Powerful entity as old as the universe

>powerful entity as old as the universe
>can morph into your worst fear
>capable of killing every human
>can read the mind and manipulate people
>his real form is some lovecraftian shit and you lose your mind if you look at it

>can't kill a bunch of children and gets almost killed by them (REALLY killed by them in the future)

explain this.

He wasn't trying all that much, he was mostly just clowning around.

If you read the book you'd know It's power is tied to their fear.


>After the battle, the Losers get lost in the sewers until Beverly has sex with all the boys to bring unity back to the group.

explain THIS

The power of friendship.

I'm still not sure what King was thinking with that scene.

How hard it is to read this book? I'm a non-native english speaker, I learned this language all by myself, I would say that I have an "intermediate" level, althought that's not really true. So I'm curious, would I be able to read it without too many problems? Perhaps I will read it in 6 months, meanwhile I will keep increasing my vocabulary.

Who else fucking loved the sewer gang-bang scene? I can't be the only one.

can you explain to someone who hasn't read the book why it even happened

aren't the characters children

They should have left this in the movie

King's writing is accessible but it is a doorstopper of a book so the endurance of reading it will be more of a problem for you than the words themselves.

To make sure they remember IT, amnesia setting in on them as they leave the sewers, Bev decides that having sex will be a large enough moment for the loser club for them to at least subconsciously remember IT. Much of Bev's characterisation is her burgeoning sexuality, her father threatens to 'inspect' her after seeing her hanging around boys (it is implied he is waiting for her period to start to then sleep with her). I've also seen the argument that sex separates children from adults and so that is why the gangbang happened. Bev later recalls IT by having sex as an adult with a member of the loser club.

All that being said, it is contrived as hell and someone should have reined King in when reading Bev describe the size and feelings of the loser club's dicks.

To paraphrase King, "If I can't scare, I shock and if I can't shock, I gross out."

*Also they immediately cut their hands with a coke bottle to remember IT right after leaving the sewers which invalidates the gangbang's purpose completely.

how did this get through the editing process

When I read it I thought it was because Bevs dad was a paedophile and she thought that sex was the only way to truly bond with men, which is a common complex sexual abuse survivors have

In retrospect it could have just been Stephen King trying to shock people as much as possible, the ending of the book ruined what could have been a relatively decent book.

because it's stephen king

my problem with it isn't that it happened but more than it didnt seem to have a purpose beyond freaking people out.

King put so much development into the book all for it to eventually come to a few pages of disjointed bullshit, it comes across like he got bored of writing it and didn't know how to finish it so took the ''lole so random!!'' route

Because King was coked up when he wrote it an Bev is this pretty red-haired girl.

It was described along the lines of the kids needed to share their love in order to find their way out of the sewers. They needed to bond. James Bond.

Sex doesn't equal to love though.

Why I don't believe I've ever read this novel before.

Oh but James!

Young virgins exploring their sexual desires? Interesting.



stephen king is a talentless hack, there's nothing to explain

>he actually read the book

But I didn't. I ain't going to waste my fucking time reading 1000+ page trash about an epin scary clown.

I just read Rage and I'm reading the Long Walk.

Does EVERY King book feature disgustingly inappropriate sexuality involving minors? Is this freak a pedophile?

No just the ones where the mc is a minor. Also read The Running Man next.

>can't kill a bunch of children and gets almost killed by them
He does kill some other kids in the town tho.

I liked the Mike Hanlon interludes much more than the main plot.

It should. You make love to a girl you ought to be in love with her.

Town lore is best part of book, yes.

Minors have (pre-)sexualities. King is good at writing from the point of view of children. It would be weird if he wrote a whole bunch about children and didn't include something about sexuality. Add to that the fact that he is a horror writer and delving into the depths of psychologically disturbing subject matter is part of what horror writers do. Should he avoid writing about children getting horribly killed, too, just cause it's disturbing?

>Should he avoid writing about children getting horribly killed, too, just cause it's disturbing?

He might be a hebephile like every other straight man on Earth, but not a pedophile.

He's a hack! A waste of ink and paper!

You should probably avoid horror entirely.