Anyone read this?

Pretty eye opening tbqhwf

>was greatly respected by the community
>shunned after saying some shit they dont like
>keeps at it
>gets a solid following
>gets his own city
>wins battles
>wipes out treacherous tribes
>gets several wives and concubines he can legally sex with
>comes back to the city that drove him out and takes it back
>forms a literal empire out of a group of barbaric savages

Guy was pretty alpha

He got lucky that a rich MILF decided to marry him and leave him her fortune.

He'd have to be pretty damn alpha if a MILF chose to marry his poor ass of all people

I like the part of his life how the legal limit for wives was 4 but he was allowed to have 9 by Allah's will

I saw it less as a religious text but more of a guide on how to be alpha desu

He was a guy who spazzed out in a cave and then killed some Jews. Hundreds of years later, Abd al Malick decided he should be the prophet of an Arab ethnocentrist genocidal cult, thus Islam.

Ur an idiot

I like the part when Mo goes to Mecca and takes a bat to veryones stone idols. Can you imagine that in a movie? Orphan merchant guy goes to cave and freaks himself out when he starts hearing voices. All the people are like, yea dude your cool but don't talk shit on our idols. There is no God but God. People start hurling shit at him. And then one morning he goes to the spot where everyone's own personal God stands, represented by a stone idol, and begins literally breaking all of them to dust.
This was the beginning.


Just came in the mail a few days ago, planning on reading it next and am pretty excited.


What's the best order to read Quran, Sunnah, and Hadith? Any other essential reading besides maybe Reliance of the Traveler?

Read Islamic history first, how it started, how Muhammad rose to power, what pre-Islamic Mecca and Medina were like, the major battles (Battles of Badr, Uhad, the Trench, Taif, Mecca, etc). Then you can read the Quran. Some verses refer to historical Islamic events, get something to supplement the verses so that you understand what Allah is talking about. The context of the verse, when it was revealed and why, is just as important as what the verse says.

You don't read the sunnah, exactly. The sunnah is basically how the Prophet acted in his life and how he taught his followers to act. For example, he entered the bathroom with his left foot first, so it is sunnah for Muslims to do the same. He kept a beard, so Muslim men keep a beard as sunnah in order to be more like Muhammad (now you know why so many Muslim men have beards). You will learn the Sunnah of the Prophet simply by reading the Hadith books and Islamic history.

For the hadith, there are 2 major collections: the Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim. These are huge books consisting of various sayings of Muhammad, passed down from his followers down the years (definition of hadith). Not all hadith are authentic, but these books have the greatest number of authentic hadith compared to other collections, and they form the backbone of Sharia, Islamic culture, etc. Things like Muslim prayers and rituals come mostly from the hadith, and if you want to understand Muslim laws and regulations, you have to read the hadith, the Quran contains much less than you might expect.

I suggest reading an article on the hadith first, to understand what they are exactly, then read selected hadith from these 2 collections (it would be fairly time consuming to read *all* of them, but I do suggest you give it a try sometimes, but you need some understanding of Islam to properly understand it all). There are other collections, such as the Sunan of Abu Dawud, which are also quite authentic, but you don't necessarily need to read them. contains entire hadith collections.

You don't necessarily read things in a linear order, just get a basic overview of Islamic history, traditions, etc and then read whatever you wish, if something confuses you, wikipedia is always there to help.

Hey are you Muslim? If you are that's really cool faggot

Ex-muslim. If you want solid arguments for why Islam is false, feel free to ask.

yeah, reminds me of the mormon founder guy who tried marrying a fuck tonne of women, and when he was about to get his ass kicked has a 'vision' that polygamy was now gods law.

it makes me so angry people would believe this story.

Give me some arguments.

Its better than that he was visited by an angle with a fiery sword that threatened him with desturction if he didnt marry that 16 year old girl

OP here and Muslim. You seem like you know your stuff. What are your arguments?
>hundreds of people who lived and interacted with him all told the same false account

Is this canon though? I want to know all there is to read regarding Islam. I've so far read about 1/2 of the Qur'an and I'm finding it absolutely beautiful. I've read some of the Sunnah, though only the very well-known hadiths.

wait is this stuff just not all in the koran

man i thought the koran was the collector's edition 50 hours of special features inc. never before seen director's cut

(i'm very ignorant of islamic texts, sorry)

>fast forward to the present day

Not exactly Canon in the same way the Quran and Hadith are, but it's widely regarded as one of the best biographies in English based on the original Arabic texts. In the book, all quotes are taken either directly from Hadith or Quran to go along with the narrative.
The Quran is the opposite. It's a very quick summary. Context for certain chapters and verses can be read from outside sources such as the Hadith or the biography.