Would reading Max Stirner improve my life? If so in what why and what are the thoughts Veeky Forums has on him?
Max Stirner
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It helped me let go of several neuroses I had in regards to my role in a silly abstraction
He's real good if you're going to be a leftist, although I do see lots of apolitical/right leaning who shitpost about him. Overall, his revolution far surpasses Marx's. Good for the mind.
It might. Stirner and Thus Spoke Zarathustra seems like a good combo.
Stirner transcends the left/right distinction. He can get you stop worshipping whichever idols, whether they are the people, the greater good, God, the state, tradition, or even the self. A voluntary egoist, depending on his sentiments, could thereafter lean left or right or neither, but he does so and accordingly acts freely, without the illusion that he is obligated to fulfill some moral duty. (Stirner himself certainly seemed to lean left).
Hmm, okay I'll give his The Ego And Its Own a read.
Thanks anons.
Reading Stirner is essentially plugging your ears and denying there is something more absolute than you. He's like a spoiled autistic child and nobody attended his funeral, not even his ex wife who cucked him. He's truly a hero to the godless losers here
thank you sir
What do you mean when you say something more absolute?
No it would not. philosophy only makes your life worse.
Really how so?
I found that some of what Alan Watts said has been helpful, in terms of moderation.
reading stirner is semi-pointless. if you get the central theme in the book which is "ME" then you don't need it. just understand that there are people who already operate in that way, you're not transcending to a new level, if anything you're returning to the way you once were.
as with anything, reading only gets you so far, if you can't put it into operation or if you're autistic about it it's worthless.
you're a massive faggot and definitely a loser
Stirner is a Zen teacher who happened to be spawned in 19th century Germany and figured enlightenment out for himself, using the Hegelian tools of his time to do so or at least describe the phenomenon.
he's definitely not zen, zen is fucking shit.
>zen is fucking shit.
Stop plagiarising zen masters.
Hmm, I am more into eastern philosophy, like I previously said Alan Watts has helped, but I dont think I can learn more about it in my current state (adult who still lives with his alcoholic parents on a low income job).
I'm also a bit of a pleb, I've read up on philosophers, thought about existentialism, nihilism and how to find value in life, which I sum up to trying to live in the moment with a relative amount kindness towards people (at least during my work hours) due to the fact that everybody is living the human condition, but I've never really read their books
I would read him for sure if only to rattle your ideological shackles. He can be emancipating to the right person.
Couldn't hurt right, I'll spend the night reading.
i'm betting that's some zen joke but really, stirner and zen have nothing in common zen is just a better stoicism and stoicism is complete dogshit
alan watts is complete trash. you mention your parents are alcoholic, so was alan watts, dump that garbage immediately.
the rest of your post is complete shit, read stirner and trash everything else out if you care about yourself. or just start giving a shit about yourself.
>i'm betting that's some zen joke but really
There's an anecdote with a master being asked what zen is and he said something like 'a pound of dried shit' or something.
> but really, stirner and zen have nothing in common zen is just a better stoicism and stoicism is complete dogshit
There you are wrong. Zen has nothing to do with stoicism. I agree that Stoicism is shit though.
the operation of both are very similar. the east is just more aware of how life operates and less autistic with it's philosophy. still shit.
>the operation of both are very similar
Not at all. Stoicism is about forcing yourself into adhering to an arbitrary idea of what is natural. Zen does no such thing.
Could you elaborate on how the rest of my post was shit? I'm not offended, but I am curious.
Was Watts an alcoholic? I knew he drank.
I do like his explanation of Nirvanna, that you need to let things go instead of holding on to them forever.
the OPERATION buddy. already clarified the part about western autism but you seem to be suffering from that too.
Which operation? What do you concretely mean?
the sentimental philosophical nothings. it's completely worthless and if you keep going you'll probably end up getting fucked in an irreversible way. whether it be by someone else or through your own realization of what you've done by infecting your brain with that shit. and yes he was.
someone who follows stoicism and someone who follows zen will go about the world in similar ways.
Hmm, you might be right, I'm not sure it its the alcohol but my parents are fuck up which is why my biggest fear is ending up like them, which is why I dont drink.
Still though, how is Watts shit exactly? I would like to hear why.
he's no different from any other self-help guru.
go do shit in the world and you'll realize how worthless 99% of philosophy is.
Thinking about it, a lot of the stuff is really comforting but not practical, it might help someone make some kind of sense of things and help them feel better, but beyond that I dont know.
Perhaps getting out of this comfort zone might be a good idea, I do need to get my life in order.
You mean from an observers perspective? So some sort of vague apparent calmness? Because the interior framework is quite different.
It'll turn you into an increasingly fake person. You can't rant at people about spooks because they'll just tell you to fuck off, so you'll just keep it bottled up inside, putting on a plastic smile.
>denying there is something more absolute than you
Wrong. The Unique is non-competitive. The burden of proof is on whatever you think is above him.
Op I hope you read Striner and grow a backbone.
Like damn dude get your shit together. Get the fuck off Veeky Forums. Live your fucking life buddy its not gonna live itself and stop asking these faggots for permission to read books just fucking do it. Fucking like Alan Watts if you want to he's got good shit to say but dont change your opinion because some bitter user told you he was an alcoholic.
Like who are you dude? What is your fucking substance?
You can do better than this.
>using the Hegelian tools of his time
He shit all over Hegel and "Hegelian tools". Only time he delves into it is to flip people's retardation upside down or to make a joke.
Yes he uses it against itself. His philosophy is one of negation until what remains is unutterable just like the old Chinese lads stalking the misty hills screaming without words and hitting people with sticks.
Who better reflects Stirner's philosophy: Bill Clinton, Obama, or Trump?
Obama, out of the three he fooled the normies the most that he was sincere. Wielded all the spooks in his favour and exploited them ruthlessly.
Trump because he defies all spooks about what it means to be a president of the United States.
I agree with both of these arguments.
Clinton, because he got his dick sucked.
Bill Clinton cause he's the biggest piece of shit out of the three but also the most universally admired.
Oh no, what will I do, he's cringing at me. Oh wait, I don't have to do anything.
>I dont think I can learn more about it in my current state
Why not? What's stopping you from reading on on what you find interesting or meditating?
True, its got to be my decision on what I think is right and wrong, I have been weak.
I spent last night reading and giving my situation some thought and yeah, fuck this shit I need to get out right now, I'm currently looking for a second job while building up savings and I'm becoming less and less scared of my dad, if he beats me or kicks me out I can go from there, its not like I'll be dead, they can be psychotic all they want, I can go on knowing I'm not as low as that.
And to be honest I think there are good and bad parts to everything, including people like Alan Watts and probably Stirner, I mean their not gods, its up to the observer to pick out the pros and the cons.
Remember: Stirner's book is a ladder, it shouldn't be a new spook. You don't have to just free yourself from spooks, this is not some eastern rambling. You should use spooks for your own interests.
When you say spook do you mean someone who is trying to manipulate things for his own gain?
/collectiveegoism/ when?
The ultimate synthesis of Stirnerite philosophy is the rejection of the individualism spook. The true liberation of myself as an individual is dependent on the liberation of the collective.
Or are concepts like nationalism and religion considered spooks.
Sorry I'm new to this term.
Forgot pic gomene senpai
No. "Spooks" are ideas. Ideas that controls the individual and makes him do something he wouldn't do normally.
Please, understand the term "spook" is a case of bad translation, a term like "spirit" or "ghost" would be better. English speaker are getting a revised translation sooner or later if it is not already out. Try that and not the original one.
Who cares about funerals? Stirner wouldn't have given a fuck about people going to some retarded tradition like that, you fucking nerd.
Wrong, Bruno Bauer attended his funeral.
A best you will gain a powerful key to living an authentic lifestyle which will enrich your relationships and free you of anxiety.
At worst you will learn about early critique against both socialism and liberalism and one which will make Dostoevsky slightly less interesting
You cant be fake if you are living authentically. Dislike yes but not fake.
>The ultimate synthesis of Stirnerite philosophy is the rejection of the individualism spook.
>The true liberation of myself as an individual
There can be no set synthesis of Stirners philosophy as it is so subjective.
For some individuals the oppression or regulation of the masses is key for their expression and interests. For others it is not.
Make me proud OP.
And try to get away from your shitty parents as quickly as possible.
That's dumb and only works for subsistence farmers at best. The people who labor generally don't have any use for what they produce in an industrialised society, and the things they do want they don't produce, so they need to buy them
t. Molyneux
Is this the book you're talking about.
This might help you more: Watts was very open on how he saw himself and that was not a self-help-guru.
Let go of spooks yourself
Don't read philosophy if you want to improve your life.
It honestly fucked mine up
Disregard all of this cucks opinions