This man is a fucking psued of the highest calibre...

this man is a fucking psued of the highest calibre. His outlook revolves around the superior beings "going down" into the by definition inferior world and somehow maintaining your sense of superiority. It may have worked once upon a time, but how can one honestly support the idea of "going down" into modern society? It's nigh impossible to avoid the taint of association, and with the modern world resulting in everybody being connected at every single fucking stage of the day it is fundamentally impossible to "go down" and escape unscathed.

Notes from the underground shows just what happens when one attempts to "go down", you lose faith in humanity through little deaths until you end up a misanthrope.

Veeky Forums how do you justify "going down" to yourself at night

I'm on my second day of NoFap. I don't "go down" on myself at night anymore.

you write like such a retard i cant even follow what youre trying to say

>waaaaaah why is going under so hard?

t. Slaves or morons

I've met drunk people that are more coherent than this.

What do you mean by going down? This is not a Nietzscheian term, so at the very least explain what you mean first.

>this man is a fucking psued of the highest calibre. His outlook revolves around people who don't eat their own feces "going down" into the by definition inferior world of people who eat their own feces and somehow maintaining your sense of superiority. It may have worked once upon a time, but how can one honestly support the idea of "going down" into the world of feces-eaters? It's nigh impossible to avoid eating feces yourself.

This is you.

He just read Thus Spake Zarathustra for the first time and is shitposting as fast as he can before the high wears off.

>muh progress
Back to r*ddit
TSZ is both allusive to Socrates-Plato, Jesus, Zarathustra (of course) and Siddhartha. It's a meme.
Now go down on this dick!

You've never been hit with unexplained bank fees? Bombarded with junk mail? Exposed to a million ads per day? You have to pay taxes, get called for jury duty, get hit with speeding fines and generally have to interact with a generally retarded populace.

You sound like a sixteen year old or a perpetual student

You sound like the child here.

False my friends. Read that ages ago, and rereading BGE. Nietzsche wrote for a world that didn't act and behave like ours. Some thoughts and ideas are pervasive throughout history, but we are all subject to the times we live in friends.

>n-no you
You genuinely have issues or are a sheltered babby if you think you can totally escape interaction with the wider world.

You're like 15, fuck off.
You don't understand the first thing about what he was describing/
No, you're just some 18-year-old twerp complaining about his debt after going out for strippers and coke every day of the week despite working at McDonalds or some second-rate construction company as the sewage dumper.

Oh dear. It appears you haven't read his books, because you haven't offered one counterpoint beyond baseless insults. Embarrassing tbqhwy

His historical analysis are a minor part od his work, and he admitted himself that they are merely his interpretation (he calls this kind of posturing "moralizing" in the introduction to the Case Contra Wagner).
What is important in Nietzsche is that nihilism is probably true, and that humans of the past have mistaken this lack of meaning as a reason to approach pessimism. To Nietzsche this choice is arbitrary, and so is the vslue we give to Truth.

Look at his historical and sociological analyses in this way: they are to his philosophical conception what the third treatise of GoM is to the last aphorism of the second treatise. His works sre mainly psychological, and are designed to teach to other receptive human beings how to interpret the world from new point of views and frameworks. Nietzsche chose materialism and vitalism, and interpreted the entire world from this lens: you're not supposed to take everything he says at face value.

To discard Kant's philosophy, he simply stated that Kant was stupid. Checkmate.

>this is how reddit argues
Find a cliff and go down mate

I do see the value in his philosophy as a way of confronting pessimism, and you are right, that should exist far beyond the times in which is what conceived and eventually read.

However, I think the line is finer than that, and that cultural and societal influences do have their affects on what is and what is not applicable as a personal philosophy and framework. Paganism isn't appropriate now for a multitude of reasons, one of which being that the premises on which it was founded are untrue or indeed incorrect given the objective facts of the day. At some point you have to identify the point at which you can judge a work based off the personal value it gives to you.

How could anyone in the past 200 years have predicted how things would turn out, and that VR would nearly be a household item and that every adult in the developing world has a supercomputer in their pocket? What if the the modern times are so unprecedented that the premises on which some of his philosophy was built are truly false?

You're butchering his ideas here. Quote where he mentions going down or going under in Zarathustra, in context it has a different meaning than you imply.

>It may have worked once upon a time
basic history classes are not good in your country, and your government likely designed it that way so you would not realize you can go no lower, lamb

What I'm saying is that he is making no prescriptions, he is only describing his interpretation. The vast presence of contradictions also should let you understand that what he is saying is dictated by context, rather than semantics, morality, logic, any principle-based thought process.
You tell us: no one can live according to N's philosophy.
I tell you: Nietzsche is not telling you how to live, he is merely giving you a glimpse of his philosophy, of which he is the first skeptic and critic.
You have probably read his books in a very superficial way, and I'm not trying to patronize you here. Re-read them, and sctually think about what he is saying, what are his implicstions, and where do they take place epistemologically (i.e. his critiques of values are the foundation of his speculations on those values themselves: the fsct that a value is a prejudice, or a tool, is infinitely more relevant than what Nietzsche has to say about this or that kind of people).

But the fact of the matter is that by the very act of reading him you are interpreting him, and if you say semantics, morality and logic can't doesn't apply to him are his works are elevated beyond that of a regular author and his work? Nietzsche giving you the reader a glimpse of his philosophy isn't the same as outright telling? He certainly wrote a lot of text for a man just giving you a glimpse. The reader may have come to some conclusions he reached on their own, but maybe they didn't. Nietzsche touches on similar epistemological themes that many others have since, but the reader will stumble across things they hadn't, and since the only exposure is nietzsche telling you, isn't it fair to judge his works like any others?

Before you "go down" you have to have "gone up."

>go down
what did he mean by this?

You seem to have a misunderstanding about what Nietzche means by this. Im pretty sure what he means by "going down" means sinking to the depths of your own experience to engross yourself in a profound understanding of what you can't grasp from the outside. However this going down also applies to his "order of rank" in morality in that one must experience an "inferior" form of philosophy in order to understand it and thus move past it to the truth.

You have to realize that everything hasn't value, yet choose the everything everyday. That's how you become the Overman, stupid user-kun. You don't have to change radically your life, but change your perspective. Even while you're shitting, you're your own god, for every man is divine. You are absolutely the only one responsible for your choices, and you have to live your life like anything you do will be repeated eternally