Tfw I can finally fuck Simon

>tfw I can finally fuck Simon

When did men collectively forget that pathetic sycophancy is the biggest turn-off to women?


>The women continued to bitch and sunbathe.

You got a link to the episode?

All teenage girls I've ever known were prone to immense bitchiness and outbursts of comical violence. So I dunno what these slags are on about.

>/pol9k/ thinks reality TV is real

This is really funny as a joke of some order. Embarrassing otherwise.

I just watched interviews of Soros and all the comments were from Alex Jones followers calling him Satan. Tbqh desu, I wish Soros bought this site instead of Hiroyuki

what i don't get is, if women are so supernally competent how do men keep getting one over on them? i mean if nothing can stop women from being wonder women etc. how come men keep stopping them (or wasn't that the idea?) esp. if men are so incompetent etc.?

I don't even inherently disagree with the biological implications of this but you know some disgusting autistic neckbeard uses this image to disprove women's right to healthcare or something completely unrelated.

Seriously. The men who shape their whole personalities to fit the 'male feminist' ideal are the men who are the least attractive to women.

>whore's right to taxpayer-funded abortions and condoms
Doesn't exist

>find their own island
You mean get sent to Hercules's rape escape?

>((((((((((((women's right to healthcare))))))))))))

I am not a feminist, but the argument probably is that men have long controlled society, education, and the economy to continually cripple a woman's chance of gaining the tools to success. Only through the collective unity of women can they break that system and fully empower themselves to succeed.

Feminism is the movement for more rights than men, not for civil liberty and equality. Civil rights movements are movements are for equality, fems want a better cut of the cake. Trufax, it's the definition.

Femisim is as diverse as any other movement. Most everyday feminists explicitly advocate for equality. There are certain sects who want to flip the societal balance, eg "All men must die", but those are fringe movements. If you mean women want to retain "rights" men don't have, like the taboo of a man hitting a woman, and gaining male rights most mainline feminists would argue everyone should be treated equally regardless of gender. A woman shouldn't hit a man unprovoked like a man shouldn't hit a woman unprovoked. Similarly, women should have the same opportunity to access education, employment, and social mobility as a man. But if you mean women should be hired because they're women, most women and professors I've talked to say that diverse viewpoints can strengthen a project and that on paper qualities don't difine a person or their ability to contribute to a project. Hire the people that make the team better overall than just the strongest on paper applicants.
t. a guy who actually talks to women and listens to their viewpoints

>meanwhile over in reality

I've noticed that women have a strange definition of "healthcare"

>Most everyday feminists explicitly advocate for equality.

Most everyday Feminists are pseuds. Literally 0% of the Feminists I have even an iota of respect for say Feminism is about equality.

I mean seriously just listen to yourself

>Similarly, women should have the same opportunity to access education, employment, and social mobility as a man.

Women are ALREADY overrepresented in education you flaming retard. They're currently pushing an aggressive campaign, not to get more men into schools, but to get more women into STEM. No Feminist gives a SHIT about equality in education, we're way past that, recent arguments I've heard is "Inequality in education doesn't matter when the wage gap still exists" and "We should fight to get more men in nursing, but I won't". No feminist gives a SHIT about inequality in education or they would be fighting to get more men in schools. Good job user, you talked to women, then you didn't critically examine anything they said, and didn't figure out you were talking to people either as retarded as you, or smarter than you that knew they could manipulate you.

>t. a guy who actually talks to women and listens to their viewpoints

do you sniff the seat after they get up too?

>Most everyday feminists explicitly advocate for equality.

Stopped reading there.

Proof that men need reassurance to know they are more physically adapt.

>positive rights

>anything I disagree with is /r/eddit

goddamn i want to fuck gal gadot

Why is it about women you fucking sexist redditor virgin.

>But if you mean women should be hired because they're women, most women and professors I've talked to say that diverse viewpoints can strengthen a project and that on paper qualities don't difine a person or their ability to contribute to a project. Hire the people that make the team better overall than just the strongest on paper applicants.

You see, what we do in the real world is hire the best applicant, and then see how they do during the probation period. If they don't end up being "a good fit" they get fired. It would be silly to hire mediocre applicants and just hope they turn out, in accordance with some vague idea that women have special "viewpoints".