best gay literature?
Best gay literature?
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Dorian Gray
my diary desu
Gore Vidal's The City and the Pillar (it got him blacklisted by the NYT).
Nothing gay about it. The aristocrat was satan and when Dorian made the wish he made it real.
>nothing gay about it
Kek, this is what some readers actually believe.
OP, read Mishima. 'Teleny, or the Reverse of the Medal' (attributed to Oscar Wilde) is another of my favorites.
some of my favs
Only the painter wasn't described fucking women. The rest were straight.
Death in Venice is quite gay.
The gay science by nietszche
Leaves of Grass
fuck you i came to post this
>there has to be actual homosexual intercourse for a book to be homo-erotic
The Brothers K
Any with a fairly slowly developing romance and well written characters?
Plato's Symposium
Books of Samuel
In search of lost time
I can actually contribute, because I just finished one of the most beautifully homoerotic books I've ever read...
Everyone always points to Moby Dick, but there's the stuff with Queequeg, and the squeezing of the lumps of sperm, and 500 pages with nothing homoerotic.
Billy Budd, on the other hand, has this relationship between Billy and Captain Veers, and really all the other sailors, right at the center of the story. And it's short, so you have no excuse not to read it.
Other than that, I'd argue most Jack Kerouac novels have homoerotic elements, with Ginsberg and Burroughs beating him out for gayness.
Oh, and Cry to Heaven. Beautifully gay.