French Veeky Forums

Hit me with the best of the frogs.

t. chad

Other urls found in this thread:

His wife is a pedophile

Proust - In Search of Lost Time
Flaubert - Madame Bovary
Montaigne - Essays
Corneille, Racine, Molière - plays
Voltaire - Candide
Baudelaire - The Flowers of Evil
Stendhal - The Red and the Black

"My thoughts are too complex for journalists."

>tfw thoughts too complex



Macron is somehow brilliant, dislikable, based and funny all at the same time.


I had mixed feelings about Genet. While I enjoyed his depictions of crime, poverty and faggotry, his philosophizing came across as moronic.

I've actually come to really like Macron in the last few months. He's not a far-right nationalist, but he seems to be the only person in the neo-liberal order who understands that you shouldn't let Germany run Europe. He's done a lot of good to maneuver Angela Merkel out of her role as the all-powerful Queen Europa, and honestly, her public image has plummeted as well as Germany's.
Now, I don't know if he's trying to reclaim Paris as the capital of Europe because he has some underlying sense of patriotism under that thin veneer of global statesmanship, or if he's doing it because he's an egotistic maniac who wants to be King himself. In the end, it doesn't really matter. I just really hope he succeeds. The European Union has always been something I could honestly get behind if it wasn't run by the Germans. I honestly don't know how anyone who has studied even the briefest bit of history could think that Germany or Merkel have any good intentions. They're evil. They always have been, and they always will be. The way he accomplished his election by using her was brilliant as well. It makes what he's doing now all the sweeter.
Vive l'empereur


He could have been that, but he's not.
His recent colossal fuck up in Eastern Europe cemented by opinion of him. This was the perfect time to get at least five EU members to favor France over Germany in the near future. Instead he went there and bitched about having less social taxes than France (under the Bolkestein directive, in some situations eastern Europeans can work in France while paying Polish or Czech labor/employer taxes instead of the 3x more expensive French ones).
The Polish prime minister appropriately put him in his place. Even the French media, for which Macron is already emperor, had to reluctantly admit his complete fuck up.

>he seems to be the only person in the neo-liberal order who understands that you shouldn't let Germany run Europe. He's done a lot of good to maneuver Angela Merkel out of her role as the all-powerful Queen Europa

what has he done?

Good now someone make a version with the titles in English.

That's exactly why I don't trust you frogs. You're jealous snivelling backstabbers

Fuck off kraut

The stranger, Albert Camus

Candide is cancer. Read Grillet.

Classic: Proust, Montaigne, Moliere, Hugo, Stendhal, de Stael, Perrault, Marivaux, Song of Roland and the other chansons de geste, Racine, Voltaire, de Troyes, de Pizan, Rabelais, de Lafayette, Rosseau, Diderot, Chateaubriand, Balzac, Verne, Zola, Maupassant, Sand, Celine, Satre, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Valery, Corneille, Becket (if you want to count him), Tocqueville, Levi-Strauss, Saint-Exupéry.

Others: Robbe-Grillet, Queneau, Alain-Fournier, Claude Simon, Claude Mauriac, Senges, Roubaud, Jean-Philippe Toussaint


no Flaubert?

Absolutely read Montaigne, its like traveling back in time and having a cool old aristocrat friend talk to you late into the night

Read all of Racine and Corneille, Manon Lescaut (Abbé Prévost), L'Astrée (Honoré d'Urfé), all of Balzac and all of Lafontaine. That should be a good start.

You shall not speak such blasphemies in the presence of gods, swine!

maupassant... bel ami... pff

>everything from Maupassant

also I don't see :
Georges Bataille,
Marguerite Duras,
Robert Merle,
Romain Gary,

and of course Houellebecq

It's because all of those are pure trash, especially Marguerite Duras. Marguerite Duras is just a tanlentless narcissist.

Prosper Merimee
La Rouchefoucauld

its your fault you wont even read anything written by a woman

Marie de France is alright. Marguerite Duras literally in her book talks about how it could be made into a movie, and the whole thing revolves around her little insignificant experience being excited by a pedophile. It's pure trash. It doesn't show or represent any ideas, and the form is ugly.

Maybe someone here could answer this question >inb4 faggot
I know I know je ne sais pas le Francais.

I don't know how you'd begin to translate it. I mean, the writing of those plays are so inextricably tied with French. It's difficult to say if there could even be a translation which is as good as the original. I might sound like a >you have to read it in the original language is you want to understand tripfag, but because the plays are written in alexandrins and part of their beauty lies in that order and rhythm, part of their beauty would be lost in English. I'd say, for Moliere some English translations could do if you want to get to the essence of the story, but for Racine and Corneille, read their plays (in English) that are not based on prior stories, already told by others, like Phèdre, though even then you could read them to see how they thought of the story.

Sounds like Henry Miller.

I'm trying to remember the name of this French author, can some French anons help me?

He went to Lebanon during the civil war and fought in the Maronite militia, later he wrote a book about it. I think he was some sort of fascist or hardcore catholic or something like that.

I'm pretty sure it was never translated into English.

Emmanuel Macron, I am your father. Can't you see this self-evident truth? You will deliver the crown of France to me. Together we will rule all of France, like the monarchs of old, then we will set about achieving world domination. I have faith in you, son.

I forgot, idiotically.

France will only ever be great when it has a monarch crowned by the pope. Moreso than Italy and even Spain, France is the beating heart of Catholicism in Europe, and it needs a ruler who reflects this.

Interesting. It's funny to think that if he had been elected sooner the UK would not have left the EU. More than anything it was German dominance in Europe that alienated the British.


>by the pope

The Catholic Church is still around.

The French Empire is not.

The Coriscan should have just listened to us.

>The Catholic Church is still around.
Not as a political force for anything.

The British alienated the British. The only reason they were in the Eu was to sabotage it (see constant vetoes barrage and the enlargement to EU-28, enginered to make reforms and centralization of the EU impossible). The Gaulle was fucking right.

It's the same shit since 1800: the autistic kraut trying to take over europe, the frogs are powerful but never quite the #1, the eternal Anglo just plotting to stop the born of a continental europe superpower and the Italians just being tossed around because we just can't organize things in a sensible way.

>14 Fructidor year 225
>being a monarchist

>The Catholic Church is still around.
The Church hasn't been alive since Vatican II. John Paul II was able to move it's corpse around in an honestly admirable display of Weekend at Bernie's-esque puppetry, but the institution is a joke now led by a LARPing communist.

I'd like to know this. Enard's Zone is about a Croatian fascist who sorta does what you're describing.

de Retz
Le Duc de Saint-Simon
de Maistre
St. Beuve

What about the Dutch?