>putting greasy pizza boxes on bed sheets
why do americans do this
>putting greasy pizza boxes on bed sheets
why do americans do this
might as well post porn if you are going to shitpost.
looks like a hotel
who cares
those are some big pizzas. pizza'd.com.
This particular Bravo Pizza seems to be California-based. There's your answer.
>yuropoors can't afford greaseproof bedsheets
i've seen footage of an amerifat eating crab legs in bed
They're in a hotel who cares
>hose are some big pizzas
For you.
If the grease is going through the fucking box then you have a problem and should find a new place to buy pizza.
That pizza looks dank af! They could put it on the floor or toilet and Id still hammer it.
Do europeans believe literally everything they see or are told?
i hate this
Not a disgusting american, but I have done it too. Let the hotel clean that shit up, it’s their job.
Looks like a hotel room or a day spa.
they literally do
Sounds like you are in fact disgusting, though.
everything I've been told that americans really do, they do in fact really do.
>watching Oprah or a documentary about extreme obesity
>"Wait do Americans do this?"
>google extremely obese americans
>get results
>"I knew it!"