For the past 1 year or so I became too much of a /pol/ack

For the past 1 year or so I became too much of a /pol/ack.

In the last few weeks, as I discovered I probably have Amerindian ancestry, I decided it was about time to turn away from all that craziness.

I was never a racist, but I had (and have) strong preferences which are certainly racially-biased. I always knew about my partly Jewish blood. I always knew I eventually would have to forget all that stupidity (and I always knew it was a stupidity), but it felt so much fun and gave me such a sense of being special that I decided to postpone it, and what should have been a brief funny game during the elections turned out to become a part of who I am, and this is not good.

I now wish to immerse myself into non-white culture. Female-written literature too. Please do recommend books. Preferentially Middle-Eastern and Asian, because I've read some of those a few years ago and I enjoyed it very much.

Normally I would go to the charts, but I only want stuff that has the following pre-requisites:

1. It's actual literature. Truly good. Like Li Bai or Machado de Assis. None of that 'She's good because she's a woman', Sylvia Plath-style stuff.

2. It's non-identitarian. I don't want blacks talking about being black. I want blacks talking about being human, like Machado de Assis did. The characters can be black, of course, but this should not be the main aspect of their lives.

3. It's written in proper language. Sorry, but I can't comfortably read ebonics.

4. It's not too long, because I still need to reserve most my time for Western authors.

5. This is not truly a pre-requisite, but it would be a nice bonus if the author happens to be a conservative.

Pic related, Elvis too had Amerindian blood.

>2. It's non-identitarian. I don't want blacks talking about being black. I want blacks talking about being human, like Machado de Assis did. The characters can be black, of course, but this should not be the main aspect of their lives.
Why not? If your goal is to immerse yourself in non-white culture wouldn't it be valuable to have some perspective on what being black for instance is like according to the author?

I read one recently called The Corpse Exhibition and Other Stories of Iraq, which deals with that country and its most recent war through horror stories. It's mostly realistic death and tragedy from the perspective of Iraqi characters, but some have an ambiguous possibility of something supernatural going on (like one about someone who might be a Djinn, or might just be a mad old man who lives in a well). Don't know if you'd consider that "identitarian" or not, since it's about the experience of a specific place and time, but it's pretty short.

And of course there's always the 1001 Arabian Nights.

Yes, but the problem is that those things tend to turn writing into shit. I can easily stand Congolese nationalism or anything of the short. Black pride, however, will very easily degenerate into self-pity, specially in America.

I'd rather just read a black man or an Indian talking about life in his or her country as it's actually lived by common people, and common people don't have the time to espouse early 21st century left-wing identity politics.

Why don't you fuck off back to the third world shithole you came from, subhuman spic kike? This board and this country is for the white race

Thank you.

When I say identitarian I really just mean that overly political stuff. It's perfectly natural to be an Iraqi and use the war as the background for your stories, because that's pretty much the most important thing to have happened to that country in recent memory. It's only when things turn into a political pamphlet that I get mad. Political statements are perfectly natural here and there, but they shouldn't be the main goal of the book.

I don't live in America.

I'm much more of an euro kike than a spic kike, by the way. You can call me an irish-italian kike. Have some respect!

>This board and this country is for the white race
lol wrong on both counts Cletus

Italo Svevo (jew, similar to Machado, specially in Zeno's Consciousness), Proust (half jew, also similar), Lispector (jew, completely different), Pushkin (Russian romantic, 1/4 black), Amos Tutuola (african author, black as night, writings inspired by african mythology, really good tho), 1001 Nights (Arab lit, long as fuck), Lima Barreto, 4 Chinese Classics, I-Juca-Pirama (he who will die, brazillian), Mahabharata, Ramayana, Natsume Soseki, Yukio Mishima, Osamu Dazai, Primo Levi (just don't get If this is a Man), aaaand that's all I can list off the top of my head.

>Black pride, however, will very easily degenerate into self-pity, specially in America.
This is why you should read books about being black. A lot of serious black power literature is actually very uplifting and not self-pitying at all.

> and common people don't have the time to espouse early 21st century left-wing identity politics.
This is true, but common people do live life in a certain way that is shaped by their identity as a black person. Just as much as how a white person lives their life as a white person rather than just "human". In order for a book to do a depiction of black life well it is going to have to reflect on what that means at some point.

Thanks. I've read all of the Brazilians and knew Proust, Svevo etc., but didn't know about Tutuola nor the Asian ones (except for Mishima).

Read some Stefan Zweig my man.


Zweig was a jew.


read ''Go Tell it on the mountain'' by James Baldwin

How am I supposed to know OP's specific definion of whiteness?

>I now wish to immerse myself into non-white culture. Female-written literature too. Please do recommend books. Preferentially Middle-Eastern and Asian, because I've read some of those a few years ago and I enjoyed it very much.

Jewish culture is "non-white" because they are semites, middle-eastern, just as arab and turkish culture is "non-white"

just because Jews live in Europe and the "west" doesn't make them white

an arab living in Europe isn't white

Well, I like Reading Lolita in Tehran. It's by an Iranian woman. It is about western books, though.

So are Hungarians non-white?

but not Stefan Zweig

Start with the Chinese

Jews have been mixed for 1000 years. They're like 50% European, both Sephardic and ashkenazis

I'm going to recommend pic related.

It's a semi-autobiographical story of a Japanese kid growing up through the war years who struggles with being a homosexual and his sadistic fantasies, which heavily conflicts with his and his culture's conservatism. No other book has made me understand Asian culture better desu. Its also heavily influenced by a lot of western authors so it isn't as jarring as diving straight into more "difficult" Asian lit.