I can never bake desserts because I like to eat raw dough. How do I cope?
I can never bake desserts because I like to eat raw dough. How do I cope?
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get better taste buds because raw flour tastes vile
Make a little extra dough and set it aside just for eating. Don't let yourself eat any more dough than you set out for yourself at the beginning.
stop being such a fucking fat piece of shit
>10 years old
>eat old roll of cookie dough in an afternoon
>temperature hits 115°F
>work outside doing farm shit
>get sick for a week
>20 years later
>can't even smell it without vomiting
I get you OP
I don't want cookies, I just want to eat the dough, but everyone gets pissy and shit.
I'm skinny af
i love birthday cake/party cake batter the best
like cooked cookies and cake is no tthaaat great
What are those? They look great. Recipe?
I didn't make em, they came from here, recipe at the bottom
bakeries started making this stuff, never get these from starbucks, way too sweet and fondenty.
I see so many doge in that thumbnail, I think I might be mentally ill.
>10 years old
>eat old roll of cookie dough in an afternoon
>temperature hits 175°F
>work outside doing farm shit
>go to toilet
>poop out cooked cookie logs
did you eat the cookie logs?
Make some edible cookie dough yo. Literally all you have to do is take out the eggs. Less calories than ice cream too.
i don't understand what the problem is
By going to the gym and stop being fat.
>less calories than ice cream
wait what how
>going to the gym when i'm already skinny
why can't people cope with the fact that fat people aren't the only ones who indulge
Do you have a muscular or athletic build? Or are you just skinnyfat?
Cookie dough with eggs is perfectly edible.
I do actually go to the gym but for endurance running and calisthenics. My body is just toned.
Ok but what do you put in it instead of raw flour?
Make two batches of dough. One to bake, and one to snack on as you work and wait for the first batch to bake.
mmm look at all those cookies
>Literally all you have to do is take out the eggs.
Raw flour can also make you sick. So you'd need to cook the flour first or get pasteurized flour. Grains aren't pasteurized after being harvested and ground into flour so anything that contaminated them in the field is still there.
I've gotten this a few times
buying premade sheets of cookie dough is way cheaper
i always bake enough cookie dough for 24 cookies (chef john's chocolate chip cookies is my go to recipe)
and i eat at least 4 cookies of uncooked dough
truthfully the best flavor ever
also i made brownies today and scooped out a ladle of batter
it was soooo good
try gingerbread cookie dough with salted butter it is GOAT
>just ate 4 cookie dough worth of cookies
Chew on minty gum while making the dough
>having a subhuman immune system
it's not normal to be able to eat raw food, expired food, and moldy food? honestly i can eat all those and have 0 problems. i hate wasting food
stop being such a fucking skinny af piece of shit then