Have creative writing workshop at uni

>Have creative writing workshop at uni
>first day
>nobody says anything to each other
>just try not to make eye contact
>most we learned from each other was by introductions
>everyone leaves without saying anything
>Be today
>resolve that I'm going to be talkative, positive, engaging, try to bring up the energy, put myself out there
>leave early
>walk up, see door closed
>realize the class was at 1, not 2
>even though I was there at 1 on the first day of class
>Go back to my dorm

Well Veeky Forums, now that I've established myself as the bad boy, what can I do to make myself seem as mysterious as possible?

you're already in. the women in your class were dripping when they heard you nonresponse to attendance. now you just sit back and let them come to you.

write thinly veiled masturbatory murder fantasies about shooting up the class. if anyone calls you out or says they feel uncomfortable, tell them it's irony.

>go to uni writing club
>get a writing prompt
>everyone sits in silence
>told to read out what you've written
>half of us don't because it's embarrassing
>meet 4/10 autistic chick there
>become good friends
>ask her out
>she says she doesn't experience romantic feelings and is asexual
>never replies to my messages or calls again after that
Well that was a waste of time

okay but seriously though

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is work. It's a lot of effort to convey a fabricated image of yourself.

I'm thinking about coming in with one of my dirty work shirts turned inside-out, and then making intense eye contact with whoever is speaking.

Any input would be appreciated.

I always thought asexuality was code word for "I got diddled as a kid".

>I'm thinking about coming in with one of my dirty work shirts turned inside-out, and then making intense eye contact with whoever is speaking.
i legit laughed.go for it. i'd suggest something deep to offset the edge. leave class ten minutes early and sit outside the door drinking something clearly alcoholic from a water bottle without the label. Be reading something pomo, but not cliche. I suggest Lockpick Pornography.
It's about gays who break into the houses of the bourgeois and steal their shit and go to clubs to piss of lesbians.

asexuality and aromanticism are two different things.

can be. doesn't have to be.

She said she's both. Never had any romantic feelings for anyone, apparently.

This is turning out to be quite a good thread. I suggest writing a fanfic of Yurope. Also get a HJ haircut, as Sylvia plath said: every woman adores a fascist

Yeah. I'm also asexual, but I don't think I'm aromantic. It's hard to quantify, since it's so unconcrete. It's kind of hard to tell if you can't identify all the cheesy shit people say to each other. It's butterflies, it's like they're the sun! That doesn't even mean anything! That doesn't mean she can't be in a relationship with you, though.

Maybe she's not autistic, maybe she's just retarded.

thanks for the encouragement

i'll let you know how it goes

>get assignment in creative writing class to write a short one page story using a character with a different perspective than yourself responding to something you experienced in real life
>goal is to make a round character that is both sympathetic and flawed and to get everyone away from just writing purely autobiographical stuff
>decided to write mine about a racially insensitive Trump supporter

how much did I fuck myself over?

I've literally done this. I got an A, but nobody wanted to talk to me except some gay guy who really liked Jane Austen. Total bust.

Maybe she's not asexual, maybe you're just gross and >4/10

pro tip:
>you can't possibly know you're asexual or aromantic until you actually have sex or a relationship

Confidence is the fucking key to everything

Confidence is also the key to fucking everything

Does anyone else have a better writing workshop story? OP's is flaccid and narcissistic, it holds no appeal nor entertainment or discussion value.

>you can't possibly know you're hungry until you eat

do you mean

>Have to write 6 page paper for class
>prof sets aside a couple days for crits
>Think that she'll read our papers and give us crits
>we, the retarded students, have to crit each other
>90% of the class can barely right at a high school level
>the other 10% has that robotic AP writing prompt style
>she assigns groups
>spend the next two hours sitting with 3 chicks
>first one was foreign so her English was all fucked up
>other one was bimbo tier so she had no idea what she was doing
>third one's writing was okay but she was shy af and she'd speak way too quitely
>prof says we have to read our papers out loud to the group
>everyone except the bimbo gets stage fright so they mutter through their papers and you have no idea what they're saying
>not allowed to look at what they wrote, only allowed to listen so can't properly reflect on information
>everyone finishes reading
>crits consist of
>"are you sure that's a word?" Or
>"uhhh...maybe try to explain it more?"
>huh? Explain what?
>"you know, the thing." Or
>"nice, there's nothing wrong with your paper"
>they don't want any in depth crits from me
>"I guess we're done huh user? Why don't we just fuck around for the rest of the time? XD"
>prof won't let us leave early
>sit quietly while everyone starts texting their friends or some shit for the next hour and a half
>hear other groups bullshitting about sports, anime, vidya or whatever else
>no one is actually talking about writing
>prof is just sitting behind her desk with her eyes glued to her laptop
>I paid $1000 for this fucking class

Tell the dean of ur faculty that your prof is a faggot

>right at a highschool level
Joke intended?

>he thinks college is anything else than a place where you fuck hot girls and get a stupid paper to get a job

She knew you were looking for an easy lay and let you down in a way that wouldn't hurt you.

% of the class can barely right at a high school level

Oh, user...

My first creative writing class is next week and I'm nervous I'll fuck myself over with ideas like this too. Not looking forward to the class.

I always forget that people have trouble socializing.

You need to get used to the irl shitposting
It will make you powerful
Go full (half) hyde

That's a joke, you imbecile.