How do you feel about this show, Veeky Forums?

How do you feel about this show, Veeky Forums?

I like it very much. My favorites are the soul food shack and le deck.

I hate TV


love it, I liked to hear about that one mexican place with the roaches and shit in the early seasons got shut down, the one with that fat spic that stole money from his step sister.

I completely agree. Hippies in the 60s were actually right about something. TV brainwashes people. There's nothing wrong with watching particular shows/movies, but there is something terribly wrong with the fact that people listen to dumb shit all day.

I enjoyed Gordon Ramsay the first times I saw him. I think the show was called Boiling Point. It was basically a documentary about how a top class restaurant is actually run and what it takes to become a world class chef. Gordon Ramsay acting like a borderline crazy cunt added a lot of tension since you knew the passion and drama was real. He wanted another Michelin star and if some faggot waiter or sous chef fucked that up for him he'd get it. Great stuff.

The first British seasons of Kitchen Nightmares were decent in my opinion. The emphasis of the show was 'this is how you run a good restaurant'. Pretty interesting, no unnecessary drama.

Later when the show moved to America the emphasis shifted towards 'look at how disgusting and stupid this restaurant owner is' and Gordon saying 'f*ck yo, little donkey c*unt b*itch'. That's not interesting or good TV in my opinion.

Reality shows nowadays make me absolutely sick. They're all shat out from the exact same bullshit formula. DRAMA, HIGH STAKES PASSION, STOCK MUSIC, COMEDY RELIEF xD, "HOW MUCH DO YOU WANT TO WIN? TELL ME YOUR SOB STORY", AAAW

It makes me want to kill myself.

Gordon's attitude is fucking raw

It's a guilty pleasure

>get pissed off at gordon on day 1 because he called your food shit
>stay calm and make a bullshit "im ready to change" face
>gordon gives you a free restaurant makeover and fucks off
>go back to being your shitty self and run your place into the ground a few months later
It's fun to watch, but the concept almost never works in reality. People don't just change in one day, or even a couple for that matter, assuming the show is heavily edited.


UK series is great.
US series is shit.

I'm marathoning the show right now

>intro showing how retarded the owners are
>Gordon shows up to a place, maybe he can't find the restaurant
>orders food, calls it shit
>"I'm not gonna let Ramsay boss me around! This is my kitchen!"
>Gordon and the owner fight a bit

Now, the plot can branch out from here in 2 directions

Direction A
>Gordon looks at the kitchen, it's shit
>Yells at owner
>cleans kitchen

Direction B
>Gordon watches a night of service
>points out flaws

>talks to other staff, sob stories
>plans out a new concept by investigating the town
>restaurant gets a makeover and a new menu
>restaurant reopens
>shit goes awry
>Gordon yelling
>has to pull one staff member or owner aside
>entire season's worth of character development crammed into 1 scene where they come back calm and collected
>night was a success by the end
>Gordon leaves, and the owners have learned a lesson by the end of the episode

saved your time

i enjoy it very much, because it's like watching a train wreck. the UK version is better but whatever.

Le Deck had that golem chef right?

Yes, the shrek chef

Don't forget the voice over at the end where they tell you the restaurant went under a month later.

I watch it for hot waitresses and the rare few times Scott gets called in and btfos everyone.

Overrated meme trash.

It's fun, sorta brain-dead TV. I like reading the "what happened afterwards" blog to see how they inevitably closed down/were purchased by someone else.

Somewhat related, how do you guys feel about MasterChef? I just finished watching MasterChef Australia: The Professionals, hosted by Marco Pierre White. Good fun and they were all a lot friendlier with each other than in the U.S. MasterChef series.

Currently marathoning it. The fucking Blackberries episode, man.. I'm opening a straunt soon and am now planning things differently. Restaurant impossible is great too.

Same thing as Bar Rescue. The first seasons are great because they focus on the bar tending, service and management of a business but later on is just shaming stupid owner and lazy employees.

i love all that kind of stuff
this season of hell's kitchen has been great. red team were a car crash
also, i've recently discovered cutthroat kitchen, and chopped.
pretty funny shows

Bar rescue was so blatantly fucking staged it was unbearable.

Its over the course of a couple weeks. Mind you that's mainly for things like the remodel and release forms and whatnot. Most of the restaurants he goes to are basically in massive debt already.

can someone explain to me why every show gordon ramsay has the picture is always blurrish kinda its not crystal clear even if it's HD its so fucking annoying

even his own cooking YT channel the picture quality is bad even if it says its in HD its blurry kinda

Veeky Forumsino

British version is GOAT

US version is a guilty pleasure
UK version is more tame and less gordon screaming at people and more teaching them what they should already fucking know

I honestly dont understand the appeal of the US version. It's just a raving lunatic with way too many quick cuts, drama and commercials. Do people actually enjoy watching that fake bullshit?

for some reason i never enjoyed cookshows so far. most of the time it is quite generic shit.

Why is this a daily thread? Is he so desparate that has to hire indians to post for him. He sucks. There's the answer to your survery question.

You're marathoning that shit? I bet you watch the commercials as well becuase it's the honorable thing to do. GTFO fagboi.

So then what's the point of watching it and it's commercials?

Stupid bitches and faggits like the british accent.

>Gordon Ramsay


>Let me just put on my orrrrange shorrrrrts if i'm gonna make chiggun wings

Love it
My favorite part is the beginning of each episode when he's eating the shit food and he takes it out on the waiter, then the poor waiter has to go to the chef in the kitchen like "yeah Gordon says your food is shit idk"

masterchef au is great