Why has Western culture become so vacuous and habitually bleak?


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Too much self-reflection

Too much whiteness


You are about 100 years too late mate

Even the avant-garde is now conventional, or at least mainstream.
I mean, it is exploited corporately in nearly every advertisement.

Does anyone on this board read? This sentiment has been in books for the past 300 years. There's never a worse time than the present.


What do you think is avant-garde?


Because school systems do not force the children to understand and know as much of the culture and arts that were foundational to bring us where we are today. They're merely designed to maximise performance on standardized tests to be able to get into a college where the fields are so specialized they can not make well-rounded individuals in just 4 years.

Capitalism and Jazz


also, entropy

The vast majority of people have always been vacuous, and they are still vacuous, although now more vocal than ever, these latter-day peasants and peasant's wives

So, we've been in and are still in a 300 year cultural decline?

No, that guy is an idiot. The decline has coincided with the rise of jewish power, mainly since WWII, and since jews hate whites, they have used that power to destroy our culture, maim our spirit, make us debt slaves, and wreck our homelands. The white elite with noblesse oblige is gone, and now our elite is comprised of hostile jews.

Definitely not late capitalism.

why are /pol/shits allowed to live

this is the answer


do you also listen to everything except rap and country

That's no rebuttal. I've never had anything to do with pol. Go be a faggot over at reddit.

Western culture? What?

Go be a failson in real life you reactionary heap of human waste. Your parents would be happier if you were dead.

Because our Culture has fullfilled its destiny, which is given by its foundations, decades ago.
After all the peak must be seen as Newton's/Leibnitz's differentical calculus.
Everything later math did discover was a refinement of this system.
And don't tell me that philosophy has made a better development since.

Where was it, I remember reading some user postulate that Zizek is actually a crypto-fascist and he pretends to be a leftist who supports immigration purely to provide Europeans with a dialectic, with something that has to be overcome in order to become greater.

What do you even mean vacuous and habitually bleak?
I mean "Western Culture" is retarded anyways, the idea that every single "western country" is culturally tied racks my brain to how retards believe this.
Your telling me a country like Bulgaria is like a country like the US? Mapping cultures via geographical location is.... I mean jesus christ.
Western European culture, American culture, specify.
If I`m wrong with this then I mean just say, I`m genuinly at a loss to how this terminology became popularised and just what exactly the definition of western is e.g Greece is fundamental to the idea of western philosophy but is it classed as a western country now a days? I mean Eastern Orthodox church, Isolated from Western European countries and continous influence from Middle Eastern powers.
Is this just /pol autism?

>Is this just /pol autism?

That is literally every board on Veeky Forums now.

I can tell you're a jew by this seething anger you have. You're a mentally sick individual and should stop projecting this sickness onto others.

>not being a majoritarian is bad

Western economies have been ideologically motivated for several decades to remove every remaining obstacle to market trade. There is no social relation which is outside the sphere of market economics, markets ultimately decide social policy and any worthwhile social change in our society happens as a result of profitable incentives. This is a radically different state of affairs than anything we've known in human history, and the modern liberal subject is faced with unique challenges. There is no simple exit from this that can be digested by an Internet meme. We're all in this shit together.

I've always seen his crypto-Stalinist bit as a joke. He's just a regular social-democrat
Am I wrong?

>I can tell you're a jew

You can tell I'm a jew because you're a neurotic failson whose self-worth is so destroyed by his inability to achieve anything meaningful in life that he has to project a reason for his worthlessness onto the world, resulting in your recognition of Jewishness everywhere.

My "seething anger" is really just a lack of patience for individuals like yourselves whose socioeconomic conditions intersect with their intrinsic mediocrity to such an extent that where you would have rightfully died off in any environment wherein you had to actually live out your ideology, the barely functioning meat sack that is your body is propelled along despite the fact that your mind so clearly wants it to be put down.


Honestly I've no clue what he really is at heart but he's entertaining nonetheless.

He rejects most traditional ideas of the radical left, and his main point seems to be that we have to come up with new international mechanisms in order to fight the consequences of global capitalism. He doesn't claim to have any coherent program though, but he clearly supports genuine social revolutions.

Look at this. This is mental sickness the post. These people are psychotic and hateful, which is why they don't belong in western nations.

So a genuine anti-capitalist is behind all that gobbledygook? Alright then.

Weirdly, that isn't even a uncommon theory, I've heard it multiple times on different mediums populated by completely different political groups.

You should kill yourself and give your parents a few years of happiness before they die.

It's an interesting one but ultimately, capital has been the driving force behind mass immigration. Capital moves around the world as does labor. Liberals dress it up in humanitarian niceties but mass immigration is really the movement of labor, nothing more.

Sure you're not talking about yourself there, buddy

I honestly don't see how people find Žižek so incomprehensible. Maybe living in eastern Europe gives me some unique perspective or something, but he really isn't as contradictory as you claim he is. First of all he works from a tradition of continental philosophy and has never concealed the fact that he is a philosopher first, and all his political lectures are something he gets into because he must. The Sublime Object of Ideology and Less Than Nothing outline his project pretty well - to put it very briefly he is concerned with a serious examination of Marxist concepts and what we can salvage from the western tradition in contemporary conditions. For instance, like Badiou he has written a lot on the emancipatory origins of Christian ethics. This might make many left-liberals dislike him, but it is not something outside the project of the radical left. He sees global capitalism in the 21st century as a very complex beast that needs to be properly theorized, as we cannot simply apply classical analysis to understand it.



Whites should see this jew's post as a reflection of the hatred jews have for us in general. Jews have a sickness that leads them to viciously attack anyone who speaks openly about their tribe. I cannot fault this particular individual because I understand this sickness is a part of his nature, I just want to point it out to whites who may still be incorrectly assuming that jews are like them. They are not. Jews are rabid, inbred lunatics as one can see from this individual's post. They do not belong in white societies and must be removed.

It seems the left and right should agree then to limit mass immigration.

Recent polls in Europe show significant majorities oppose Muslim immigration and almost no one supports more.


>Whites should see this jew's post

You're too dumb to live bud. It's time to pack it up. Get a bottle of xanax and bleach.

I'm only a casual student of philosophy and have only watched one or two videos of his.


go back to listening to chapo, friendo

I recommend his lecture "Love as a political category" that he gave in Zagreb, he makes some coherent points there that I haven't seen him make elsewhere. With Žižek you have to keep in mind that he adapts himself to his audience - he isn't going to delve deep into Marxism when interacting with a general American audience.

No, western culture hasn't been in decline for the past 300 years. People have constantly perceived culture as in decline in basically every culture in any time period. There's always a specter working to ruin whatever culture. It's been pinned on Macedonians, Romans, slavs, marxists, Catholics, jews, machinery, movies, books, baroque music, the internet, and any other scary and unknown entity. Culture isn't inherently better or worse. You can't compare something that has no value other than existing to something else equally ill defined. Looking back to a cultural period and saying how great it was is the exact same thing as bitches on Instagram pretending they live in the 50's because "it was so much better then." Culture is unironically a spook and trying to preserve it is like trying to carry sand through a snowstorm. You're only projecting your values and nostalgic inclinations on to culture when people at whatever heyday you arbitrarily choose hated looked back, thought about how shit the current culture is, and declared whatever specter they determined was ruining it. Like I said, there is never a worse time than the one you live in culturally.

It's ignorant retarded americans that feel lost because of their lack of identity and personal achievements and so, in our current climate of "MUSLIMS LITERALLY INVADING EUROPE AND AMERICA AAAAAAAA THE WORLD IS COLLAPSING AAAAA", they cling to this vague, meaningless fabricated notion of "western culture".

What repugnant species of non-white are you?

I'm more in the mood for reading these scintillating opinions, sorry.

Garbage pile /pol/shit detected.

I'm not non-white you fat american.

Bulgaria is on the very Eastern fringe of Europe while American culture originated from Britain and the rest of Western Europe. Obviously Bulgaria is a lot less Western then Britain and America. But it has some similarities in culture, like Christianity and an Indo-European language. It's in the EU, a political union it shares with Western Europe. It's in NATO, the Western military alliance. Young Bulgarians often speak English, embrace Western culture, emigrate to Western Europe.

Do you understand subtle distinctions? Are you just pretending to be retarded?

>anyone who doesn't agree with my fetishising of idealized versions of culture is automatic a numale non-white jew

Nice to see you have convinced yourself of modern progressive stupidity

Every culture is in decline for the same reason every health care system is in chaos and every government are corrupt, evil and useless.

It does not mean that every health care system and government is equally good. It means the humans are programmed to hate everything. They are always dissatisfied.

You argument is moot and says nothing about whether our culture is as good as it used to be or as good as it could be

My argument isn't moot. I'm saying that the qualities of good or bad are projected on to cultures from someone's viewpoint. It doesn't fucking matter. Every person has their own conception of good or bad cultural values and those values are used to build a personal idealized version of a culture. Culture doesn't have a defined purpose. It doesn't "do" anything. It's not like a business where the goal is to make money because there is no end goal for culture. Instead, people create goals and wanted results of culture and compare that version to real culture. Western culture isn't in decline, it's only changing. You may disagree with what it's changing into but that's neither here nor there because the culture has no purpose or real value. Culture can not be perscribed value or direction because of the very idea of culture isn't compatible with that.

>culture has no purpose or real value
How can anyone be this dimwitted.

Because it rewards the talented

Depicting dream logic


This culture sucks because it ostracises those who speak out against the narrative of its elite. To solve this problem we should install a government that outright murders those who speak out against the narrative of its elite.

Your an idiot
t. white guy

People are going to look back fifty years from now and think this era was a golden age of culture, because they're going to forget all the bad shit and remember all the good.

It's perscribed value you fucking mong. You determine the value of culture and if it meets your arbitrary values, functions, or production. It's meaningless otherwise. It's a spook.

Why don't you go to the middle east or africa to see what a 'vicious attack' really is

There is no singular line of culture that we can follow any more, this is the inevitable result of modernism and globalization. LARPing "conservative values" isn't going to remove the radical ambiguity and flux of modern living. This could literally only happen if art became the sphere of a select elite while the majority of people were illiterate serfs. The very existence of a decent standard of living for vast amounts of people destroys the notion of a privileged access to truth and aesthetics.

Thank you for posting this, you make a very good point. Jews are often intelligent and may entertain us, but their interests are explicitly anti-White and hateful. The great Jews like Kafka and Wittgenstein learned to address the neurotic resentment of their race in productive ways; but sadly they are exceptions, and most Jews are scheming cockroaches who should be watched with at all times with a wary eye

What a terrible neologism, please stop contributing to the diminishment of our language.
Thank you.

Wrong, whites are actually anti-jews. Even their bible is an inversion of jewish values which have always existed first and provided a base from which whites could develop their own (inverse) culture. White culture is a lie

>You determine the value of culture and if it meets your arbitrary values
Would you rather live in Switzerland or Somalia? Culture is meaningless, after all.

We share a culture.
The very fact I can find Bulgarian rap is EXACTLY what I mean by vacuous and habitually bleak.
Not to mention this entire dullard's fill of an attempted diatribe.
Choke upon your demise, you denialist retard.

>I'm saying that the qualities of good or bad are projected on to cultures from someone's viewpoint. It doesn't fucking matter.
That's called moral relativism, the central tenet of the modern progressive bullshit I referred to earlier, and yes it does matter.

Concise and depressing.

Stalinism is nothing but a Ponzi scheme with food.

I'm pretty sure you can find Philippine rap too. I don't follow.

It's still the most fruitful one by a long shot.

Backwards. Jews are the anti-whites. It's not whites who think they have a right to live in jewish nations and maintain a parasitic existence over jewish culture.

>What is Westernization?
No shit, Sherlock.
Bulgaria still shares more Western culture than the Philippines.
I think you might embody vacuous and habitually bleak, my friend.

Use English, not your neo-Yiddish.

And yet probably a more accurate description of the East than the West

>The very fact I can find Bulgarian rap is EXACTLY what I mean by vacuous and habitually bleak.
>but it's not a problem for non-western countries
I don't get it, you'll find way more asian rap than Bulgarian one. Pray tell, what is that dynamic and fruitful culture that is not western and where can I find it?

>Chastises for us getting caught up on geography.
>Posits a geographical argument.
It is called Western culture, because that is its originator, cultures can spread.
Because, they're not tied to a geographic location.
If a human travels, they take their culture with them and inadvertently pass it on.
The fact that Bulgaria made contributions to Western culture, before the Age of Exploration makes it inherently more Western than countries outside of Europe.
Stop with this post-modern relativism, it is DISGUSTING.

Thatcherism, Reaganomics, Deng's reforms. Different parts of the world, but the overall movement of the global economy is pretty consistent. Social welfare states are in decline.

It's not wrong to have preferences. My values and idea of culture mean I want to be in Switzerland. But it's stupid to think that culture degrades or has any worth besides what I perscribe to it. Like I said, for the entirety of human civilization people have found problems with their culture because they don't agree with the perceived direction of it. In the future some version of a weaboo is going to think this was the height of culture because he only agrees with things that fit his values and ignores whatever doesn't fit them.
How is your version of culture inherently better than any other without referring to your own arbitrary preferences?

>Chastises for us getting caught up on geography.
Wasn't me, apologize for not making that clear.

>Stop with this post-modern relativism
I have no idea what you are talking about. I'm telling you western culture is still way more vitalized than any other in the world.

It's also a wonderful tool for socially destabilizing a country.

Read these, 4PT first, then FN.

This will help you understand fully.

But duuuuude, le spooky relativism meme!

>fourth political theory
>it's literally just the good old third one
what did Dugin mean by this?

Vitality as in life?
An entity, in this case a concept, can be alive whilst being devoid of quality.

>le not an argument meme

Are you gonna develop a theory of how being dead is a good thing for culture?

>But it's stupid to think that culture degrades
Everything else in life decays - why should culture be the exception.

Well yeah it's not an argument. You can't say "BUT THAT WOULD BE RELATIVISM" and be happy with that.

A culture artificially sustained and devoid of, or nearing it, of quality is already functionally dead.
And when the props fall away, the culture lacking in the ability to sustain itself through harmful hedonism will falter and truly die, like Rome.

Again, as opposed to what? Where are the cultural barbarians that would somehow culturally supersede Western culture?

Nah, he puts a lot of Chaos Magick approach into it. It's way too open and organic to be fascism.
He makes that very clear in the first 6 chapters. After that he gets into Eurasianism and Traditionalism which is just HIS desired direction, one possible direction, an Ethnic Russian Direction. He doesn't WANT a global order the way the fascists did, he wants a multipolar world opposed to the unipolar hegemony of Western Liberalism, both Conservative Liberalism and Progressive.