"And then so small." Fanny made a grimace; smallness was so horribly and typically low-caste

>"And then so small." Fanny made a grimace; smallness was so horribly and typically low-caste.
>"I think that's rather sweet," said Lenina. "One feels one would like to pet him. You know. Like a cat."
if brave new world pro or anti manlet?

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I couldn't read this book, it was too boring.

Butthurt manlet

I'm 1.83m

Neither. The castes in BNW were all programmed to think their own caste was the best to be part of. Higher castes wouldn't want to be or associate with lower castes out of a disdain, but lower castes didn't want to be higher caste because of the obligations that come with it.

>"… all wear green," said a soft but very distinct voice, beginning in the middle of a sentence, "and Delta Children wear khaki. Oh no, I don't want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They're too stupid to be able to read or write. Besides they wear black, which is such a beastly colour. I'm so glad I'm a Beta."

>"Alpha children wear grey They work much harder than we do, because they're so frightfully clever. I'm really awfully glad I'm a Beta, because I don't work so hard. And then we are much better than the Gammas and Deltas. Gammas are stupid. They all wear green, and Delta children wear khaki. Oh no, I don't want to play with Delta children. And Epsilons are still worse. They're too stupid to be able…"

Everyone is made to think their position is top comfy, which leads to a very stable society in which everyone is happy with their lot in life.

> Bernard's physique as hardly better than that of the average Gamma. He stood eight centimetres short of the standard Alpha height and was slender in proportion. Contact with members of he lower castes always reminded him painfully of this physical inadequacy. "I am I, and wish I wasn't"; his self-consciousness was acute and stressing. Each time he found himself looking on the level, instead of downward, into a Delta's face, he felt humiliated. Would the creature treat him with the respect due to his caste? The question haunted him. Not without reason. For Gammas, Deltas and Epsilons had been to some extent conditioned to associate corporeal mass with social superiority. Indeed, a faint hypnopædic prejudice in favour of size was universal. Hence the laughter of the women to whom he made proposals, the practical joking of his equals among the men.
>8cm shorter
what's average ALPHA height Veeky Forums
>Bernard hated them, hated them. But they were two, they were large, they were strong.

Anti. Why else would the book have being a manlet literally be a sign of being low-caste in a utopia?

>what's average ALPHA height Veeky Forums
6' is probably cut off point

Low castes aren't bad. Every caste serves their purpose.

Being low caste is only bad in the eyes of egalitarian rebel rousing commies who fill the hearts of working men with greed and hatred. People who value hierarchy see that each caste serves a purpose.

but then 174cm is manlet which makes no sense

it makes more sense for 5' 10" to be manlet so this guy is 169cm

>6' 5"
>a lanklet literally wrote a book so he could humiliate manlets

>174cm is manlet which makes no sense
>which makes no sense

>thinking BNW isn't a masterpiece about an actual utopia despite of the shitty prose

top pleb filter

it makes no sense because it means that the average gamma is 5' 8.5" which is absurdly tall for someone bred to be a drudge worker

And yet the relatively short Romans were able to best the much taller Gauls and Germans early on in their empire. Makes you think.

episolons are the true drudgers

>when will they learn

i always laugh at womanlets who will have short sons themselves

After getting their republic sacked by the Gauls and then later getting their empire sacked by Germanics.

And always being scared of them in the meanwhile and describing how beautiful and muscular and tall they are and envying their hair colour and trying to look like them.

Romans were good bureaucrats and stemfags for a while but they always lusted for big barbarian phalli

hey i remember posting that on r/short lol
>Thirty-three Delta females, long-headed, sandy, with narrow pelvises, and all within 20 millimetres of 1 metre 69 centimetres tall, were cutting screws.
ok these castes are weird
>In the assembling room, the dynamos were being put together by two sets of Gamma-Plus dwarfs.
gammas are dwarfs

Makes you think about Epsilons.

Are they literally gnomes?

i think this implies that being lower down in the caste system doesn't correspond neatly with height
>As for the women, they indignantly felt that they had been had on false pretences-had by a wretched little man who had had alcohol poured into his bottle by mistake-by a creature with a Gamma-Minus physique.
so are gamma-pluses shorter than gamma-minuses

I feel like I need to reread the book now.

>On the fringe of the little group stood a stranger-a man of middle height, black-haired, with a hooked nose, full red lips, eyes very piercing and dark. "Terrible," he repeated.
174cm is taller than middle height, which is like 172cm

i find it really hard to believe that bernard is 174cm at this point if a 173cm guy exists and isn't mocked for it

The world he created is interesting but the actual plot relies on dumb characters that would have never been allowed like Bernie the mad manlet and John the savage who for some reason is allowed to run amok.

BNW is so utopian that Huxley had to rely on implausible inconsistencies and chaos ex machina to make some level of disruption happen at all.

>world is run by a manlet
it truly is a dystopia

also evidence of what middle height is, the guy is totally a dwarf

Brave New World is a book about monkeys who are happy but then one monkey becomes unhappy so he leaves the monkeys and finds monkeys similar yet different than him and eventually (oh and he has monkey girl but she doesn't matter) none of the monkeys like him so he hangs his monkey self in a lighthouse. Monkey East. Monkey South North East West. Or whatever it was. Monkey something.
Basically, he was a good monkey.
Great book!

Kek. Fair enough. I'm actually 6'0, so not a manlet, but I also think it's fair to point out the few significant successes manlets have had over the years.

you can describe literally every book in this way
>few significant successes
literally every conqueror ever was a manlet

All of three of them are known worldwide. Woohoo, go manlets!

(The funny thing is that I was defending them, to some extent, with bringing up the Romans to begin with)

tipoo sultan
genghis khan
cao cao


>applying current averages to historical figures and calling them short
>still buying into the 'napoleon was a manlet' british propaganda

>applying current averages to historical figures and calling them short
"muh averages" doesn't mean anything, a manlet is a manlet
>still buying into the 'napoleon was a manlet' british propaganda
he was average and short

>"muh averages" doesn't mean anything, a manlet is a manlet
a manlet is defined by being below average height.

Most of those are not names that would be recognized world wide.

>a manlet is defined by being below average height.
napoleon was average height and he was a manlet

indian average height is 5' 5" and the average indian is still a manlet

Brainlet detected