Stop wearing glasses

Stop wearing glasses.

I wish he hadn't unabombed people. What was he even thinking? What was the point of it? Why not just be an intellectual and critique capitalism? Fucking god damnit Ted.

He's got free room and board now for the rest of his life.

...I wonder how many people are planing on killing Breivik once he gets out so they can have a long vacation in a Norwegian prison.

>implying they could find him
He'll move to some other EU country and live under a fake name.

Uncle Ted didn't see glasses as modern technology. He had a pretty Heideggerian view of technology I believe.

Norwegian sentencing is designed to allow regular review of life sentences, not to actually limit the sentences to the review periods. He'll get additional 7 year sentences for the rest of his life.

He did wrong. But he is not a primitivist.

I heard it was 21 tops. No life sentences. You thinking of a different country?

It's possible I don't know as much as I thought, but I posted anyway in hopes of being corrected and thus made better informed.

He mostly critiqued leftism.

If he didn't unabomb people, no one would give a shit about his writings. He himself admitted that.

>people without body hair are inferior because they'd freeze to death more easily in nature, HURRRR I'm a fucking retard, DURRRR, I have no idea that human nature is culture, DUUUUUURRRPPP

Because he was a fucking shit-tier thinker. His argument literally goes:
>I do not enjoy marine biology (a surrogate activity)
>therefore all surrogate activities are unsatisfactory
>therefore it would be preferable to die from malnutrition, exposure or simple infections in a primitivist society

People love him because he talks shit about effeminate liberals, and everyone in the entire world with more than half a thought in their head hates liberals. Retards are in awe from the moment they read the term "oversocialisation" and proceed to suck his dick without any critical reflection whatsoever throughout the rest of his shitty essay.

There's a clause in his sentence that says it can be extended indefinitely. He's most likely never getting out. And if he does, he's going to be shanked.

He's never getting out, you retard.

People that write like you are the worst. Don't you have any thoughts of your own? Can't you critique something without all the Veeky Forums bullshit? It's not like it comes off as clever. It's not like it's any better than just making whatever dumbass point you have in a clear way. It's grating to read and it just makes me pity you.

I was under the impression that they had no life sentences, till this post Ignorance of the facts is not a mental deficiency.

He did it because he was angry and wanted revenge. He knew that it wouldn't change anything, he knew the futility of it. I don't get why people get so hung up over this, he literally explains the exact moment he decided to do the bombings in his diary, if you actually read them. It was when one of his favorite natural places that he used to walk in near his cabin began to be developed, it filled him with so much rage that in that moment he decided he wanted revenge. I fucking hate that Kaczynski has been turned into a meme, I've been interested in him my whole life, I've written to him before in prison and read everything he's ever written and now there are dumb cunts spouting him around everywhere pretending to know about him when theyve only read "Industrial Society and its Future."

To not be another analyst who does absolutly nothing in his life

You are like a little child.
Watch this.

Whats the point of marine biology
My oneitis is majoring in that, will she get unabomb'd?

I've thought about writing him before and asking if his writing his manifesto wasn't a surrogate activity itself. Wonder what he'd say

Basically if the fish die, a lot of people starve, and if the algae die it fucks up the atmosphere

>Whats the point of marine biology
understanding fish

Doesn't sound like a surrogate activity tbqh
Just boring and pretty much useless since technology already went nuts and it will eat the planet, there is no way back

And why isnt that just inside biology
expain yourselves STEMfags

It IS a subset of biology. It's just a specialist field.

"Technology" (e.g. the destructive global will to infinite growth and quote unquote progress) will destroy itself before it makes the earth uninhabitable. I'm finna head to the arctic circle when shit really starts hitting the fan

And where do fish lovers work
Are they allowed to eat fish?

Lets see if you are so smart when nanobots eat your socks off, embryo

Fuck off retard

t. fish

They work in research facilities. What the fuck is wrong with you

What do you get so angery, is just a question

Norwegian welfare is better than Norwegian prison so there is no incentive.

Countries with pleasant prisons aren't nightmarish hellholes like the USA.

How would writing a manifesto be a surrogate activity? That's doesn't make any sense. It has a definite purpose.

in countries with reasonable legal systems not the entire population is psychopaths so probably very few


under appreciated

lmao you mad he completely destroyed your pathetic worldview? ted kekczyinski is a bad thinker with a watered down nietzschean critique of leftists that applies even to himself

But it's cringe writing and he wants everyone to hunt rabbits like he did. When he starts talking about revolution, are you fucking kidding me?

His bombing is no different from leftist activism. And his critique of leftism still doesn't get to the crux of social tensions in the west.

>People love him because he talks shit about effeminate liberals, and everyone in the entire world with more than half a thought in their head hates liberals. Retards are in awe from the moment they read the term "oversocialisation" and proceed to suck his dick without any critical reflection whatsoever throughout the rest of his shitty essay.

this, i was hoping his post-manifesto writings would be better but he basically doubles down

I get it now.