
am i the only one who makes these threads edition (or, get off your lazy drunken asses and keep the threads going)

Other urls found in this thread:

Half hour till the store opens and I can get rid of the shakes. It was a long night


Had 2 nights that were fine. Last night i suddenly got cold as fuck (i never ever get cold and it's summer here) and heart rate went through the roof for about an hour. I had to put on 3 layers of clothes and go outside for an hour and keep checking my pulse.

Wut is THIS?


Oh. didnt see the current thread. I scrolled down a lot. Gonna delete this one now.

Keep going with your taper, dude!

it means you need more alcohol when shit hits the fan like that. just a single dose, nothing more.

You could've just went to any store that sells mouthwash. Scope is good.
You're gonna die, user.
Don't delete this, faggot.

its protocol to only have one alck thread up at a time. wat do

curious how the food in your hospitals is buds
mine's kinda bland so you have to use pepper or mrs dash or some shit


Wait they let you keep your phones? They took mine with my shoes when I was in for trying to slit my throat. Anyways yeah it was bland and meh from what I remember.

Can I talk about alcohol here? Are there bar threads somewhere on 4 Chan?

Were currently trying to make an alcoholic coke. Out of mostly alcohol.
We're mixing
Diplomatico rum
D.O.M. Benedictine
Tinto negro malbec
And fresh caramel.

We just need to inject it with carbonation and bottle it.

We are also working on a root beer, and perhaps a sprite and orange cream soda

thats rough dude
dunno how i would have survived my month in the hospital with that

i woke up with an IV in my arm and my clothes next to me. I took eh IV and everything off/out of me and changed my clothes. Began walking out and Dr chased me. I said im fine and I wa to leave. They call security and try to intimidate me to go back. Claim i am an attorney and they cant do shit (in a friendly legal way). They let me go. Im not an attorney yet, at that time i was just finishing my 1L year.

Whelp.. 3 months sober down the drain. For some inexplicable reason, I got a pint of vodka and am currently drinking it on my lunch at work. I have already nearly lost this job due to drinking, and here I am again making the same mistakes. Perhaps the vodka is too powerful! Girlfriend will probably dump me tonight. She can always tell when I drink, and is crazy against it.

bit different if you're in some ward for a suicide attempt
then yeah they take your phone, i was just sick so i got to keep it
since i was in for so long i eventually got my brother to get my laptop and would just stream shit all day/play d2

Scary how rapidly and relentlessly that craving kicks in and autopilot takes over.
me after one week on food and water

>down the drain
Faggot mentality. Now its just two months and 29/30 days sober, get back to it

Is there anything more sad than underage drinking and underage drinking alone

That's what I hate about the AA mentality, people acting like it's the end of the world if you relapse for a weekend. The real art is getting back on the wagon again and again and not becoming defeatist.

Yes, middle aged divorced drinking alone.

kek same brother

My mom and my brother are getting on my ass about drinking. I snuck off with my sister in law on Christmas day and we downed some whiskey before coming back home. They haven't confronted me, but I heard through my sister in law that they are pissed.

Fuck 'em. If they want to say something, say it to me directly. Don't go through roundabout ways spreading rumors.

I'm just glad I don't live near them. At least I can drink at work in peace and not worry about it affecting my productivity.

Currently on the train home drinking a little whiskey. Then to men's group at the church for dinner and more beer & wine.

If I can wake up every morning for work, be presentable, keep my clients happy, then there's nothing wrong with my drinking.

So, I am on day 3 of not drinking. Last drink was Saturday night, had about 15 or 16 tall cans.

I am not really feeling any withdrawal effects, besides having a hard time falling asleep.

I have drank pretty heavily the past 10 years, and the past few months I have been on an insane binge. Im talking, most nights having between 12-18 beers, sometimes more.

If I have not felt any withdrawals by now, am I going to be o.k? I have just been taking it easy the past few days, watching t.v and laying low.

Any insight into this? I do plan on getting drunk tomorrow night.

why do you go to a mens group?

Hi! You seem to have posted on the wrong board! Let me redirect you to where this thread belongs.
no need to thank me, just doing my part as an user to keep off-topic threads from lowering board quality!


Anyone else get the urge to fire your mattress from a canon?

I’m scared of most of my mattresses. There’s an entire chicken curry soaked into one of them from 2 years ago, and 2 of the three are covered in shards of broken vodka bottles

B-but how many mattresses do you own?

This one is beginning to look a little tatty so I ordered a fourth one a couple of days ago

when I was in highschool, I used to skip class, grab a 6 or 12 pack, smoke some weed and chill. Try and sober up for 4:30pm when dad got home. He usually knew I was stoned and would give me shit. this followed my into college, when I started skipping class, start drinking at 10 a.m (when the stores opened) and would leave around 4 p.m just to be out of the house when parents got back. I would just wonder around downtown, drinking cans in public.

I flushed my whole education down the tube because of alcohol. Now that I lost a good job I had for years, I don't know what I'm going to do. Back living at parents place at 28. Not cool....

Well, get back on the wagon before your bender needs a taper.

Newfag. al/ck/ threads are tradition.

>That's what I hate about the AA mentality, people acting like it's the end of the world if you relapse for a weekend

What bothers me about them is they relapse constantly, even the model, well respected AA guys. But AA is perfect, of course, and always works.

Cooler than the street bro. I hope you are grateful to your folks. Don't take them for granted.

Same here lad. Gf dropped me off at work and told me I reeked of alcohol.

>Yeah whatever bitch I'll see you later.

>haven’t left my bed except to feed my pets and drink milk
>it is now almost 8:00 pm
>I’m considering leaving the house just to get chaser
I really shouldn’t be left alone. Anyone have recommendations for chaser, though? I’m sick of ice water/Gatorade/Powerade and Arizona is too sweet for me.

What the fuck dude

>just because it's tradition means it's not shit!

Not everyone gets WDs. Depends on your drinking habits, and even many people who should get them don't.

If you listen to most on these threads however, 100% of drunks get them, and if you stop drinking you will die from them, however.

It’s adorable that you think your opinion means anything or that anyone cares what you want

Well this is jewish thinking. Attack any and all that isnt devil worship.
Tradition must be celebrated

How fast are you tapering? I've been trying to taper for the last month and every time I get down to about three beers a night, I fall off the wagon and down a six pack or more the next day.

oh I am very grateful. I help them out all the time whenever they need me. I live in a pretty expensive city, so it's not easy to live alone with getting paid so little. Either way, they are pretty awesome people. I was the first one to move out in my family of 8 cousins, but now am the only one living back at home after a series of breakups.

feelsbadman I not getting them? Should I be getting them? I thought they would have come on by now?

Dont compare yourself.
8 cousins?i got like 80

your butthurt angst makes posting the thread on ck all the more rewarding.

Well I don't fucking know you, or your faggy drinking habits, so I can't really say for sure.

But yes, not all alcoholics get wds.


Your argument was that it is misplaced, not shit.
If it's shit, you set a filter for "al/ck/". Top right of the screen. Bye.

It’s a terrible feel, my friend. It’s always pretty comfy drinking while she is asleep at 3am though. That’s my drink and jerk off time, as pathetic as it sounds.

For a while I've been trying to get on a healthier diet but I'm not going to give up drinking. My drink of choice is rum, mostly rum and coke but recently I've moved to rum and orange juice. I've been trying to switch to straight rum when I can, but is there any better alternative, or will this always be my dietary downfall?

sounds like your gut flora microbiome are alcoholics. rum is there to stay for you. switch to a white (clear) rum if you want lesser hangovers.

I don't even enjoy this anymore.

Nobody? Maaaan, fuck all y’all.

I'm drinking vitamin water zero but if you're in America, these are the best

its fun for like one hour. then the rest of the drinking session is tedious, and the hangover/withdrawals are horrible. welcome to the club. my advice? switch to 5% beer. you get an OK buzz, and the after-effects arent totally debiliating


this was 18 years ago

I've had almost 2L in 24 hrs. I'm gonna try and quit tomorrow. Aged so fucking much this past year.

once you start crushing a 12 pack a night it starts getting pretty bad. I agree, better than liquor tho

i like unsweetened seltzer war with a lime. Probably not a good chaser but i could go for a yoohoo

>tfw drunk af down the YT rabbit hole.
It really pisses me off when people mention white privilege when videos like this exist:


white privelege is a jewish invention used to cover their own tracks.

The association that jews and nonwhites deem "white" never really existed as this cohesive oppressive class. Brits spent their time shipping their own people to the colonies as slaves. They literally stole people off the streets and sent them to barbados where 85% of them died on sugar plantations. They only switched to black slaves because it was a bigger investment and they had to treat them better because they owned them forever and if they died it would be a shit investment. Cromwell essentially tried to shoah the irish. Most of the whites that arrived in the US were forced there against their will in endentured servitude that was probably worse than actual slavery. Black slave songs even refernce that they'd "rather be a nigger" because they treated the endentured servants so shitty.

TLDR: jews

google HAMS beer taper. great info for a slow and safe beer taper to get you down to zero drinks per day. only takes about 3-4 days.

oh and the vast majority of owners of slave ships were jews.

im too drunk and retarded to recognise if you're agreeing with me desu

You know why the sun never sets on the British Empire? Because God doesn't trust an Englishman in the dark.

Idk, Im drinking el cheapo gin mixed with fruit juice out of a coffee cup so I am not the guy to ask.

You're the only one keeping you here.

I'm agreeing with you.

That's fucked

THIS SHIT. I used to pour 3 shots into one and go through about a 6 pack of these.

>little tatty
nigga you wipe your ass with that mattress

>tatty more like POOPY

the first slave owner to bring the african system of slavery to the colonies (ie, slave for life, children are slaves, slaves considered property) was a freed african slave.

They legally granted him this request to impose african slave rules on his slaves, setting a legal precedent. They thought at the time it was pointless, having a slave for life didn't make much sense seeing how the average life of a slave/servant in the colonies was like 5 years. But many years later it would become the standard for colonial slavery.

After many years of white slave unrest, this system was adopted colony-wide because it was thought to be MORE humane, seeing how the servitude system basically incentivized slave owners to work their slaves to death. Black slaves were thought to be much more servile, seeing how all of them were slaves within their own countries to start and more accepting of the situation, as opposed to the free born whites who caused so much trouble when forced into servitude.

In practice it probably was a better, more humane system, for a while at least. It obviously outlived it's usefulness, and despite being slightly nicer, was a brutal system that rightfully died out.

Come on friend. Please don't tell me you don't even fuck anymore.

yeah, you start gaining weight drinking 15 beers EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. gotta start working out...

Wow, NOW 4 had some fucking hits. Macy Gray, oh ya. loved that song when I was a kid for some reason. always stuck in my head.

I don't even know why I feel such overwhelming regret.
I don't even know what I did?
Yet I am sitting here regretting my entire life.

If you don't feel regret and self doubt you're not a man

Ahhh, so the regret is good.

>Ahhh, so the regret is good.

One, it's probably alcohol fucking with your head making all your issues worse. Two it's also probably the fact you're sitting on your ass, not doing the things you know you need to be doing, and drinking your life away.

Quit hitting me with truth.

I fucking love this brainlet meme lol

people who don't drink R DUMB

Balaton red wine here

its really inspiring how much of a fuck up you can be and still have a gf who doesnt leave you after 15 minutes

I have lost 3 girlfriends to booze, 2 sucked, 1 I should have married.

Can I marry her instead?

I encourage it

; ^ )

>1 I should have married

dodged a bullet

>marriage in 2018

I've never visited this board before, but how did a thread about alcoholism end being a tradition on a food and cooking board?

t. fellow alcoholic

>mfw I'm eating mustard by itself because I'm craving sodium so hard

who are you trying to convince user?

I made 3 handles of booze last night. I'm very hosed.