state of the publishing industry is definately Veeky Forums friend, more than a lot of other threads that are never questioned
Just because a topic makes you uncomfortable doesn't make it off-topic

You are a counter-semite. Remember, there's nothing unnatural about opposing jewish hatred of white people. It's normal and healthy. Welcome to resistance though, friend.

*Wrong picture attached by accident.

Its probably better than your originally planned one




yeah,"white" people suck

False, it's Veeky Forums

We're not talking about books in this thread

Lol, are you honestly this triggered dude? Do you have a dog in this fight or something?



Maybe you aren't, which is unfortunate, but I for one am talking about books.


Wow, what a shocking statistic! More needs to be done to replace white people with ethnic minorities in the publishing industry. I hope this will lead to more authors of colour being published!

A schnoz in it most likely.



Dumbass the 'publishing industry' isn't just published authors. Are we talking about administrators and booksellers here too? Fuck off.


There is no logical, rational reason for you to be so emotionally invested in trying to get this thread censored considering the current state of the catalog. Very suspicious behavior my man.



There's no logical reason you would post it in the first place is what I'm saying. Politics and aesthetics are separate unless you're a postmodernist.

I posted it to make you bookfags kill yourselves, praise keg and burn books

Not me.

The publishing industry is relevant to Veeky Forums

If you can't appreciate that, it's your problem.

You really hate off-topic threads don't you?

kill yourself bookcuck

You know what's more relevant to Veeky Forums? Discussing actual books instead of reading articles about industries related to books. You know what you are doing here faggot.

Veeky Forums isn't for bookshit anymore tard, this is now a twitter screenie subchan and bookfags tie the noose

Then go do that in another thread.

Pic related are some of the fine, relevant threads you can go join right now!

he's right, tho
even in america almost all publishers are white

too much book faggotry on this board still

Sure if you join a relevant board like Veeky Forums

Nah, I'll think I'll stay right here and continue posting about literature-related topics on the literature board. Thanks!

Veeky Forums is for the discussion of books not businesses.

you'd be pretty redpilled if you stopped paying lip service to the bookcucks and just starting posting anti-book threads but as it is your a fag

The topic of this thread is the publishing industry.

The publishing industry, if you didn't know, is involved with publishing books (i.e. literature)

No, they're jewish.

So talk about the books they publish. If you want to discuss the publishing business, go to Veeky Forums. If the politics of the publishing business interests you, go to /pol/.

books are not important
I am here to save future generations from wasting another second on reading

Your whining is becoming rather boring I'm afraid.

identity politics is a cancer that must be cleansed


>The vast majority of respondents – 84.6% - were female,
>“I think publishers have been very proactive in trying to encourage diversity … in their companies,”


ayy ayay so hol up, hol up, * smacks lips*. So yo saying yo won't publish my 101 welfare collecting tips. SHHEEEII nigga yo be racis, yo just wanna keep a brother down and help whitey out. * Drinks mult liquer*

Just cauz the white man make computing difficult n' sheiit so we cantz get dose good jobs, u know what I'm sayin? * breaths through teeth*

yuz justz be jelous that we wuz KANGZ!!!!

You've run out of things to say for a reason other than finding the conversation boring. I would say I'll see you around in another thread but I don't think you're the type to discuss literature.

I'll be here every day that a bookfag still draws breathe

cuz blacks dindu nuffin

Fuck, is the UK really only 87% white? What a rapid demographic change. How insane do you have to be to let that happen.

That's why you can't let jews into your country, man. It's probably much lower than that among younger cohorts.

London's ethnic population:

2001 - 60% white British

2011 - 44% white British

2021 - 33% white British (projected)



>industries related to books

Nigga its publishing not paper manufacturing

>So talk about the books they publish

We are, specifically in relation to their authors
Unless you think there should be a separate board for talking about writers too cucklord

holy shit, (they) pay attention to everything, nothing can escape to the eternal diversity propaganda. I would have never even thought about that, but they go and they find that the % of races is not what they like and they make an article about it, just incredible, nothing escapes to them

“But it is going to take a long time for this to take hold, and until that figure is reduced to about 60/40 we have not got true diversity.”"

Man... /pol/ was right. Diversity really is all about reducing whites.

Britain is around 85% White.

British publishing is around 90% White

The Jewish researcher who authored the study and is quoted in the article (in the publication edited by a Jew) feels things won't be equal until only 60% of those working in publishing at most are White.

yeah but dude how can you even be racist to white people lmao to be honest family

Don't send him there, /out/ is a good board.

Le slowepowk xD


>REEEEEEEEEEEEE stop talking about THIS
>Publishing and Authors has nothing to do with books!
>*Thinly disguised false flag Alt-Right shitposting*

I want /leftypol/ to go

Risking it all


What said is absolutely correct. Jews are disproportionately represented in the publishing industry.


What is supposed to be subtle about this, why even try?

I know, the Jews are really reaching on this one


>thinly veiled pol thread
>people taking the bait

Authors aren't books. And this thread isn't talking about specific authors and their work , it's a thinly veiled politics thread that talks about the statistics of authors as a group

bumping a woke thread



Still not off topic tho

this; europeans might be more "lefty" than americans, but its all labor-centric. americans have been dealing with racial issues for faaarr longer. Europe was all white until they imported guest workers after wwii, and it shows in their politics. Anti-racism over there is mostly just social posturing derived from watching/listening to Americans. They stand against "hate" because they hate to ever feel awkward or uncomfortable. They don't care what happens politically as long as their leaders and country have good optics (currently muh tolerance) and can go about their pointless and comfortable lives.

literally not a thread about literature, as has been demonstrated to you multiple times as literature is books and the contents within, and the statistics of a group of people is not books
>not off topic
Go back to /pol/
Sage does not go in all fields, because it is illegal. Do not take it to mean I am not sageing your thread. Do not take it to mean I am not bumping your thread to the moon either though

Except its not just optics, several major countries in Europe are seriously contemplating a short distance future where whites become a minority


why are dogs so fucking stupid?

What is their endgame? They really want to see the world burn, don't they?

And don't say it's just jews being jews, because it's not.

They're looking out for their own. Because why wouldn't you when you're God's chosen people

>“I think publishers have been very proactive in trying to encourage diversity” said bookcareers.com’s Suzanne Collier. “But it is going to take a long time for this to take hold
>still trying to strawman the article as "WTF PUBLISHING COMPANIES ARE RACIST I HATE WHITE PEOPLE"
Please try to contribute a higher quality of post in the future.

The reason they're bitching about this can be explained with one word: London. Publishing belongs to London, is mostly full of middle class pseudo-intellectuals who believe London is the center of human civilization and The City must *always* be represented, that's why they're saying 60/40 diversity even though the UK is 87% white, because 60/40 is the London ethnic ratio.

I've always despised London, but its quickly becoming an actual thorn in Britain's side. They can take their 1/3rd GDP blood money and their yuppie culture and sink beneath the Thames for all I care. Its basically a UN colony anyway.

Heres a thought. Does it really matter that one industry is predominantly white? I mean, for a lot of Asians, publishing isn't strictly a successful career which a lot of Asian parents aspire their kids for. They want them in STEM or business etc, publishing and writing are very competitive and takes time to get recognised. So when upper-class white folks who have been educated and pursued the field for a while, for their parents most likely encouraged them, why the fuss?

There are fair amount of Asian/Black/Latin writers, who have been published and are successful, but for a majority of immigrants and their children, publishing is too much of a risk, so they are disuaded.