Both used to be Marxists

>both used to be Marxists
>both later became neoconservatives ranting about islamic terrorism threatening western culture

Why are these two supposed to be arch-rivals again?

Other urls found in this thread:

>both later became neoconservatives ranting about islamic terrorism threatening western culture

So they both became retarded?

>a neo-con


kys op

This, Peter is not a neocon.

Their main rivalry was when it came to theology.

one's gaytheist the other's a christfag

Christopher maintained his Marxism to his dying day - couldn't let go or wanted to show he wasn't another clichéd lefty deflector, probably.

Also, you have to be pretty politically naïve to think Peter is neo-conservative.

Christopher looks like David Mitchell after 10 years of alcoholism


hitchens was a "historical socialist" in his own terms, which basically means "liberal with an affinity for the term socialist"

the other hitchens is a liberal as well, same with most conservatives

>switched from one Jewish ideology to another Jewish ideology
Christopher is emblematic of decadence in anglo elites. If he had been born a couple centuries earlier he probably would have been a great man, but instead he put his genius towards YouTube supercuts of atheism debates and Bill Maher appearances

Peter opposes privatisation, how is he a neoconservative?
Also he think the west has doomed itself, not islam.

Isn't Peter actually kind of a High Tory? Doesn't he legitimately oppose capitalism from the right, and also support both monarchy and parliamentary sovereignty?

>Reluctant Capitalist
Fuck yourself, OP

>So they both became retarded?

What? Are you suggesting that Islamic Terror isn't a threat to Western culture?

>the other hitchens is a liberal as well, same with most conservatives
*Anglo conservatives

Anglos love liberalism more than anything else, they love it more than freedom.

Terror does not threaten western culture. They've killed what, 3,500 westerners in the last thirty years?

>western culture

another retard

his location does not exempt him from being a filthy liberal.

You've read how much he drank, no?

more like 30 years. That being said, mixing alcohol and tobacco gives you throat cancer at a comparatively young age, kids.

Not at all, just saying Anglos are pathologically liberal in general.

So he drank a bottle of wine a day and a glass of scotch and soda?

Top kek.

He drank a half bottle of wine and two fingers of JW before noon. You don't stop like that.

He had a scotch and soda at 12:30 and a few glasses of wine with meals. Doesn't seem like much of a drunk to me, more like an old timey bon vivant.

>used to be
Chris was on Radio 4 nominating Trotsky for Great Lives as late as 2006

The entire security structure changed after Islamic terrorism. It's not just the 3,500 deaths, but the trillions of dollars spent on preemptive wars and security apparatuses. It's an economic threat at the very least.

Remember, kids, smoking is bad for you.

So is vaping

And his dad died of the same form of cancer too.

this, white ppl don't haven no culture, only us blacks do you stupid ass cracka

Truth. Y'all Wh*Tes just be salty af crackers

>muh freedom
Kek. Enjoy getting buttfucked if you ever need health care, getting shot when you go outside, and having all essential components of your existence that should be provided by the state, instead provided by corporate America with a pure profit motivation that leads to monopolies and sub-par products



I love that.

The only existential threat to western culture is itself.

It doesn't have to be that expensive. The paper bag test could work.

Blame the military industrial complex then, bozo.

Burning the candle at both ends, etc. Why are you so obsessed with being alive? Seemed to me that he had a rather enjoyable life.

Peter sees Islamic terrorism as a symptom of Western decadence more than anything else. Every time there's a terrorist attack he says that we should all put ideology aside for a moment and acknowledge that virtually every single mass-murderer in recorded history was fucked up on some kind drug, legal or non-legal, and that pills fuck people up harder than any ideology. And he's right, fuck drugs of all kinds.

>drinks coffee
>eats sugar
>has alcohol

"Fuck drugs of all kinds, yo! Drugs are bad."

He doesn't only say drugs are bad, he denies the entire existence of addiction, with the argument that being gay used to be defined as a mental illness in the DSM. He is quite the weak-minded fella!

It isn't

Hitches wasn't just a "Marxist", he was a fucking trot, most of them turn neocon given the pro-imperialist nature of their ideology, the fringe woke minority become posadists


>enjoys literature, music and other art created by people trunked, zoned-out, shit-faced and whiffed

>implying sugar, coffee or alcohol are good things
I personally dislike poor dental health, obesity, being dependent on brown-caffeine water to stay sane and drunkenness but I suppose I'm just a stupid person.

Drugs rewire your brain chemistry for sure but the term 'addiction' as its generally used is ridiculous. Did these people catch addiction or did they form a bad habit that got out of their control by consciously breaking the law? Addicts have proven their own weakness of character by becoming addicts and shouldn't be sympathized with. Also doctors and scientists can suck my cock. Ivan Illich was right, they don't know what the fuck they're doing half the time.

I don't think it's ever been a requirement to make interesting work. Plenty of artists have been into that shit but I don't buy that it helped them in any way.

>Addicts have proven their own weakness of character by becoming addicts and shouldn't be sympathized with

I spotted the ideologue. You have no understanding of drugs, chemistry, psychiatry, or what genes are, which is evident in your thinking this simple about addictions and the like. Have you ever heard of being mentally ill, or perhaps getting opioids against excruciating pain in hospital?
Just stick to visiting church, bud.

You're a little too nutty for my tastes.

I bet you like skimmed milk

Turning addiction into a "disease" isn't much better than what he's doing. It denies our agency.

I have a lot of unhappy personal experience with the things you've listed and I still believe that addiction is a moral failing. A lot of the people I met in the psych ward or AA liked to resort to the "I'm afflicted with a disease so it's not my fault" argument, but I just don't buy it.

Coffee is a good thing, recent study showed that people who have 4 cups a day live longer than those who don't drink coffee with each cup up until four showing better and better results. It's only at 6 cups a day when it starts having an adverse affect

You're right, I didn't describe it properly. I didn't mean that, but there is a certain weight to the argument that some people are more likely to fall into addiction for whatever reason (be it there socio-economic background, hereditary traits, etc). Regardless of this, of course you always have a choice or hand in this, and it isn't as if you were infected by influenza.

Save it. It's all yours my friend.

Islam stopped being a threat to Western society in 1683. The real threat is so insidious that nobody sees it as one: asian and nigger pop-culture.

Enjoyable up until he got cancer. Cancer is not enjoyable at all.

What does Neo-Conservative actually mean? It sounds like a contradiction of what conservatism is.

Racism, white supremacy, and and unconscious bias does not threaten the black community. We've enslaved, beaten, and murdered what, 0 African Americans in the last 150 years.

^This is an example of retarded ass reasoning. Homicide and murder is not the only way one group can harm another. They're taking over European cities and replacing modern liberal values with reactionary, traditionalist garbage.

How are Trots pro-imperialist when the whole basis of the tendency is opposition to Stalin's nationalism? And isn't "posadism" just a meme?

>It sounds like a contradiction of what conservatism is.
That's because it is. The best way to understand it is to compare it to with what it sought to replace:

How is Hitchens an anglo elite?
He was a working class pleb and as you rightly say he lived his life in a drunken Bill Maher haze.
That's anglo elite now?

>being gay used to be defined as a mental illness in the DSM
And they only removed it because they were literally bullied and threatened by the homo-lobby



That would only make sense of the threat was made up. If that money was spent on a genuine threat, then that would constitute justified expenditure

>Racism, white supremacy, and and unconscious bias does not threaten the black community

But that's correct

Exactly. You trying to tell me that Asian media has not conquered western pop-culture? The fanbase that asian animation, music, gaming, and cinema has acquired in the western world is simply enormous and to make it even worse it cuts across every social stratum imaginable. Losers and autists flock to it; extroverted alphas tolerate it a little less but that's where the negro invention of hip-hop comes in. We've already lost

>wikipedia straight up includes a topic that ties neoconservatism to judaism
>The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government, combining super-capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control ... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.
>It has always struck me as odd, even perverse, that former Marxists have been permitted, yes invited, to play such a leading role in the Conservative movement of the twentieth century. It is splendid when the town whore gets religion and joins the church. Now and then she makes a good choir director, but when she begins to tell the minister what he ought to say in his Sunday sermons, matters have been carried too far.
Bloody hell. Has /pol/ swarmed the editorial posts of wikipedia recently? How has this stuff not been taken down?

>You trying to tell me that Asian media has not conquered western pop-culture?


Black music can be quite crass, but I fail to see how Asian pop-culture threatens the West in any way. Can you explain?

>the cold war didn't have an impact because the nukes didn't go off

>Homicide and murder is not the only way one group can harm another.
you're confusing immigrants and terrorists. Immigrants have an actual effect, terrorists don't (or wouldn't if the media wasn't retarded)

>They're taking over European cities and replacing modern liberal values with reactionary, traditionalist garbage.
not really. A couple of neighbourhoods maybe but it's still far from a threat.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen
The saddest these: /pol/ was right again

When Obama won liberals got complacent or let down and went from activism IRL to activism online such as editing wikipedia articles
Now that the GOP is in power these guys are fighting IRL again while depressed paleocons that have realized that Trump is another neocon have given up and moved to online slacktivism.

Trotskyites, not Marxists. Anyway the primary difference was Christianity.

Literally prove it.

"terror" perhaps not, and perhaps even Islam is not.
80 IQ shitskins are. They're pouring en-masse into the West because of "terrorist" (see: Israeli mercenaries in Syria) threats in their home countries.

This is by design. ISIS openly said that they were doing it on purpose because they believe correctly that by flooding the cultureless lefty loser countries in Europe with their people, they will gradually gain control of those countries because their people breed faster and have a culture.

This is now more or less unavoidable, but intelligent people recognized it beforehand and tried to point it out.

I don't find it particularly bothersome, it simply means that a lot of faggots are going to be thrown off of buildings, a lot of decadence is going to become punishable by death, and a LOT of good little leftists are going to die begging and pleading for their lives.

So pretty much everyone gets what they deserve. The Right wins again, in a roundabout way.

It's fucking gay and encourages losers who should remain in their basements to come out. Who attends anime conventions? Who complains when a western adaptation of some anime goes wrong? Streaming services like Twitch are what they are today, with their infinitude of scantily dressed blondes and their billions of orbiters, because of their appeal to that demographic precisely. To make matters worse, that encouragement has elevated the new class of e-celebrities who have, utilizing their support of anime loving betas, expanded their base support into areas that would not traditionally appreciate them. Now "everybody" likes anime, "everybody" likes MOBA games (the vast majority of people who play them are asians), these things have been legitimized in the eyes of every social class. Go on Twitter and Soundcloud and watch the co-mingling between anime avatars and hip-hop music. It's a calamity

What's the difference? Trotsky was just a mutated Marxist himself.

The entire concept of "eternal revolution" fundamentally undermines Marx's dialectic. Marx believed that Capitalism to Socialism to Communism was inevitable because of impersonal historic forces, Trotsky, realizing that that was clearly false, tacitly admitted that Marx was wrong and advocated for a deliberate state of permanent revolution to prevent the retarded Marxist project from doing exactly what it did under Stalin--slipping into a permanent state of oligarchy.

Of course he would've failed if he had succeeded too, since Trotsky himself was a psychotic tyrant, but because Trotsky lost badly and got what he deserved (painful death) instead of being allowed to murder more peasants, he has been rehabilitated in the minds of the few remaining serious Communists, who believe that if he had won, he would have been able to carry the project to fruition.

In reality if Trotsky had come back and killed Stalin, Hitler probably would've won the war because Trotsky was a total retard and a second Great Purge would have turned WWII into Winter War Part II, except instead of eventually drowning the Germans in Russian blood like they did the Finns, they would've just lost and ended up choking to death on Xyklon gas.

Which would've been justice, to be frank, if there were any punishment in the world more fitting for Trotsky than dying with an axe stuck in his head in Mexico, it'd be dying clawing at the door to a gas chamber begging for his life from a group of laughing guards.

I think you're both correct - self-fulfilling prophecy. All those defense contractors have to justify their existence (and largesse) somehow, and I'm sure they know how to lobby. Combine that with all the other interests - like Halliburton's in the 2003 Iraq War - and you could argue that while Islamic terrorism is certainly real and a credible threat but not existential, it becomes easy to paint the threat as much larger than it is. Combine that with absolutely aimless policy in the Middle East in general with troubled, post-colonial societies with a lot of resentment towards the west and yeah, you can make shit super fucked.

>realizing that that was clearly false
>admitted that Marx was wrong
>Trotsky himself was a psychotic tyrant
>got what he deserved (painful death)
>Trotsky was a total retard

No bias here, no sirree

one believed the solution to the problem was atheism, the other, christianity.

It's not as bad as smoking.


Islamic terrorism is just a tip of the iceberg. On its own it's relatively minor and not a threat. The real threat is "cultural jihad" or Islamization which progresses year by year because of the people that run the West with their idiotic ideas about tolerance. "We must be tolerant." It's like not having vaccines and medicine because it would be horrible to discriminate against bacteria, etc.

>t. josef stalin


And how many years of his life did he have cancer again?

This. Peter is a Burkean conservative and Hitchens was a neocon - a position not particularly removed from Marxism. In fact, he still considered himself a Marxist of some kind toward the end of his life.

Yes - He made me totally reconsider what I thought conservatism is

when you start blowing people up it's enough of a threat to be bothersome.