What's a book you've read that you wouldn't be surprised to find out that you're the only person on this board who has...

What's a book you've read that you wouldn't be surprised to find out that you're the only person on this board who has read it?


Infinite Jest

>them lips
ananas more like nigganas ROFL



The meme answer would be to say 'most books', but in all honesty if there's a good book then I'd be surprised if literally nobody here had read it.

The closest I can think of would be The Cannibal, as it's one of the few books nobody I've ever met has read, but I learned about it here so at least one Veeky Forumsizen has read it.

Hawkline Monster by Richard Brautigan.


Sinclair in general, really

The Twenty Days of Turin
Antoine Bloye
The Conspiracy
A House for Mr. Biswas

There are more, especially non-fiction.

>Brautigan reader calling others plebs
Brautigan is to books what Bob Dylan is to music, something for depressive old hippies to remember the "good old days"

Things by peruvian authors that arent Vargas Llosa or in a tier close to him.

Ramon Ribeyro?

This isn't funny at all.
Try thinking of a better way to present this meme, please.

The Kingdom of This World, by Alejo Carpentier
Rebellion in the Backlnds, by Euclides da Cunha

my diary desu

why choose one of the ones that's mass published and still in print? at least pick moose from the abortion or say you have a copy of the martians. gb2lovecraft

>something for depressive old hippies to remember the "good old days"
>good old days"
confirmed for not reading brautigan.

Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea

would recommend

Susan Sontag's Rings of Saturn.

Maybe if you live in Canada you might have read this.

Any book

I don't get this meme, but Sebald is very popular here, no?


nobody reads literature on Veeky Forums

Fairly. The Sontag collection of essays antedates the Sebald novel by 15 years but your confusion's justified. The Sontag collection is Under the Sign of Saturn, not The Rings of-- I confused the titles.

I've been pushing Against Interpretation and Under the Sign of Saturn hard on here for a while, I'm glad someone else liked them. She was a damn good essayist

>posting the bear suit is working
at last

And her obvious love of books infectious, especially if she catches (you) young. Is the former volume mentioned the one that concludes with the 60 or so page transcript of her time in North Vietnam? If so I've read that one as well, but checked it out of the library when in undergrad. What a fabulous essay that is! And what a fun, seriously informative writer she is all 'round, just bursting with positive energy.

>And her obvious love of books infectious
jesus user

that's opposed to politics, leftist, sexual, or otherwise. she's a fine writer, and proceeds with the kind of passion anyone who loves books for their own sake can appreciate. also, the snippet gt'd IS qualified. personally, i'm not ashamed for having been very young, naive, and overzealous about books, once.

bad monkeys by matt ruff