Ready player one

Holy shit this thing is bad, how the hell is it getting so much praise?
I mean I knew that pop literature was crap, but this is on a whole other level.
And I see idiots everywhere praising it while tossing around terms they don't understnad.

Other urls found in this thread:

Most people are idiots, what else is new.

>praising it while tossing around terms they don't understand
Example please. I'm not doubting you, I'm just curious.

Wow you must be so much smarter than all these sheeple dude

It's like eating in Mc Donald's, user. It's shit, but somehow everybody eats there and actually enjoy it, even yourself. I read it and it was a big cringe, but a funny one anyways.


I got halfway through and couldn't get any further. I was enjoying it as some flavored air, but then it started to taste like farts.

Somehow the movie is worse than the book.

It's merely not good, not the epic bad people here give it.

GenXers constructed their world from references to culture from day one. When they got old enough to feel actual nostalgia, something like this became the inevitable result. So it's not so much a book as it is a document of a personality disorder and thus should be forgiven, ignored or treated, but it's poor taste to just nakedly attack it.

Gets a lot of praise because it fits a certain sense of humour very well, and drags big buckets from the nerd nostalgia well. It's not great, but it was never meant to be. It knows its audience and it appeals to them perfectly.

>GenXers constructed their world from references to culture from day one
Not debating this but why do they do it? Genuinely curious

t. not joyce

I think there was a crisis of authenticity and consuming life at one remove was GenX's solution.

>you will never have your autistic wish-fulfillment fantasy filmed with a multiple hundred million dollar budget

This It's a generation without a unifying identity. Their grand parents had WWII, their parents had Nam/Korea/Civil Rights movement. Gen X had no real identity other than pop culture. Plus it's the first generation with 24 hour TV.

The average person is an amoral, resource-gathering primate. Are you surprised?

>It's a generation without a unifying identity.

literally the internet

it's the generation of anti-identity, of schizophrenic identity.

the internet has eliminated the need for consistent definitions of who anyone is, for better or worse.

every generation has had pop culture. remember Beatlemania? of course you don't, but it was just as bad as video games and shit today.

>The War on Terror

Everything covered in RP1 came before those events

speak for yourself, reddit, not so much as one molecule of mcdonalds has entered my mouth

>A profound statement about late capitalist cultural stagnation, though Cline probably wasn't aware of it. The book came out in 2011, its impact in our decade's culture industry is hard to overplay. The real is fading out of view, movies have become self referential pieces dealing with the consumption of reified pop culture long reduced to empty signifiers. We live in a bleak post apocalyptic wasteland, we have no future of our own and our past has been annihilated. The only escape: the fading dream of the 1980s. The Reagan-Thatcher 80s marked the beginning of our current economic and cultural order. Our world keeps trying to return to its infancy.

Grow up, boy.

It was a metaphor.

Because critically examining an enjoyable piece of media is too much work.

>The only escape: the fading dream of the 1980s. The Reagan-Thatcher 80s marked the beginning of our current economic and cultural order. Our world keeps trying to return to its infancy.
This ruined it desu.


How do you know I wasn't being metaphorical either

Well... We have got nothing but questions in this useless waste of energy that we call life, user. Fuck off.

>There's a movie

Is this book worth reading just so that one can talk about how bad it is?

Why would anyone do that user?

Absolutely it is

Honestly, when I say "X is shit" because I read the amazon sample and could tell that it was shit within 5 pages, but then everyone insists that it's great and I'm just an epin trole, the temptation is pretty strong to read the whole miserable thing just so I can cite specific examples of just how shit it really is

if you've visited you do not need to read the book

i know this i a generalized statement but seriously
there is NO reason to read this book in this generation

maybe decades from now this book will put younger readers in the mindset of an anti-gamergate numale, but in the current decade, its almost impossible for a human to have lived their life without experiencing what Ready Cuckold One brings to the table

If you had access to the internet for the past 10 years, you already read this book

I'd really love to know how they got away with featuring so much pop culture stuff into this book. Did they have to ask for permission for everything? Or can you just write about whatever you want in this day and age?

This is actually a very good question. I think that the answer is even more perverted than the book.

I've been fasting for two days, you will not tempt me demon.

Why would they need permission?? Writing about something isn't copyright infringement and never has been. Big corporations only get upset when you directly steal music or video from them. When you're just referencing stuff in your own literary context, or writing fanfiction or whatever, nobody really cares.

Not gonna lie, that robot scorpion or whatever the fuck that was looks pretty cool

Wel some stuff goes beyond just being a mere referance, Like those scenes where they actually play real world video games and the giant robot battle for instance. But I guess its ok to write about that stuff in books then.

Well he basically salivates and strokes off all the references, so I doubt any would see it as libel or slander.

Corporate bootlicking at its finest

>But I guess its ok to write about that stuff in books then.

It is as far as I know. Literature doesn't have the same kind of copyright infringement laws that other art forms do. I don't know why but that's how it has always been. It's not just this kind of book that gets away with it.

t. third worlder

I dont know what this movie is about, pop culture references?

This is the kind of person that likes it

Basically. There's a funny excerpt where the MC does nothing but drop references for at least a page but I can't find it

>I wish someone had just told me the truth right up front, as soon as I was old enough to understand it. I wish someone had just said: “Here’s the deal, Wade. You’re something called a ‘human being.’ That’s a really smart kind of animal. Like every other animal on this planet, we’re descended from a single-celled organism that lived millions of years ago. This happened by a process called evolution, and you’ll learn more about it But trust me, that’s really how we all got here. There’s proof of it everywhere, buried in the rocks. That story you heard? About how we were all created by a super-powerful dude named God who lives up in the sky? Total bullshit. The whole God thing is actually an ancient fairy tale that people have been telling one another for thousands of years. We made it all up. Like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. “Oh, and by the way … there’s no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny. Also bullshit. Sorry, kid Deal with it.”
― Ernest Cline, Ready Player One

Here you go, frenlo!

There's nothing wrong with atheism but these "truth bombs" are always so fucking cringy. You just KNOW the author was smirking when he wrote that

>And of course, Kevin Smith.

>You just KNOW the author was smirking when he wrote that

I've heard people defending the book saying it's part of the story and characters or whatever, but that doesn't change the feeling I get that the author was smirking throughout the whole thing.

>I've heard people defending the book saying it's part of the story and characters or whatever
Such a lame and unbelievable reason. It's painfully obvious how much Ernest self-insert himself into this fanfic masturbation session.

what an absolute brainlet

You know, whenever I see images like that or even so much as mentions a chain like Rally's, it's like I get PTSD flashbacks of being trapped in a car on a +13 hour road trip with the nauseating stench of fast foods mixed with body odor and that disgusting film of sauce that coats your hands after a meal that I just cannot get out in spite of the countless napkins I've wasted.

I watched some documentary about Atari that had the most insufferable "nerd" guy in it. He drove a Delorean because there was a Delorean in that shitty nerd movie and he's such a nerd he just had to get it. I tried to read this book and couldn't make it more than a dozen or so pages in. I did get 7+ hours into the audiobook before I had to stop.

am I a bad person for wanting to kill her and fucking her corpse?

>am I a bad person for wanting to kill her
>and fucking her corpse

>not just being a brainless neet
I guess he made something of it at least.

The internet wasn't gen x dingus. Back then only dedicated nerds would pay the $200 a month to shitty dial up

>less than 4 million views
it's gonna flop, isn't it?

yeah, well thats just like, your opinion man