On my first day of intro to philosophy we were assigned to read and discuss DFW's Fish in Water commencement speech

On my first day of intro to philosophy we were assigned to read and discuss DFW's Fish in Water commencement speech.
Is this why he is so popular here? For some reason I assumed he became a meme through some organic process, instead of him being a forced meme by one of our most powerful institutions.

Also, first two days of class, and on both the professor has joked about the stupidity of Trump.

How could he joke about Trump at a time like this. Shame!

>I am schocked, why, scandalized, even, that men of learning might dare to impugn the name of our great President! What manner of country be this where the Executive Office is not held in utmost reverence by all its Christian CItizenry?

>thinking Veeky Forums is full of autodidacts and free thinkers

As you journey through your liberal arts education, you will come to the unfortunate conclusion that the only unique posts on /lit almost exclusively come from /pol/tards. Everything else is rehashed shit they learned in college

Also there is this blonde haired kid that sits up front and laughs really loud at everything the professor says.

Stop posting the fake one.

>implying the fedoras and white knights didn't vote for Hillary and virtue signal all over the place.

Better shit learned in college than shit learned from /pol/

My entire intro phil class is metaphysics and buddha. The teacher's a buddhist.

wtf I love Dr*mpf now

> the academy
> one of our most powerful institutions

Had this happen to me freshman year. I'm actually into philosophy now but it was because of how he actually taught the course, which was pretty straight forward.

It is you retarded fagget

Is this a joke?
College is just a slightly more eloquent version of watching contemporary movies and television. Same basic goofy message.
Do everyone a favor and spend some time on /pol/. You are way too narrow minded

>College is just a slightly more eloquent version of watching contemporary movies and television. Same basic goofy message.

He's right, young buck. You are there to be indoctrinated. I have a graduate degree and have been through it all, trust me: your delusions about higher education are just that and pol is more right about the reality of the world than the post-60s academic loan scam treadmill you get put through in college.

is this photoshopped? I seriously wouldn't put it past that retard

>College is just a slightly more eloquent version of watching contemporary movies and television. Same basic goofy message.
this is giga shitposting

Top notch shitposting. I applaud you


I randomly came across DFW at a used book store. The cover looked cool, and the tranny who checked me out said it was an awesome book, so I gave it a read.

>those "arms"

OMG LE DRUMF IS A BAD DUMB NAYZI GUYSSS! How will he ever recover? Oh wait this was no where near a stumping.

You may be the exception, but it is mostly true.
Most people obtain the majority of their information from television shows, movies, headlines, and echo chamber forums. These all provide only a surface level understanding of the issues they broach. College is the only time in their life when they are actually forced to sit down and read for long periods of time about one specific topic.
The issue others have brought up is that this still creates an echo chamber. The "chamber" just has more depth. You are still covering the same issues and operating from the same premises.