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Food and Cooking
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Food and Cooking #99
Food and Cooking
Wholl be the getter of gets?
Just took an hour,and a half to make breakfast
How the hell do I make this taste good? Simply steaming them and eating isn't going to cut it...
This kills the manchild
Hey ck, what's your favorite shitting snack? I keep a bag of pic related under my sink at all times
Why are some people allergic to peanus and some aren't?
My girlfriend has an issue with foods that have different textures (ie some crunchy bits in a soft dish)...
Alright its time to finally end the debate, what is the best kind of food to hate while high?
Is ground beef that's red outside, but grey inside safe to eat...
Alright fol/ck/s, I want a way to make some nice steamed buns, and the ability to steam food in general...
Follow-up requested
How the fuck do I go about not rinsing pasta? Everytime I cook pasta and not drain it...
Walk into Firehouse subs for lunch
What are some good recipes involving lampreys?
Please describe your idea of a perfect cooking youtube channel. Examples help
How is this place in business?
Semen food
Tofu... general?
Is home-made hot sauce a thing people do? Why do you do it? How? Is it worth the effort?
Things you've tried because of /ck that were instant letdowns
2.5kg of shredded lettuce from a fast food place has come into my posession
Just a drizzle of olive oil
Who on Veeky Forums has never tasted good quality Foie Gras ?
What are your top five go-to seasonings, Veeky Forums?
How do i make broccoli not taste like feet? It even tastes terrible at restaurants
Diet Coke dying?!
Best ways to cook those little pieces of shit?
Mc donalds drive thru
Jiro, who praised as sushi god said it require 10 years training to bake an egg properly...
How does Veeky Forums like their homemade fries? preboild then fried? out of the oven?
Post your kitchen essentials here, Veeky Forums
I hate spending money on tools that I know I'll have to toss out one day
Spiciness honestly just makes food worse
Do you prefer 'vark or 'cha, Veeky Forums?
Why don't Americans peel their potatoes? I haven't seen a more lazy cook than a American
So which one is the best and why isn't it Papa Johns?
Im hungry post food
And this Ice Cream, is it fresh?
What are your favorite brand packages ? not so much favorite food , what packaging do you like the most ?
Do you identify with him?
Kitchen horror stories
Rate this dinner my girlfriend just cooked for me
Fuck me Veeky Forums. My freezer just died on me while I was out of the house and a fuckton of meat is thawed...
Who do you enjoy cooking with and/or for the most?
What are the ingredients to a perfect salad?
R8 my steak Veeky Forums
A&W is sooo much better than Burger king and wendys...
What does Veeky Forums think of corndogs? meme food or top tier?
Wa fucking la
Is there a worse chip?
Sam's Club pizza > Costco hot dog
What'll ya have Veeky Forums
What's the kinkiest food?
How are you supposed to eat these?
Do Americans even cook?
How do you feel about restaurants themed around a country selling themself as making "(country) food" but with the...
Best Chef in the World
Good lord! People have been boiling these poor sea creatures ALIVE?!?
Whats the best espresso machine brand?
Veeky Forums I'm snowed in. I have some chicken breasts and 3 people to feed including me. I don't have any pasta...
What is your food philosophy?
How the fuck do you make these remotely edible in the microwave?
What did American consumers mean by this?
Can we have a thread about pies that isn't entirely shitposting?
Dumb youtube food channels
Fuck Subway
3 fresh coats of coconut oil seasoning
Tell me Veeky Forums, what's your favorite tea
One Pizza isn't enough
Cooking webms that make you go hmmmm
The cheapest of the cheap meals to get by for breakfast and lunch? preferably healthy
Name the best white people foods
So these have really taken the world by storm, huh?
Spends a quarter of the video showing off his luxury apartment
Does anybody actually like these things?
Thoughts on the Taco Belle stacker?
The perfect french do you do it
Does anyone buy non-perishable food stuffs from this store/Walmart-hating enemy of stable gainful employment?
Any food that you would never eat from a moral standpoint? For me it's bunnies, cats...
Eat spicy food
I'm about to trial at a hospital kitchen as a helper, so food prep/some cleaning/etc...
Restaurant etiquette, a nigger's guide
/cg/ coffee general
20 dollah for use of chop stick, and 25 for other one
What would you cook for her Veeky Forums?
How do you make the perfect soft-boiled egg? Every time I try to follow instructions online...
What kind of sausages do you like? What toppings are your favorite?
Slow cooker ideas
This. is. pizza
Rate my dinner cu/ck/s
I'm tired of reading shitposts
Hi. I'm the most useless vegetable on Earth
What's a good meal that has no rice, pasta, bread, or potatoes in it?
How many slices of white bread do you eat per day?
Can anyone give my instructions to cook a god ribeye? Just bought one today intending to try it
Is there a way around eating off plates. 99% of my food is consumable out of my bowl...
Midwestern Food
What kinds of meat do you want to try when lab grown meat takes off?
Omakase at Sushi Den in Denver
That all you can eat at Applebees is a joke, had it tonight. The "refill" portions are small as fuck...
Why is Japanese food so bland?
Can you make polenta with just regular old corn meal?
Goulash if the king of stews. If you know a better stew, name it
Bacon wrapped shrimp with hollendaise
Chick Fil A
What's up with honey?
Meme food of the year
Is this really what school lunches are like in other countries compared to the US?
I fucking hate rye bread
What things give you the runs?
What do you like to get at the mall food court?
Gf of 5 years dies of car accident
Any other creative ways to top my popcorn?
What went wrong?
Rate my breakfast
Can we have a cruciferous thread in honor of the best vegetable family?
What's your favorite Poutine?
Well, now I've seen it all
Have you ever had raw milk? Is it really that dangerous to consume...
Al/ck/ General
Is it ok to make spaghetti with lamb mince
Order spicy food at asian restaurant
Clears your sinuses and has good flavor
Besides the time it takes, is there literally any downside to this beautiful bastard?
Catsup in fridge?
Worst Chinese food experience you ever had. Go!
Webm thread
All i do all day is cook, eat and browse Veeky Forums
What does Veeky Forums think of the cooking 'talents' of Claire Saffitz from Bon Appetit?
Redpill me on Japanese curry. Does it have to taste bland and unsatisfying, or is there more to it...
Hey asshole, what do you think about Toffifee; the greatest candy in the world?
Salt-cured meats
Things your family does that piss you off
Went to in-laws for 2 day visit. MIL puts roast beef in oven at 8 pm for noon dinner the next day...
Unpopular Opinion
What is the best manufactured ice cream treat?
If you had a gun to your head how many mcdoubles do you think you could eat within half an hour
How do I make tender chicken?
I want try some american snack and buy them online. What should I try? Tell me. (Do not look the picture...
Anyone tried this?
What do you use this with?
What's this about a recipe change, lads? Is this Tizer all over again...
What are some good pizza topping combinations?
Do canadians really eat this?
People are fruitarians
People talk about jews but they are missing the real enemy...
I am making spaghetti for 4 people tomorrow at my work...
Veeky Forums i feel bad
I'm watching a bunch of "how to steam veggies" tutorials on youtube, and none of them mention salting
What is the best version of dry-cured ham?
Induction cooktops
Why isn't there a Canadian cuisine?
What do you love to get at the chinese food placE?
Oven stop working
What is your favorite Italian chain?
Dinner thread
I'm marinading some pork loins with sake, ginger, and garlic. Should I add anything to the mix?
Any ideas on why food allergies are rising so much, especially peanut allergies? This is a recent thing too I've heard...
If you like your deli meat sliced like this you're a faggot cunt and need to be put in front of a firing squad
Just got a slow cooker. What are some recipes you'd suggest?
Bored Of Food
*teleports behind you*
Who loves italian food?
Healthy foods for trap diet?
Georgian Food
The Habit
LITERALLY and UNIRONICALLY paying exponentially more for more fat than meat and saying it's for...
Taking my coffee without cream or sugar for a week and i want to tell everyone
Does anybody have a link to Marie's tomato sauce video? It is the OIL that gives it the flavour
100 dollar budget per week what do
ITT: Roommate cooking stories
How do you feel about this show, Veeky Forums?
For me it’s the McChicken™, the best fast food sandwich
How do i make chilli, Veeky Forums? I tried last week, but desu it didn't looked like American chilli at all
Can we all agree that one scoop of ice cream is not enough?
I have ribeye and scallops for dinner
*ruins your meal*
Cooking with Evilroot: Smoked Pork Shoulder BBQ!
Okay cooks and chefs. How common is it to spit, shit, cum into the dish you are preparing?
Post your spaghetti recipes. I've only been using store bought sauces and would like to make my own sauce...
Scrapes the roof of your mouth
How do you eat scrambled eggs? Alone with a fork? On toast with a fork? On toast with your hands? In a sandwich...
Your country, Do you cook rice with a rice/pressure cooker or over the stove?
Does Veeky Forums eat nuts?
Is unfried chicken a meme? I feel like it's a poor attempt at recreating a healthier version of fried chicken...
Your favorite food YouTuber rate/discus thread
What a shit fucking fruit. discuss this shitty fruit and how shit it is
The best English dish
Favourite offal
Favorite kind of hard liquor?(:
Explain please
One grain lice one dollah. 10 grain lice 9 and haf dollah. good deal good deal. you save many money
Name a better fast food french fry
Don't normally eat fast food
Filled with carbs
I call this one "Dinner Americano"
A food which is indisputably the best cure for a hangover
Tfw going to Golden Corral breakfast for the first time tomorrow morning
Alt milk
What is a decent olive oil brand that you can get most places in the states...
More fat than meat
What's your chili recipes like?
I can never bake desserts because I like to eat raw dough. How do I cope?
Al/ck/ - That sound when you crack open a fresh fifth edition
Aldi Thread
What events actually transpire behind these walls?
30 hours into a 48 hour Sous Vide Chuck Roast
Why are nu-boys obsessed with pabst blue ribbon...
Planning to start making mapo tofu regularly, can anyone recommend a brand of doubanjiang...
Is it safe to deep fry food on a gas stove?
Does anyone else enjoy getting dinner from grocery store buffets?
Hey guys I bought this stuff at the store, can I make alcohol with this, and if so, what kind and how...
And nothing of value was lost
WEBM Thread
Getting some Taco Bell in a little bit. What should I get, Veeky Forums?
How do prepare flay minion
I just bought a cast iron pan
/sip/ general
Why can't you buy plain ice cream?
What's Veeky Forums's favorite flavor of icecream?
Holy fuck, shake shack is terrible
Could you live on fast food? If you are skinny and not a fatboi, what could go wrong?
Sup Veeky Forums?
Between Doha, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Muscat, what's the best foodie pit stop...
Signs a restaurant has gone downhill
Veeky Forums related pet peeves
Anyone else eat raw eggs?
What is the best way to cook this?
He follows a recipe
When's the last time you had some good old curry?
Cut an onion once
Shitty ad-hoc meals
ITT: Food items with many fields of use
Hangover cures?
What do you think of this chili, Veeky Forums?
Why are cereals so expensive?
Putting greasy pizza boxes on bed sheets
Meal Deals
What is your go to pig out meal Veeky Forums?
What is the food equivalent of this?
Soyboys are all beta faggots and effeminate. Asian men are notoriously beta and make very convincing traps
What are some foods to eat to help reduce the risk of contracting flu?
Do other countries have pic related?
Why aren't they a national chain yet?
How do you make 10/10 fried rice?
Whats his name again?
Name one (1) grain
Before I further elaborate, just tell me, is it any good?
Jack thread
Is pic related possible? Asking for myself. I have no friends
I'm cooking a potato bake in a slow cooker, here's my recipe:
Who here /water/?
9$ for this shitty garbage from burger king . Thats highway robbery
Cooking for a date
Who was in the wrong here?
What is the worst fast food restaurant?
Al/ck/ alcoholics
How do you cure food poisoning?
ITT: Food Opinions that Annoy You
Reminder that the best way to kill a lobster is to boil it
Someone eats McDonald's at a sit-down
ITT Pasta Recipes
Are these any good? I need to lose weight this year and this seems like a good way to break up the diet monotony...
Why are the raffaello and rondnoir wrapped differently than the rocher...
Thoughts on this guy?
Why does Veeky Forums get so mad about other people's eating habits?
Chef John makes a go'za' video
ITT: Foods that gatekeepers label as "childish" but are actually fucking delicious
I'm too lazy and unskilled to cook so I most just live off Ubereats. Anyone else the same...
Comes in a can
Which is better for grilled cheese?
What's the most poverty food you've ever eaten?
No meat toppings pizza
Help me get fucked up
ITT: Horrible candy
Taking my coffee without cream or sugar for a week and i want to tell everyone
Hey, Veeky Forums. What's the best thing to order from 5 Guys?
Can we talk about beer? What kind of beer do you fucks like to sip while cooking or with your favourite meal...
Redpill me on carrots, Veeky Forums
Go into Mcdonalds for cheap coffee in the morning because it's somehow my only option
Questions that don't deserve their own thread
Find a good fast food place
For me its Boltons... The best fried chicken
Cooking some pasta any advice?
Hide it in the hiding place where no one ever goes
Picky eaters
Thoughts on the Canadian branch of Dominos?
What's your tea Veeky Forums?
What are some of Veeky Forums's favorite pre-packaged cookies?
ITT: tasteless filler food
I feel like an aristocrat
Bean & Rice. The combination of combinations
Cast Iron Pizza - it's a pie, a pizza pie
How the fuck is it possible to eat this much in one sitting?
Can we get a "food from shithole countries" thread?
I'm going to get all of my wisdom teeth extracted in a few days...
What kind of food do you think Louis Veeky Forums likes to eat?
How do I not die on a vegan diet? 8 months vegan and already fallen underweight...
Hoi Veeky Forums we're going to cook some nice shit
What is your favorite hot sauce Veeky Forums?
Man i don't know what it is about pickles but every time i smell one of them sodium enriched bad boys i just fucking...
I ate my first Dominos pizza in over a dozen years just now
What does Veeky Forums think of stroganina...
Recipe calls for coriander
Al/ck/ general n-n-no homo
Al/ck/ alcoholics
Anyone else tired of the "Japanese quality" meme in food culture?
I never saw a person making a hamburger with spam in my life
/deenz/ Canned Fish General
I want to start getting into eating. What's a good food to start off with?
As part of my New Year's resolution and a transgression with a nearby McDonald's I have been trying to eat less fast...
Anti numale food
Cheese General
Does Veeky Forums make cocktails? What's your favorite kind to make/drink?
Eating in Mexico
Who else here cooks breakfast for their gf
Name a better sausage
I'm just too busy with my software development job there's no way I can take five minutes to eat a sandwich like a...
Homemade condiments
Thanks to Christmas and New Year holidays, I put on 5-8kg extra weight
Humans aren't even omnivores, we're vegetarians who just managed to cheat by cooking our meat...
Mise en place
Are there any countries that can actually keep up with American craft beers?
Is this the dad of hot sauces?
The great debate
Post pastries and other uncommon baked goods
BK whopper
How to cook lobsters?
Any kind of chocolate chip in any ice cream should be illegal
Tomato sauce for pasta
Amazon Distiller kits
McDonalds is not only THE best chain fast food restaurant of quick eating out there...
AMA Request: someone who currently works or has worked in fast food
How do I access the secret menu at a restaurant?
How many of you actually use these meme skillets regularly?
Korean BBQ
Confession Thread
What's your final meal on death row?
The Great British Bake Off (Baking Show)
This kills a manchild
Cheap meals
I never drink anything sweet because it's for children
Best fruit?
Oh noez teh label is peeling off
Me and my crew installed one of these in a luxury lower manhattan apartment
How to make this edible?
This guy doesn't deserve nearly as much hate as he gets here
What's some good food to buy in bulk that's cheap? Apparently ramen is like poison
*teleports behind you*
How to make good quesadilla
Al/ck/ alcoholics
Justify putting raw onions in anything to me
A cute Japanese cashier didn't know what this was when I went to purchase it...
Chicken breast, how do you make it taste good?
*blocks your path*
How do ya'll feel about slaw burgers?
Beer Thread
Justify/make an argument for this at $8/jar
If you eat a Subway Sandwich, how do you?
Taco meat
ITT: Foods you had to give up because of reddit
Shelled or Unshelled?
ITT : Food from your region that people think is weird/gross
Why is she so perfect bros?
American cheese
Who /poor/ here? Post your poor person dinners...
Foods to eat while weatching movies
What are your go-to lazy meals...
Wtf is american cheese?
Fast food hacks you know: cheeseburger is $1, triple cheeseburger is $3...
Found a mouse made a hole in a bag of rice and ate some
What's goin' on bro, what can we get you today?
Have you ever eaten snake? What does it taste like?
Power Rankings of French Fries
Give me 1 (ONE) good reason not to throw these in the garbage
Breakfast thread
New tea thread: guess how many fucks I give edition
German export beer
Chocolate Thread
What are some food redpills
My colon feels hard as a brick and I don't want to get any laxatives...
Please Stop Telling Poor People to “Just Cook” to Save Money
Why are Starbucks employees always so combative and rude to people?
Just got a job that pays USD $750 a day
ITT: post things you want to eat but will probably never will
ITT cozy Youtube videos
Well since I can't afford my usual Gatorade anymore what are some good alternatives that don't have added sugar?
Is there anything to be said about cooking on stone? What would be the most practical way to do this at home?
OMG user, you cook better than me!
What did they mean by this
Deveining shrimp
Why is that, the more ghetto a place looks, the better their food?
How often to you eat steak?
Anyone ever tried cooking with Kratom?
Hello friends, I am objectively the best type of apple
Want to have some dog meat?
Is the removal of egg yolk the biggest indicator of a complete beta cuck?
ITT: food products only boomers would buy
Ordering sushi outside Japan
ITT: Foods that are pleasant to consume a couple times per year, but would be disgusting to have every day
What oil do you use for frying stuff?
ITT fictional foods you've always wanted to eat
/Fermentation Station General/
Hey guys, rate the meal I just made. Thoughts?
I need to cook a steak people. How the fuck do I know my pan is the hottest it can be so I get that sweet sear?
What is Taco Bell's end game?
Cheap beer
Grocery store pet peeves
Nostalgia thread?
Just got back from south korea
White person says they love Mexican
Crispy golden brown hash browns
Hey, user! We heard you're a great cook. Wanna show us?
Food from other cultures that you would never eat
What do roasties like to eat?
Post badass vegans
It’s damn cold outside and I’m in the mood for soup. What are Veeky Forums‘s favorite soups or recommendations?
All jokes aside, what would be a good way to use this in cooking...
I Need help cooking chicken thighs
Is milk healthy? Why or why not?
I wanna try something new with chicken breast...
What can i eat with penne's?
Hello welcome to Starbucks! Would you like to try our brand new blonde espresso?
Systemic racism in our society
What is your favorite Burger?
Why isn't fish more popular than chicken?
Do you think it's weird to see a white person in an Indian or Asian supermarket?
So this guy takes a pristine piece of locally raised...
What is the strangest thing you have eaten? Not a contest, just curious. I used to travel a lot for work...
Is there a fast food more based than pic related?
What's the non-native and native "standard food" for your state?
On a scale of 1-100, how dumb is my dad here?
Vaginal Yeast Bread
How do I add more flavour to a vegetable meat stew with red wine...
Okay so we have Papa John's in Europe now and I tried to order one
What the dill, yo?
>can't stop eating
Tips for an easier keto experience? I know that there are a lot of normally unhealthy things that are good for keto...
Why is he always so fucking lazy
What do you eat while you’re on a long train journey, Veeky Forums?
Forever eradicate one ingredient in all its forms, and bring the culinary world to its knees
About to cook some french fries. Posting the results in this thread
Is this acceptable?
This is interesting
Is this pizza?
Ok Veeky Forums, this is a pizza pie thread. But my question is, a pepperoni pizza pie...
Should I season a new cast iron skillet? It came pre-seasoned but I don't trust american manufacturers
Tfw I have gynocomastia from drinking soylent for 8 months straight
You jealous Statelets? Ate a double double today with animal style fries...
Why aren't you vegetarian yet, Veeky Forums? well? i'm waiting
Meal Frequency
If you guys were going to die tomorrow what would you last meal be?
It's that time of year again
How many calories is this mound of nuggies? Would I get sick from eating all these? Could you eat them all, user?
What's your guilty pleasure?
How can I eat as healthy as possible for as little money as possible...
/poorfag diet/
Whiskey thread
What's Veeky Forums's opinion on hotdogs?
Eating my mom’s favorite candy while she’s sleeping...
Is this peak hot dog?
Coffee thread
Comfy Meals Thread
Al/ck/ - Shakes and Fear at the Office Edition
To prepare a Mobile Suit is simple...
I'm planning on buying pic related. What beans can I buy off amazon to make good press coffee...
What to eat if you hate food
For me, its cornbread and butter
What are the contents of a PERFECT burrito in your opinion?
Mom caught me pulling the pork
For me, it's Valentina extra hot, the superior hot sauce
Fried rice help
ITT: we post awful food concoctions
Foods you don't eat anymore if you're an adult
ITT: Shitty chains that nobody eats at but somehow manage to stay in business. (Pic related)
What's your order?
What's so bad about Applebee's?
Hi anons!
How do i make green curry?
Webm thread
Can we talk about soy? I just read an article and it basically outlined how bad it is for men to consume...
What is the worst flavor of chip?
How do I stop eating fast food? Every day I pick up a burger while on my way to work
Anyone else think Okonomiyaki could take the world by storm...
Is it true that Germans eat raw grounded pork on rolls?? how can they still be alive
First time greating cheese. How'd I do ?
Ah, the perfect breakfast. There's really no better way to start your day
Beep beep, its the future
Did Veeky Forums ever eat a good Dutch frikandel?
Egg on a hamburger yes or no
*opens liquor cabinet*
Behold... The world's greatest juice
ITT: Things Flyovers believe and do
Was it autism?
The only people that like these machines are restaurant owners. They produce an inferior product 100% of the time
*gives you brain cancer*
How do I even begin to tackle meal planning? What sort of stuff does Veeky Forums eat on a regular basis...
Start cooking salmon
The "American" Aisle
What's your worst dinner experience?
Days without drinking alcohol
Does anybody seriously like these?
I'm so fucking sick of being an alcoholic. I drink every single day...
Coffee after a meal is better than any dessert
Calling All Vegans
How to people physically overeat?
Olive oil thread
Real men eat cake
Is it autistic to go to a restaurant alone?
Thinking about doing a raw vegan diet for a while. Anyone here done it, and do you have recipes?
Pan, nice and hot
Why the fuck do I feel so bloated if I shit everyday? Which foods can cause this fucking air in my stomach?
Instant ramen thread
Hey fu/ck/ers
Hey guys, rate my meal
Making an omelet
Shovels food into mouth from bowl not two inches from his face
The one time Veeky Forums was right, this is a great hot sauce
Wake me up, wake me up inside starts playing
/DEENZ/ Thread
Rate my lamb
Cheese is the best thing ever invented. Prove me wrong
Himalayan Salt Soup
Get a box of cereal for the first time in two years
Not eating healthy
Ask a guy who just had Kobe beef (in Kobe, Japan) anything
For me it's two hamburgers with just pickles, two cheeseburgers, and another cheeseburger everything on them...
I've been trying fries with mayo and I'm starting to like it. Ketchup is for plebs
Don’t worry guys I brought the beer
As an american who just recently discovered the lovely deliciousness that is a stroopwafel...
What can I do with leftover rosemary? I never seem to finish the entire bundle
Al/ck/ alcoholism thread
Cast Iron Pizza - 2 days of fridge
Pinterest Evil
I made beef jerky and trimmed this off of about 16lbs of rump roast
Simple food pleasures thead
Glass snapple gone
Wait, is making Lox actually this easy?
What do you guys think of my prime rib?
I need some new hot sauce. Something as hot as pic related but with good flavor unlike pic related
Soude vive help thread?
Why do people say indian food it unappetizing?
What would you order Veeky Forums?
Parents cooking thread
Worst food-related accident. Go
Best fast food thread
Bread Thread
ITT: Foods where the fake version is consumed more often than the actual food
I'm hard resetting my sleep schedule, I woke up at 5:30 PM, had 5 coffees and my stomach is killing me...
Anyone here doing their sunday baking?
Are cheeseburgers really a staple food for Americans?
My little brother is a extremely picky eater. What should I do to fix his habits?
My wife just started crying cause I told her she made me a bland breakfast. What do you guys think? It wasn't very good
Why do people like this gimmick food?
Are food allergies simply the result of an overly-sterile environment during childhood or of a diet lacking in a...
Why do Swedish and Nordics eat this? Banana doesn't belong on pizza
For me, it’s Barqs
Mexican cuisine
There is only one brand of mayonnaise worth my taste
Have you had your daily dose, Veeky Forums?
Webm thread
How many of you are actually chefs?
American Veeky Forums Mommy
Anyone know of a simple mole inspired sauce?
Toast Thread
I'm 3 years into heroin addiction, try to guess my favorite food
I ate 4 boxes of this pizza today. They are my favorite frozen food. Ask me anything
Sack Lunch General
Mom slightly burned tuna casserole
Tfw no gf
Asked retard roommate
What is the first meal you would cook for your waifu if she suddenly became real?
Whats your opinions on Avocados Veeky Forums?
I boil eggs an then explod
Seppos will never experience the perfect Sunday lunch
Pork Loin
Did I just get memed?
Which salt Veeky Forums?
In today's episode, we'll be making shrimp fried rice
Is there a more perfect breakfast than this?
How to get into cooking?
First attempt at Yorkshire putting‘s. What does Veeky Forums think?
Squeezing lemon on fish
Tfw you invite people over for Sunday dinner solely for the unsolicited complements
Why is Taco Bell so associated with depression?
Food you would give your left nut to have in your area
God Fucking dammit
What's the consensus on licorice
Is there ANY good reason for meat to have fat and cartilage...
Fast food stories
What did Seattle mean by this?
Slow cooker
Post 10/10 milk only. I can drink a whole carton of this in like 30 minutes
Name one food that I've never heard of. I'll wait
Food gore thread
Post sweets that are only avaible in your country
Al/ck/ thread
It's time. Best chocolate chip cookie recipe?
Natural Foods You CAN'T eat
I invited my muslim coworker over for dinner. What are some halal muslim dishes I can cook for him?
Lets get a food ha/ck/ thread going
Veeky Forums, i have acquired giant soft pretzels. what should i do with them?
Anyone tired of chocolate? People keep insisting it be placed everywhere...
Short Cook Along
What is your favourite alcohol? Please I need some recommendations
Meal Prep Thread
Discontinued items you miss thread
Hey Veeky Forums I'm high and I'm hungry what should I make?
Why is America the only country that knows how to make good seafood? I was traveling abroad in Europe and...
What are you cooking/eating right now
Post your thiccest brekkies
ITT: Authentic recipes
Candy general
What kind of cheap an easy recipe can I make as an homeless fuck? I'm tired of eating cold tin cans
This is what you get when you order pizza in Nigeria
How old were you when you used/ate your first:
Impulse bought some english muffins. what can I do with them?
Allow me to present:
Anyone who likes this god-forsaken vegetable has to be mentally ill...
If you think peppercorns are an herb, you should kill yourself
I gotta feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night starts playing
Welcome to Heart Attack Grill
This is a Filipino dessert.Say something nice about it
Food sex
Is this the worst soda there is? It literally tastes like cough medicine
Rate this steak
Itt: god tier ice cream flavors
How do I make mead?
Best poverty snack?
Watch me make steak tartare
Rate my sandwich
Why is this the best best authentic Mexican food
Some people actually like pineapple on pizza
Ketchup on sesame chicken, yay or nay?
Bourbon General
Sick and home alone on a Friday night, I'm going to get drunk and make meal...
Things you hate that you wish you didnt
Do hops have an intoxicating effect when eaten on their own?
Is it really that much cheaper to buy all your groceries on Amazon?
Go to your kitchen to cook a meal
Have any of you tried Blue Apron or Hello Fresh or other similar subscription services? Are they at all worth it...
Is diet pepsi the best drink of all time?
And would you like to donate a dollar to the Children's Cancer Research Fund?
Chinese Food
What's the verdict, Veeky Forums?
Cooking show kino?
Roast beef
What's for Dinner Homos?
How do you prepare your oats, user?
How accurate is this?
Bacon finally finishes cooking
Publix subs named America’s No. 1 sandwich
What food makes the poop easy?
I understand that cheese is a way of preserving milk...
Mandela Effect
What's your local restaurant that's pic related? Mine is El Paso
Why is it so hard to order delivery? Just fucked up and had to hang up
*blocks your arteries*
Miracle whip is so disgusting, what's the best mayonnaise you've eaten?
Webm thread
Cast Iron Pizza - Normie oven edition!
Do americans really do this? this is worse than dumpster diving if you ask me
Is this the best grocer in the USA?
What’s the verdict?
How the fuck do I fry an egg
What do they taste like?
Pizza in the morning, pizza in the evening
Show me a better ice cream
Tfw no hot dog buns
Hi guys, Veeky Forums here. It's my first bulking season and I need lots of protein...
I want to grow my own spearmint for tea, any recommendations for grinding it to tea sized?
About to make a run to Tims ya guys want anything?
Tomato sauce
ITT: Only the tastiest food on earth
Who /gintonic/ here?
Gonna make cookies for the first time this weekend, any tips?
Five Guys
Sushi-grade fish
Dippy egg
Things You Do While CooKing
What does Veeky Forums think of Balkan cuisine?
Al/ck/ alcoholics
Hey guys! Winter is past it’s peak, but I figured now would be a good time to finally share my special hot coco recipe!
What are some chad foods?
Retarded meaningless food terminology
What is your strategy for all you can eat tendies?
I picked up some soybean paste at an asian market and realized afterwards that it specified usage for stew...
The pinnacle of American cuisine
Reminder that if you eat mayo you should consider suicide
He peels his potatoes
Brits, what's the chavviest food out there? Non-Brit barbarians...
Why aren't you drinking raw water yet user?
Eating taco bell all alone
I can make a sand for $1.25-$1.30 so good you'll fall on your knees with tears in your eyes...
Lads, it's back
I promise to delete this if in wrong place or thread or whatever, but I can not fucking deal with all these eggs...
With all the autistic screeching about sushi being a scam and which fast food is best...
Mom is a hambeast
/Soy/ General
/Whisky general/
Feeling like Chinese takeout tonight
Weird shit that actually exists
Why the heck do some of my cookbooks say to cook dried chickpeas for up to 2 1/2 hours...
What is the alcohol equivalent of pic related?
*ruins your multipack*
Is the McRib actually good, or is it just a meme food? I've never had one before
If I make a cake today will it still be good on Saturday?
Knife sharpeners
Good night sweet prince
A common KFC hoax
What is your favorite candy?
Turning bad steak into tender steaks
Any good resources for beginners looking to start cooking for themselves? Looking for noob tier recipes
How do you decide what to get at a store?
Which herb do you reach for most often when cooking?
Do people really need videos to show them to put meat and cheese into dough every video...
Mortar and Pestle
Unofficial Noodle Tier list
Who would win?
Is there any occupation more embarrassing than fast food jobs?
How autistic do you have to be to have your steak like this? Might as well fucking bite a living cow at that point
Hurricanes decimated the Citrus crops all Spring and Summer
Better get in now, we're mooning. 5000 new floor bitches
I'm so fucking scared of botulism, I can't eat anything. How do I deal with this?
Is there really anything wrong with eating in bed?
What the hell is wrong with America
How do i eat eggs without getting runny yolk all over me and my clothes if I am wearing some
What's the best way to prepare your water or do you just drink it raw?
There's some guys on /b/ telling me that rice cookers are the greatest thing ever made
What order do you guys put your toppings on the pizza?
What do the people who live here eat?
How you make your burgers?
As in the previous threads, this is all about the fermentation, long term storage, curing, home hooch concocting...
Breaks off a piece of dark chocolate
Cooking Knives
Why is sushi so fucking overrated
Chef knife vs Santoku
Time for the great debate
WEBM Thread
How can a menu be so large yet offer so little variety?
Favorite Local Joints
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games