Atlas Shrugged is a book people will still be talking about fifty years from now

Atlas Shrugged is a book people will still be talking about fifty years from now.

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So will a lot of trash

About how fucking shit it is

People are still talking about 120 Days of Sodom.

People are still talking about that boring, badly written 'Bible'. They have been for a millenia

Probably true, if only because of the personality cult people like Paul Ryan form around it. But this too shall pass.

Of course. It's one of the most influential novels of the 20th century. But that doesn't make it good.

50 years isn't even a long time....

So is this book. Doesn't mean shit.

Ok first off I enjoy the prose, I know I know. I think occasionally it's beautifully written (slight chubby inducing pic related).

I can deal with the constant absolutely ridiculous art better than thou speeches and cringe inducing conversations for the most part.


I stopped reading after that I was so disgusted. I honestly have never read something that silly before. I will return to it but I'm not in a rush. Anyways needed to get that out. Does the book get better?

Stop spamming this shit /pol/tard.

The first and half of the second part are the best parts. Up until then there is enough stuff going on to keep you hooked and to ingore Rand's mediocre writing and plain characters. Then it becomes somewhat of a grind. It is still an entertaining mystery novel and you want to know who is the creator of the motor, and John Galt, and the Destructor and if USA will turn into a people state, but is less enjoyable.
Dont think about the motor as a cheap plot device because it is actually a crucial piece of information. Just think, how fucked up is people's morals, values and philosophy that something as groundbreaking as a motoro that runs on air was not only left behind but fought against. You will see that later on the book I believe.

In the end Atlas Shrugged is a stress ball for Rand's memories of communism. The characters are bland and rarely evolve, the descriptions are often wayyyy too in depth, like unnecesaryly so (Like when she describes Halleys fourth concerto or whatever) BUT, the dialogue between characters can be funny and very satisfying if you aren't a commie pig, the mysteries within the novel are genuinly interesting and sometimes, rarely, Rand will struck out some senteces together and something beautiful will pop up. I've seen better excerpts than yours but I see what you meant (The one with the retired philosophy teacher about men smoking cigarretetes was amazing)
And of course, the absolute ultimate reason you have to finish it is because of the infamous John Galt speech. Near the end, won't spoil much but is something well known even to people who haven't read it or don't like it. Is like a small epic written as a monologue. You'll love it, trust me.

>he actually read the speech instead of skipping to the end
Atlas Shrugged is that rare book which is 1000 pages too long.
There's a great little sci-fi novella in there somewhere

>paul ryan
Why are all of Rand's detractors complete and utter retards?

I have this edition. Mass market paperback with tiny print is top comfy.

I know we have Randbait everyday but OP is right. She's still regarded as utter shit but serious academics are starting to look at her impact on the 20th century. It's undeniable at this point.

It is funny how Veeky Forums treats her, her books and her acolytes exactly as they were treated during her lifetime. I thought we were past the "conservative is the new transgressive" thing.

>In 1998 readers responding to a Modern Library poll identified Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead as the two greatest novels of the twentieth century—surpassing Ulysses, To the Lighthouse and Invisible Man. In 1991 a survey by the Library of Congress and the Book-of-the-Month Club found that with the exception of the Bible, no book has influenced more American readers than Atlas Shrugged.

Wow that pic kinda hurt to read desu. Never read rand before and never participated in the randian hatetrain, is all her writing this awful?

I agree. Up until around 300 pages or so, it's actually a good thriller. I often recommend people to just drop it at the part where Dagny leaves her company to save it. It's a good ending reflecting her philosophy as everyone is mediocre.
The middle of the book until the Galt speech is so boooring. Like goddamn. And when you finally meet the legendary John Galt, it's such a boring disappointment that it's insulting. He's so vanilla that you feel nothing. Everything is just so bad.

And as for the epic speech, I think too many people give it some slack because of its length, but ultimately, it's the 'final speech' before the end of the world. You don't give a two minute speech to end the world. You make a grandiose 3 hour GO FUCK YOURSELF to everything that sucks.
And ultimately, I would argue that her views are accurate to describe people that the internet would view as 'SJW' that are collectively focused on progress and ignore all values for power. If you imagine Ayn Rand talking down to those sorts of people, it make the speech more enjoyable. In my view, a lot of people dislike the speech because they can't imagine how such 'parasites' could exist to the degree she describes, but I feel she was right on the money, and it's mainly the reason why she should be read.

However, the problem with her philosophy is that it's too 'mind over matter' master morality to the point where it denies nature and emotions being of any worth. Because of that, her overall body of work falls very short, despite how right she may be in different areas.
The Fountainhead is her best work imo.

You can only ignore someone before their influence is the foundation by which you stand.
I've read most of her work, not because I agree with it, but because it encapsulates the American myth of meritocracy.

Ayn Rant is shit you nigger.

I hope you don’t have friends who recommend Ayn Rand to you. The fiction of Ayn Rand is as low as you can get re fiction. I hope you picked it up off the floor of the subway and threw it in the nearest garbage pail. She makes Mickey Spillane look like Dostoevsky.

-- Flannery O'Connor on Rand

I can't wait to write my epic parody of Atlas Shrugged which will propel me to literary fame

>she makes X looks like Y
>oh man it's like so shit, it's like trash
>it's like fantasy except there are no trolls~
The shittalks on Ayn Rand are so boring.

He literally forces his interns to read it

just about to read it for the first time.
wish me luck /pol/

A Game of Thrones is a book people will still be talking about fifty years from now.

No one talks about this book now.
Probably true, but it's also a great book.