How do I make tender chicken?

How do I make tender chicken?

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soak it in butter milk

I don't have any buttermilk

Sous vide

no sous vide machine

Use a meat tenderizing

How would I tenderize a wing or quarter?

Add about a tablespoon of vinegar to one cup of milk and that can be a decent replacement.

Scream and throw eggs at it.

Doesn't work with a bone

Obviously, but for a breast it works

I wanted to make wings/quarters tender though. Is fried chicken texture without frying possible?

I dont know about a whole chicken, but this way makes the most tender breasts every time. Only way I'll cook it now, but takes 21 min prep tine (worth it)

that only works in baking
you need actual buttermilk for brining

cook it

use a meat thermometer
once it reaches and internal temp of 165def and hold it there for 5 mins

marinade it in something salty or acidic to break down the muscle fibres

you can also just dry rub plain old salt on it a day before you cook it.

Greek yogurt marinades work well. Keeps the chicken from drying out and stays really moist.

chicken quarters are hard to dry out, cook them to 180F and they tender very nicely.

Don't overcook and you'll have some nice and tender chicken. Don't bother with the brine stuff unless you cook it to the perfect temp already.

>Don't overcook
But undercooked chicken is more tough than overcooked. It's more dry but tender.

> tenderize
younger chickens (poulet) or broiler fryer don’t really need much tenderizing, you may be overcooking.
older chickens need to be turned into coq au vin.

Buy Kosher chicken, or salt or brine the chicket for an hour or more before cooking it. The salt bonds with the water in the chicken, and prevents the meat from drying out as much during cooking.

for wings or legs soak them in a vinegar based brine. for baking a whole chicken, get one of these