Lately on other boards I've been hearing soy used as an insult. For example
>that's so soy
Can anyone explain to me why this food product has a negative connotation? Is it warranted?
/Soy/ General
It's a meme. Chinamen have been eating soy for centuries and they're fine.
>smaller penis
>short stature
Yeah, just a meme. Keep eating that soy ;)
Ah, of course, the soy changed their DNA
I mean after a few thousand years....
>everyone eats soy all their lives
>higher estrogen
>mate with someone who eats the same as you
>offspring eats same as you
>repeat ad infinitum
and don't forget about the highest rates of infertility of any race
soy contains xenoestrogens, goitrogens, and trypsin inhibitors. Its objectively not good for you and I haven't been eating it for 10 years now
it's also is used as an additive and the soy lobby much like the corn lobby have decimated american agriculture so we aren't growing our own food anymore
the farmers make more money growing soy to sell primarily as a food additive
its used as an insult because of the leftist war on words. They tried to take faggot away, so it was changed to cuck, then they went after cuck so it was changed to soyboy, and next year it will be something else
I only hope all the negative press actually harms the soy industry so they stop growing so damn much of it in this country
Yes, good boys, that's how DNA works. If you eat your onions every day, your descendants will grow up big and strong someday.
are you trying to deny nutrition and stature don't have a causal link?
there's a reason north koreans are on average 6 inches shorter than south koreans
>are you trying to deny nutrition and stature don't have a causal link?
>there's a reason north koreans are on average 6 inches shorter than south koreans
And yet the descendants of North Koreans raised in South Korea (or in the US or some other country with ample food) grow to the same height as average South Koreans.
Pretty much this except I'd substitute the japs and gooks instead of chinks. The feudal samurai were arguably the greatest warriors the world has ever seen and vietcong battalions went far out of their way to avoid ROK army platoons and preferred to face a Division of pussfag amerimutts instead. Fucking gooks were brutal and operated with a no holds barred ethos. Both the japs and gooks were heavy soy consumers.
>amerimutt closet soybois btfo!
>vietcong battalions went far out of their way to avoid ROK army platoons
What the fuck kind of drugs are you even on my dude? There was never any ROK army in Vietnam
>and don't forget about the highest rates of infertility of any race
Nice meme 56%er. Let's see your tune in 10 years when whites are 45% in clapistan.
I'm italian
I'm a chameleon to whatever race is the most advantageous to me at the time
chances are it will still be white even when they are a minority. There's just going to be an even greater wealth distribution gap as the majority becomes more and more impoverished due to their lower IQs and lack of work ethic.
Soy has photo estrogens or some shit. This is fact but it's a bit of a myth that is translates into high estrogen males who eat it.
It was 'broscience' on Veeky Forums like 5-6 years ago but has had a resurgence through /pol/ which despite what people think is a hugely influential board on Veeky Forums due to it's popularity.
desu it's just a new meme to insult emasculated males with because they're usually into all the hipster trendy foods like soy and tofu.
No way I'm throwing out my soy sauce over it
>never any ROK army in Vietnam
>oh look, I was homeschooled by evangelicals
From wikipedia:
>The Republic of Korea (South Korea), under the administration of Park Chung-hee, took an active role in the Vietnam War. From 1964 to 1973, South Korea sent more than 300,000 troops to Vietnam. The South Korean Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force all participated as an ally of the United States. The number of troops from South Korea was much greater than those from Australia and New Zealand, and second only to the U.S. military force. The military commander was Lieutenant General Chae Myung-shin, ROK Army.
Please die a slow death.
>he obsesses over soy because he secretly wants to be a girl
>he's not on hrt already
lmaoing @ ur lyfe
In genetics, a mutagen is a physical or chemical agent that changes the genetic material, usually DNA, of an organism and thus increases the frequency of mutations above the natural background level. As many mutations can cause cancer, mutagens are therefore also likely to be carcinogens, although not always necessarily so. Some chemicals only become mutagenic through cellular processes. Not all mutations are caused by mutagens: so-called "spontaneous mutations" occur due to spontaneous hydrolysis, errors in DNA replication, repair and recombination.
Epigenetics is the study of heritable changes in gene function that do not involve changes in the DNA sequence.[1] The Greek prefix epi- (ἐπι- "over, outside of, around") in epigenetics implies features that are "on top of" or "in addition to" the traditional genetic basis for inheritance.[2] Epigenetics often refers to changes in a chromosome that affect gene activity and expression, but can also be used to describe any heritable phenotypic change that does not derive from a modification of the genome, such as prions. Such effects on cellular and physiological phenotypic traits may result from external or environmental factors, or be part of normal developmental program.
So you claim that soy is a mutagenic agent? Should be easy to prove if it's true. (It's not)
Nice phoneposting. Do you understand how epigenetics works? Let's say I adopted a chinese baby and fed him (fat chance of getting a male chinese baby, I know) no soy. Then when he grows up he feeds his son no soy. Go on, what happens then?
Fuck man, I had no idea. I thought you just typed ROK because you were thinking of the Korean War and you meant the South Vietnamese.
All myths, eat more soy, its good for you.
you seem to be very passionate about trying to get people to eat soy, a food with proven health consequences
Soy is a nutritionless filler used on many foods. It's pointless and offers nothing of value to the human diet. Babies that are breast fed are larger than babies that receive formula (Soy based).
Please keep the soy shilling up cuck boys. No skin off my back when me and my family eat wholesome food while you keep sipping those soy lattes and your cock shrinks into a clit.
>Having this much of a complex
I'm sorry. Truly.
> facts are now complexes
Keep drinking that kool aid useful idiot 9000000. Head back over to Reddit where you and your open mouth beta chimpanzee friends can all play with your Nintendo switches.
Name one food that doesn't have "proven health consequences."
>you seem to be very passionate
I'm passionate about standing up for young men who have been made to feel so bad about themselves that they cease to function or end their lives. If you have eaten soy, you are not less of a man or less of a human being for it. I don't give a fuck what anybody eats, I'll make fun of it if I think it's stupid and I'll speak up if I agree. But telling men that their lives are irrevocably ruined because they ate some shit once is evil.
you eat soy based foods, possibly due to laziness and lack of knowledge, and you're angry about someone challenging how you live your life or pointing out that it could be better
avoiding soy requires a lifestyle change you can't bring yourself to even entertain, and so you would rather vehemently dismiss scientifically grounded claims and logical observations than try to fix the problems in your life
I guess that's what being a soyboy truly is
Name one soy food I eat
It's just the newest /pol/ shitposting buzzword.
Just filter it.
read the ingredient list on the foods you eat
>The feudal samurai were arguably the greatest warriors the world has ever seen
Source: anime and literally no study of History
I mean he did say arguably. He could totally make the argument but it wont be a good one
No soy here, but I'm sure I have eaten it at some point in my life. I have a very limited diet and eat the same foods over and over again: red meat, pasta, bread, cheese. The only vegetables I eat are things like garlic and onions, tomato sauce if it's involved in a pasta or bread-based dish.
Why aren't I a ripped mongoloid with a 15 inch cock?
it very well could be in your bread
>Lice ridden Portuguese ass ravaged because they were rounded up and locked in a rat and vermin infested port by superior soy eating samurai.
you bake the bread and make your own pasta? do you know where your meat and eggs come from? if the cows and chickens are eating a soy based feed? serious questions, soy is everywhere
I've never made pasta but baking bread is easy. The only ingredients are flour, yeast, water, and salt.
>soy is everywhere
You are retarded for talking about "soyboys" then. 99.99% of the people alive right now would be "soyboys," people who autisticly monitor the provenance of their food or whatever you are suggesting are a very tiny number indeed. That is not at all representative of what you lot call "soyboys."
the samurai were raped and murdered by the superior dairy eating mongolians and were lucky to survive because a storm destroyed the mongolian fleet
literally a deus ex machina saved japan
soy is the hottest processed food additive, becoming a threat to corn, some people are more invested in corn and want to smear it
Try lifting weights retard
I know, obviously. I was making a point to that guy that soy has nothing to do with him not being ripped. All this "soyboy" bullshit is just insecure guys projecting the blame for their body dysmorphia on a scapegoat.
(because theyre not fed rehydrated soy 3 times a day)
it's a meme rooted in fake science and crippling toxic masculinity, like most things these days.
I eat rice a lot so typically I put like half a tbsp of soy sauce on top of it for flavor. Is this something I shouldn't do if I care about my test levels? I actually am being serious, memes aside.
soy is prevalent because of agricultural economics
corn is a nitrogen depleting crop and soy is a nitrogen fixing crop, corn farmers typically have a soy crop or other nitrogen fixing legume (alfalfa/clover/field peas) in between and have found a market for what would otherwise be field ground cover and a loss of a year of output spent restoring soil fertility.
soy as additive and filler / animal food is very new and done out of economic gain for the food production companies (see: ABCD shipping consortium)
we shouldn't eating soy like we do, stop eating it
>crippling toxic masculinity
That's a nonsense phrase.
complex spotted
I'm going to assume he meant a masculinity inferiority complex given the rest of the post was right
This is a good take on the topic, I think. Americans eat a lot more soy by weight than Asians tend to, although soy consumption is more widespread there.
Naw dawg the issue is mostly to do with the proteins and soy sauce is relatively free of those.
Don't listen to this man he's trying to cuck your t levels
Stop trying so hard to fit in newfag. Take your talk about betas and soyboys to /v/ or /pol/
It's a pseudoscientific /pol/meme
Just go to Google Scholar and read literally any source on Soy and Xenoestrogens
Yes goy, eat the soy!
> le dismiss the argument with the new fag accusation
Nice try my soy bloated friend. Doesn't change the fact you're still a soylent homo.
>he doesnt know about epigenetics
>trusting science
So the soy didn't change their DNA
Show me any evidence at all that soy is an epigenetic factor. You can't, because it's not.
>reddit spacing
opinion discarded
They contain phytoestrogens which can and do fuck up people's hormonal development if enough of it is eaten, especially at a young age. It's part of the reason East Asian guys tend to be hairless and less muscular. The outrage over it is largely a meme though; some yoked bodybuilder guy isn't going to suddenly turn into a twink just because he eats tofu every once in a while. But an entire childhood of eating soy lecithin-containing processed foods? Yeah, that's probably gonna have a noticeable effect over time.