What would you recommend?

Other urls found in this thread:[Alexander_Dugin]_Fourth_Political_Theory(

the bible

Russians are the lost tribes of Israel?

Litvinienko who died for his sins

pretty much all the major figures of the revolution and the 3rd international feature on here,[Alexander_Dugin]_Fourth_Political_Theory(

what's with those wacky russians and immanetizing muh eschaton? won't they ever learn?

Russian Garland has that effect on young minds

Dugin's book on geopolitics was popular among GRU officers in the 1990s. The result is obvious.

All the Kremlins men by Mikhail Zigar.

An analysis of the Putinist inner circles. A lot of it not knowable to outsiders, but interesting nonetheless

Konstantin Pobedonostsev, Reflections of a Russian Statesman

Foundations of Geopolitics

Putin gonna marry young beautiful woman



Personally I'd start with the Greeks or this Stirner guy

The only Greek thing Russians accept is Orthodox faith.

They hate the anarchism (but greatest anarchists are Russian), their favorite political philosopher is Hobbes. They are afraid of chaos. The ruler is the only anarch.

'''The idiocy of autocracy is in the commissars, The explosions of revolution in the tsars'''

For a better understanding of cultural history and literary influence I would suggest pic related

Does it say how the revolution screwed everything up?

This is the best answer made me a monarchist and for the state being involved with thr church. I would say The new russian diplomacy by Igor ivanov



bazhanov for first decade of soviet union

three books most relevant to our current situation:

Charles Clover - Black Wind, White Snow: The Rise of Russia's New Nationalism
Karen Dawisha - Putin's Kleptocracy: Who Owns Russia?
Robert I. Friedman - Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob Has Invaded America

why don't they write the same books about zog in us?


Russian politics are less intellectual and more primitive than you believe they are

It's basically just extreme corruption, justified with the boogeyman America

American politics are less intellectual and more primitive than you believe they are
It's basically just extreme corruption, justified with the boogeyman Russia

They are also very primitive with their controlled opposition approach
>the main opposition leader is an uneducated populist hack who appeals to children and dumb people, it's also obvious to anyone with a brain that they're in bed with the current government and the media demonizes them to an insane degree while the said children and brainlets who don't know about reverse psychology think there's a big conflict going on and they're doing some kind of a revolution
>pretend socialists who are not relevant in the bigger picture mixed in to datamine

It's also funny how they completely mix things up, in Russian propaganda the American establishment are Nazis while Trump is a liberal, while in American propaganda the Russian establishment are Nazis (with evil Putin sponsoring right wing groups!) while Navalny is a SJW liberal, while in their local propaganda the local opposition "leaders" are fascists

Overall it should be obvious that the only word describing the current global political system (bar DPRK) is capitalism, democracy is just a coverup pageant

>They are also BOTH very primitive*

Anna Politkovskaya, Putin's Russia

Politkovskaya is a Kremlin agent
It's crucial to understand that US and Russia are the best allies out there and that there is no political dicothomy or conflict between them

>Politkovskaya is a Kremlin agent

Which is why Putin had her murdered of course
Good stuff user

Wouden't be the first time a Russian agent was killed by his own government. Tho I wony support because anything that starts with "is a x agent" and ends there, its simply conspiracy theory and seeing conspiracy theorys are full of shit...

I enjoyed "In the Court of the Red Tsar" by Simon Sebag Montefiore

Day of the Oprichnik by Vladimir Sorokin
Generation "П" by Victor Pelevin

this is all you need to know:

Most likely Politkovskaya and Nemtsov weren't murdered
Their murders were faked, it's common practice in witness protection and politics have adapated the same tactic.
And if they were really murdered then it was for reasons that the public doesn't know (as in they were actual Kremlin agents but they betrayed their masters, or Kremlin simply decided to get rid off them as a part of the plan or just for any other reason)
I'll explain why below since you obviously never looked up into the details
>anything that starts with "is a x agent" and ends there, its simply conspiracy theory and seeing conspiracy theorys are full of shit...
Flawed logic
There is no way those goons weren't Kremlin agents because of
>1) Their publicity, if a government wants the man to be silenced then they don't promote them and actually silence them before anyone knows about them, these people were writing books, being promoted in the media and surrounded by actual Kremlin officials for YEARS. I repeat, they were PROMOTED IN THE MEDIA
>Lets assume that the KGB failed on all levels to shut down the threat before the public knew of it, if Putin wanted them murdered he would murder them on day one. But instead Putin made them popular and has let them to spread their propaganda for years.
>2) Their bland criticism of the government, pretty much everything that people already knew, they never spilled the beans, dozens of millions of kids are repeating the same things and nobody gives a damn

Claiming that they were against Putin is what really is tinfoil garbage that shouldn't be taken seriously and assumes that the Kremlin are a bunch of incompetent idiots who fired in their own knees FOR YEARS and DIDN'T UNDERSTAND THAT THEY WERE FIRING IN THEIR OWN KNEES.
This is as stupid as claiming that Wikileaks are against the government when all the media does all day is promote them with reverse psychology (Hey, there's this site that you shouldn't visit! Never visit it, ok! There's secret stuff on the government there, so don't visit it allright? These evil russian hackers hacked us and have put everything on this site! God, isn't this Assange guy so evil!) or that David Duke or Richard Spencer aren't FBI assets