Rate my dinner cu/ck/s

Rate my dinner cu/ck/s

You should get married to the other guy who made a shitty bowl of rice beans and eggs

Literally who

Is that fucking sour cream? Why not just make that vegan? Are you one of those losertarians who have to add eggs and dairy to otherwise perfectly good vegan food?

Why not just eat ass, faggot

Needs hot sauce and more veg.

You a faggot nigga, yo

>Perfect good vegan food
No such thing, a perfectly good vegan food is always missing meat so it can't be perfectly good

I'd eat that. I'd add a bit of black pepper and a few drops of tabasco. Cheers!

Looks disgusting OP


>Tabasco soya sauce
I must try this.

Scurvy and STD's


It's yoghurt you faggot

I know this is a troll thread, but I see people make dishes that look like this all the time. How fucking hard is it to fuck up rice and beans? It's the easiest dish in the world. Start with a sofrito of - at a minimum - onion, garlic, and peppers, add whatever seasonings you like and a little liquid, and simmer until the consistency is slightly thick. Serve with rice.

gay (at a minimum)

It's not a troll thread you retard I literally made this and ate it for dinner last night. What's wrong with it?

A lot. I mean it's fine if you're eating just not to starve, but it's really not worthy of taking a picture and sharing.

>A lot.

Go on...

Nah, I don't feel like spending my time critiquing a pile of shit.

>vegans being hostile, pompous faggots


Who said OP was vegan, cuck?

Stop replying to the obvious bait.