This kills the manchild....
This kills the manchild
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Whoa is that some 'go 'za?
woah son you don't put any toppings other than sausage or spinach on a deep dish
How does a bread bowl with tomato bisque scare the manchild?
If anything, that's manchild centric food, all your missing is the grilled cheese
luv me some 'o'a
>blocks your path
I've only had Jet's but part of me wants to go to Detroit just to try it from there, and also to fuck drunk teenagers in Windsor.
'sto uccide l'americano
You should use something better to commit suicide with.
ey i'm walkin' here!
Bada Bing Bada boom
It actually kills the soyboy
>Deep Dish """pizza"""
This kills anyone willing to eat it.
Get it from Buddy's, not Jet's.
It does? I'll take two.
New York style pizza is the only type of pizza worth the name. Everything else is an abomination.
you want this get ? fuck off
Lol mods are the people's champions
>t. has never eaten a proper seafood pizza
Wtf? What shithole wastes perfectly fine seafood by putting it on a pizza? Are you a flyover who uses canned tuna or something?
yeah it's almost like their job would be to moderate instead of shitban
Oi that looks awful m8, bloody awful nonce
How come every time I see a Chicago or NY style pizza they both make me sick? =/
l'ammazza proprio, poraccio
Get outta town.
That is pretty skimpy on toppings even for Italian style pizza.
It looks like someone walked on that slice of pizza.
only patrician can appreciate
the more topping, the dumber you are, this has been scientifically proven to be desu
octopus. calamari and mussels go pretty well with pizza desu
well yeah. I meant Jet's as a point of reference, not as the gold standard.
>Talks shit about the intelligence of others
>Unironically uses desu in a sentence
>No capitalization or punctuation aside from two measly commas
I mentally tossed your opinion right into the trash, where it belongs.
>actual pizza
>posts round lasagna
what did he mean by this?
no problems, plebs always get butthurt when you spot them desu
You have shit taste in sauce/topping laiden flatbreads, and your ancestors are perpetually embarrassed by you.
In Italy pizza is all about the crust, toppings are secondary.
Trust me once you taste that crust, toppings will be the last thing on your mind
>t. nigger tier taste
weird desu i tracked my ancestors back to Trajan, which i have a direct link with, and he's proud of me for sure
you are probably a mutt, what do your mixed ancestors think of you?
t. austroungarian rapebaby
how does it feel to be a skinnyfat pale virgin manlet?
>*La Tarantella plays in the background*
When will these retards learn that Chicago deep dish is superior to every other kind of pizza
*unzips lupara*
>Chicago... "pizza"? Don't you mean... *snickers* a 'go 'za? I don't think I've ever seen anybody outside of Drumpf country (i.e. anyone who actually matters) fawn over that disgusting lasagna soup. No, I think that we adults can all agree that New York style is, at the very least, an honorable facsimile of the one and only Pizza Italiana (do you flyovers even know what that means?)
>this triggers the uncertain heritage of the american greaselover
moldy biscuit with a random handful of leaves and a dried up blueberry stuck to the crust. delicious.
I'm sorry, you seem to have burned that pizza. Further the toppings are incredibly uneven. This is very poorly made and I won't be paying for it.
WA LA checkmate mutt, i knew the heritage left all around the area was yours. Confess!
Say the line, mutt!
>cuckagoins actually believe this
The best "New York-style pizzas" are the jumpers after 110 floors.
>being so angry about tomato soup that you advocate terrorist attacks against "competing" cities with a different style of junk food
Imagine having your self worth so tied up in junk food
>ay yo, ahm fwallin' heah
>being this butthurt about your shitty circular lasagna
I always thought it was the jew york style fags that got all worked up over this.
t. Detroit-style fan
Jew york fag. I like all kinds of pizza. It's usually the chicagoans going apeshit over the fact that other cities have different styles, some kind of "youngest child syndrome" I guess
>he thinks people hate NYC because of pizza
>detroit style
aka nigger style... no thanks.
Wrong, came about pre-white flight. Right in the golden age of Detroit industry. Invented entirely by whites.
why does 'real' italian food from italy always look so anemic and unappetizing? Is italian the most overrated cuisine in the world?
kys flyover.
normie: durr new yoerk thin 1 dollar and chicago is bread soup
true Veeky Forumsposter: chicago deep dish isn't even good chicago pizza, new york pizza is only good when it STOPS being dollar slices
idk why people keep posting 1 dollar slices they make them shitty on purpose
when you order a pie it don't look like that per slice
missed the opportunity of making it "Shitcago"
typical good NYC pizza
The classic Brooklyn/New York accent is literally all but dead. . Go make fun of Boston's stupid accent.
that looks like you dropped it on wet concrete at a crime scene
typical good Chicago 'za
mmmmmm nyc pizza slice cooked properly
kill yourself
typical good italian pizza
more like shitcongo
Big words for a little boy
Looks like an identity crisis between wanting Neapolitan, wanting new York, and wanting to get it out of the oven too early
if i wanted to eat bread i'd make some fucking toast, faggo
yeah itd be better with half a pound of cheese with some bacon and sausage on top, wtf is that red and green crap lol
>wants to eat bread with cheese and ketchup on it and not carefully kneaded crust with a length of delicate embroidery
>punching your bread
shitalians really are subhuman, aren't they?
tfw it's both utter shit
sad to hear that you're a rapebaby
>not knowing how to >t. properly
lurk more newfag
btw, small tip for life: insults only hurt if they are somewhat based on reality, otherwise you just look like a shitflinging baboon
Fuckin kek.
your pita bread with tomato paste on top looks and most likely tastes like shit.
>thinking you need greentext to t.
Lurk more newfrocio
I need help as someone from the Midbest I lol'd too hard at this.
ah I see you're an enlightened verysmart gentlesir, a so called master debater
lmao thats the wrong place 4 you famalam
I'm not wading into this debate, but people who use retarded neologisms on Veeky Forums sound like they're children. desu, senpai, umm.. soyboy, all that infantile shit makes you sound like a kid.
So, maybe dress it up a bit if you want to not seem like a cunt. I actually picture a human vagina when I read that shit. There's other shit too. Stick to english.
That's your M.O.
why don't they just make fucking bread, then?
user, this can't be true. Please tell me it isn't.
Here's some pizza from my local gas station.
looks better than I'd expect for gas station pizza
it literally kills them because of how much cheese is inside
As an italian, walking into those threads and laugh at the garbage amerimutts call "pizza" is a joy.