Why don’t millennials know how to cook for themselves?

Why don’t millennials know how to cook for themselves?

But millennials cook more than any generation of the last 40 years silly delusional /pol/friend

IKTF, Mojo Jojo


They're too busy working

I'm not opening a restaurant anytime soon, but i can cook just fine.

every fucking roommate I have ever had did not know how to cook, except one other guy who also had divorced parents and was raised by a single mother
I've had roommates that literally did not know how to do laundry
I had a roommate that would basically order Subway in bulk and that's all he ate at home

In my experience gen Xers are much worse.

They cook more than the previous generation. They're just young.

i dont know how to do laundry but i can cook

At least those who do know how to cook know how to make food better than shitty baby boomer food.

If I cook that cuts into my shitposting time.

>Anecdotal evidence

How do you not know how to do something mexican peasants figure out?

That episode was fucking great.
Millenials don't cook because they grew up having everything done for them.

>wah millenials
What kind of waster is pushing 40 and shitposting on Veeky Forums?

Just like every other generation since the boomers

>he doesn't know how to do the laundry

Put clothes, power/liquid in and press start

why did you piss in a glass while doing laundry?

It stared with an increased use of marihjrana.

That's white wine brah.

Dunno bruh. Living with this 22y/o girl who doesn't even know how to turn a stove on, let alone cook.
She also can't do laundry, clean anything or drive, but she somehow finished a degree.

Like this guy said, probs.

It's actually vodka and lemonade. I poured the rest of my bottle into a container that had been stained by Turmeric while I was drunk at 3am on new years day. The result is that yellow green tinge vodka. Still tastes fine.

Very nice user. Cheers!

>Being over 40 and still wasting your life on Veeky Forums

kill yourself my man

Next time you buy a bottle of vodka, be sure to drop a teaspoon of ground Turmeric in it and think of me when it changes to a piss like colour.

>shitty boomer food

This could explain why millennials don’t cook. Being raised by the jello salad generation could put one off of eating entirely.

Read the thread you ancient whiner. Millennials cook more than their parents.

It's actually gotten to the extent that companies that make shit like breakfast cereals, ready-made meals, and a lot of shitty family dining restaurants are crying about losing business because millenials are cooking their own shit.