Unironically the Dostoevsky of our time

Unironically the Dostoevsky of our time

Well, he is a gambler and an author who struggles with wanting to be faithful to our lord Jesus Christ despite his own cynical shortcomings.

i love him

Where does he get his ideas?

End of a bottle. Dirty Deeds > Crime and Punishment tebehe.

Norm doesn't drink. Pops benzos when he has to go out of his hermit hole among the people though.

i bet he still hasn't finished infinite jest

Too busy remaining with the Russians probably.

He's a good fella, I hope that after he dies it comes out that he wrote lots of works and they're all really good. I doubt it, though

norm thinks dosto is a pleb

norm 100% drinks, saying he doesn't is just his little joke to himself

>Norm Macdonald.

I know of another Macdonald worth mentioning...


I thought it was just that he preferred Tolstoy

Why can’t you fucking amerifags spell ‘Dostoyevsky’? why is it so hard for you? Are you stupid?

called him "a fine writer" but ranked him last of the rooshians

>greatest living author
>not the Wolfeman

different romanization schemes you stupid faggot

No shit, user. And ‘Dostoyevsky’ is the more correct romanisation. How the fuck do you even pronounce ‘Dostoevsky’?

>can't figure out how to pronounce 'Dostoevsky'
>questions others' intelligence

I thought it was morrisey

Mickey Wolfmann? The real estate guy?


It's literally not wrong to write "Dostoevsky". Google it in this form and you get as many results. There are probably literature professors writing it this way, also.

E = Ye

>norm 100% drinks, saying he doesn't is just his little joke to himself
what makes you think so?

old dostoofski.. heh..

That honor goes to the unabomber

Some gold chains would make a great retirement gift... for a very, very good slave.

>Alice Munro is to literature what Lee Iacocca is to auto making. Bret Easton Ellis is to literature what Lee Iacocca is to literature.
Fucking savage.