ITT: post things you want to eat but will probably never will


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Ass, but I always chicken out



This is an interesting way to declare war on canada

Hornbill, but they probably taste bad like other predatory birds.

Human bone marrow.

Would love to try to eat alligator or turtle. I'm also curious about iguanas and other reptiles. I live in northern Europe so that's probably never going to happen.


Delete this. That's not a snapping turtle thus it doesn't deserve that.


I've eaten that. I guess it would be good if it was properly prepared but I found it to be very chewy and there was no taste at all. Keep in mind that this was my vegetarian mom who cooked it many years ago.

I've had gator before. It was a burger. It was kind of dry and didn't taste like much. I'd like to try it again as something else. Like a sausage or something.

goose is nice, had it for Christmas. Like turkey but less dry
>inb4 you don't cook your turkey properly
no shit, but I found goose easier to work with

haha xD i do that

Geese are the niggers of the sky.

They can fly but choose to walk across the street.

So many people run them over in Michigan they made it a $300 fine IF they can't prove you intentionally ran them over (in which case its a low misdemeanor animal cruelty).

Fuck geese

Just go shoot one. The federal stamps are like 20 dollars and state license are usually less. They're overpopulated here on the East coast so the state lets us unplug our guns and raises the bag limit to 10 during the Septemeber special season. The flavor is distinct yet mild and there's enough meat on them for a family dinner.

If you want to eat a canadian bird, just hit up a brothel in toronto. Aaaayyyy


I found a recipe for one in a 19th century cookbook too

I’m not even memeing. I want to eat all domesticated animals at some point in my life. If I ever get the chance, I’d eat a cat and post it here for jokes.

fried gator legs are taste like a chicken wing

Turtles are fishy and have this kind of strange gamey chicken-y taste. They make for good soup and it's apparently "good" for you according to the chinks.

Horse is pretty good. Super lean though. Cats don't taste good though since they're strictly carnivores.

One of those fuckers hissed at me at the park once. I got too close I guess. The balls on that fucker.

>eating a living mousetrap

They're 90% feather and bone, what's the point?

Is it tough and chewy?

Nah, look at how plump it is, i bet it's delicious. Have you had quail? That shit is amazing. Having a tiny roasted bird carcass to yourself to pick at is dope.

the recipe i found said it was good too

a little, but in a quite pleasant way if it's been cooked well


it's just elf poops

No, I get that. I didn’t say i wanted to eat it for the culinary experience. I just hate cats and the people who deify them.
I’ve eaten dog accidentally already and it wasn’t bad at all. I would suck some dick for the chance to eat a cat.

I've had it in "broodjes" repeatedly. If it's braised thoroughly it will be tender as hell. If it's not, you'd better not have a cap or crown on your canines.

They're a goddamned menace in parts of the US. They don't migrate if the environment agrees with them and they shit xenomorph acid across lawns, parks, and sports-fields. They're over-aggressive as shit and I had to punt them on two separate occasions when they chased me clear into resort cabin and a business office.

I wouldn't weep if they went extinct.

winona ryder . . . if yeah know what i mean ;)

Yeah but you would suck a dick for leisure too, so that's not really that much of a commitment.

I've heard from an ornithological taxidermist that toucan is pleasantly fruity. It seems like they have similar diets to hornbills.

it wouldn't be hard. i could probably find some at some store within an hour.

but i'm so lazy and cheap.

I heard its like venison but spicier

lol. youre definitely right about how they defile parks and fields. basically turned this beautiful park into a no-walk zone. every spot was covered in shit.

some kind of deep fried insect, like crickets or larvae.

Goose is just a tougher and drier version of duck. Duck is easy to find.

Unless you wreck one in front of a cop no one will care. Everyone one around here hates them.

fwiw, c.goose tastes fucking awful in most preparations. Way too lean and gamey.

Musk ox
Beluga whale
I disagree



fucking modern dinosaurs fuck

>around here
I'd bet everyone hates those little shits in every place they congregate.
One of them bit me when I was a kid, we've been sworn enemies since.

I'm confused do you mean Doritos or rollie pollie ollie?

Doritos obviously. Why would I want to eat a Giant Isopod?


canada goose fucking with a zoo elephant:

if we dumped them in africa would they take over the continent?

dem bir rayciss

there's a few of them in the park by my house

Chicken Beans

I'd like to eat one panda, just for the cruelty of it. Human meat too, but it should be a vegan.

Canada geese are very different from the kind you had at Christmas. There's not much meat on them and they're quite lean.
They're still pretty good eating if you don't overcook them, but they're not the juicy roasted bird you're thinking of.
Better for pan frying than roasting in an oven if you want to try one.


I know that's edgy, but that's the idea. It's a mix of morbid curiosity and edge.

You have to be 18 or older to post on this board

Wow that's edgy. Also how is eating a panda any more cruel than eating any other animal?


They're quite long and a good shape so I imagine you could make a great sausage from one.

They make great FleshLights.

Bear. They're omnivores and apex predators, just like us. That said, I'd have to learn how to field strip a fucking behemoth of an animal to be able to eat one. Also getting the right hunting permit...

>field strip
You don't REALLY do much hunting, do you?

They’re dying out despite humans trying really hard to get them to bone more often and having literally no predators.

In case you didn't know, according to the Audubon Society's book on North American Birds, the Canadian Goose's call is described in the English context as follows: Honk-a-lonk.
So next time you hear em, call out to them.

Steller's sea cow, a sirenian species the size of a small whale

It was hunted to extinction in the 1700's less than 40 years after its initial discovery, apparently because it was 1. slow and easy to catch, and 2. fucking delicious, with meat described as being 'similar to corned beef'

I love octopus and calamari. Octopus cooked in the right way is divine, tender, and good in just about anything.

Literally just tastes like drier Beef

alligator is alright. nothing too special. if you never end up eating it, youre really not missing much. its very common in the american south; the only place worth visiting there is New Orleans, though.
like previous user said, good but lean.
if its cooked well, no. very delicate, briny flavor. im a fan.
bison is good, its a gamey beef. worth the "effort".
had some of these in vietnam from some weird cart. they were fine, you get more of that grilled flavor than anything else.
bear is greasy and not very good. bear jerky is decent but dont expect a nice steak. also what said. assuming youre in america, you dont need a "special permit". it varies state by state, NYS says one bear per season per hunter, you dont even need tags.

for me, its the elephant. the most majestic and i assume most delicious of creatures.

Undercooked squid and octopus is tough and chewy. Overcooked squid and octopus is tough and chewy. When cooked properly, they're tender and delicious.

Ted's Montana Grill is one restaurant I know that incorporates bison into their menu, if you happen to live in a state with a location.

That's a virgin/chad webm right there.

oh I know what you mean user. she's my jewfu

Fuckin oven dodger

Former Floridian here.

Gator tastes like a slightly alkaline, gamier chicken. It's a solid edible/10.


I saw two Canada gooses mount a swan once and you gotta believe that swan told her friends about it later.

A lot of the bison you find in markets is actually Beefalo, hybridized bison/cattle meat. But it's still breddy gud.
Wild bison is really lean and very tough if not prepared right.

Plenty of places in Louisiana worth visiting for food other than New Orleans. It's difficult to find any decent authentic Cajun food in NOLA being that it's a cesspool for criminals and lost all it's culture after Hurricane Katrina when hipster soyboys looking for cheap real estate forced the best places out. Go to Avoyelles Parish for food then come back with an qualified opinion.

just googled "running over a goose in michigan" you niggas hard as fuck

I'm dating a man now.

Not our bird anymore

>for jokes
Kill yourself.


>five Americans in profile.png

>see lapras in intro
>does not show up in first season
>only first season had been syndicated at that time

Yes it NPC gives you one, you tard.

He's talking about the anime, newfag.

How does that at all make me a newfag for misunderstanding what he meant? Retard.

The term "season" is never used in reference to video games unless you were born in the 00's and grew up with season passes and episodic video games. Your not knowing the first season intro is further indication toward this. Since we are living in the year 2018 of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, you must be a newfag, unless you are willing to admit you've been (and maybe still are) posting here underage.


It's 5 in the morning and I haven't slept in almost 4 days. I don't give a shit what you have to say right now.


Nice reasoning, enjoy your ban.


already comes with leek

Im from the western side of the U.S and bison is super common here if you know where to look. Its basically beef but a bit more gamey, so you have to know what to pair it with to make it something special. People usually mix their bison with blue cheese so if you hate blue cheese you might be S.O.L if you dont wanna make it yourself.