*blocks your arteries*

*blocks your arteries*

Other urls found in this thread:


>remove the yolk

Wow, that was hard.

dietary cholesterol does NOT negatively effect your health nor does it cause spikes in cholesterol

you can eat two dozen eggs and your cholesterol levels will not change when tested at any period in the next 48 hours

who the fuck put a whole egg in my arteries

>*believes momscience memes in current year*

I did

the president of the american college of cardiologists is vegan and recommends it to all his patients and the vegan diet is the only study that has reversed coronary artery disease as evidence by before+after coronary angiograms. Momscience is eating an english breakfst.

> t.

>appeal to authority

>no trans or saturated fat


its a peer-reviewed system he was appointed because he's right and the angiograms study is done by a different guy. As opposed to what, appeal to internet troll science in Veeky Forums to refute my claims?

>shifting the burden of proof

burden of proof's on you, where's your evidence?

>muh peer review


science is an insular community like any other.

No it's not

Dietary cholesterol =/= blood cholesterol you simpleton

it is. choloesterol blocks your arteries and only a vegan diet has reversed it. Not a keto diet, not a paleo diet, etc.

>done by another fucking vegan

false. The only studies that have showed this are broken cohort studies where blood colesterol was already high. Dietary change experiemnts have showed that cholesterol causes atherosclerosis.

Because not a single other researcher has managed to reverse atherosclerosis with their stupid ass animal products diets which cause atherosclerosis LOL

atherosclerosis is a minor problem compared to lifelong malnutrition

a vegetarian diet does not provide all necessary nutrients

cardiovascular disease is the #1 leading pathology, ahead of cancer. Whereas vegans have to take a B12 suppliment. Meat only contains B12 because animals are supplimented in the farms. B12 originally came from soil and is no longer available in soil.

vegan =! vegetarian. you are totally ignorant if you don't even know the definitions of the words let alone the dietary differences.

Vegans barely get enough calories for daily subsistence, of course they don't have any excess cholesterol for a buildup to occur. If you're really going on a crusade against atherosclerosis you should rally against high-carb high-fat diets that put the fatty acid synthesis system into overdrive. Jesus you're like some kike who is so against STDs that you're pushing for circumcision of everyone.

>barely get enough calories

What are carbs?
What are vegetable oils?

are you retarded? how many calories in a box of vegan doughnuts, like 5000? Sugar is vegan, most oil is vegan.

A single study doesn't mean shit.
Results on health effects aten't worth a damn untill proper meta analyses have been done.

No Cochrane = No evidence

As opposed to 100s of meat studies showing cholesterol determines cardiovascular disease and zero studies showing animal products reduce heart disease.

>believing a bunch of liberal arts majors
>having them as your gatekeepers to objectivity


the american college of cardiologists has issued a public statement that vegan diets are adequate for all stages of life. This includes, infants, athletes, cancer patients.

The head is a vegan shill

>Dr. Kim A. Williams, the president-elect of the American College of Cardiology, often sees patients who are overweight and struggling with hypertension, Type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol. ... Others accused him of trying to get the college of cardiology to encourage everyone to go vegan, which he dismissed.
Advice From a Vegan Cardiologist - The New York Times

>there are a bunch of suckups to the sitting president
I'm shocked

I don't think you know what a shill is. You make money in this industry giving lipid lowering drugs and vascular bypasses to patients, not telling people to eat vegetables. LOL.

The Legion of Doom has released legal documents showing your mom is really a dude, meaning your dad is gay, and you were the worlds first pure-bred faggot.

is this your last sad desperate attempt at conveying any sort of knowledge that animal products are healthy? LOL


>B12 originally came from soil and is no longer available in soil

this is true. i eat a shitload of cheese daily. my triglycerides are always high. but my total cholesterol is always under the normal limit.

Nice try but you clearly have no knowledge about this subject

It's the same for all. And mind you, proving health benefits for diets (all diets!) is extremely difficult.


>every civilization has meat eaters

>no vegan civs
>no vegan genghis khan
>no vegan caesar

Vegan cucks BTFO

>and he isn't biased at all!

>t.what is exercise?

You don't know what that fallacy actually entails. Believing a certified cardiologist on what is heart healthy over a bumpkin shitter on Veeky Forums isn't fallacious.

His goal is to effectively kill how profitable it is to be a doctor by having people prevent heart disease. He's a literal anti-shill.

