>more fat than meat
More fat than meat
Id salt it, heat up my carbon steel pan to smoke olive oil and lay it in. Then add butter and let it sear. Flip once. Add more butter more salt.
Then eat it. Simple is best
>smoke olive oil
If you think I am wrong it shows that you are unskilled.
You need a high heat to sear properly. You want to add it just at the smoke point of the oil.
Buy a cheaper steak from the same bovine, like a skirt steak.
Save yourself the money and the calories.
Achieve similar (some say superior) flavor Nirvana.
Still eat better than every poorfag.
Why not use an oil with a higher smoke point, then? Where do you live? I want to keep an eye out for house fires in the near future.
Smoking olive oil tastes like shit.
>tfw poorfag as shit but okay at cooking and it's the only thing that's good in my life
Fat = flavor
No pepper? I love a good peppery steak. Especially with a crab cake on the side.
Do Americans really eat this?
Why does Cheeto man allow this?
Fat itself has little to no flavor, fat is a flavor vehicle. It allows the flavors of whatever you are eating to be detected.
This. Dead giveaway that & should not be let any where near a steak.
I'm not the user to whom you replied, but olive oil actually has one of the highest smoke points. The extra virgin stuff burns easily, but the highly refined stuff is far and away the cheapest of the high performance searing oils.
Avocado only gets to 520 if it is super refined. Non refined it's like 480ish, which is still high as fuck. Grapeseed should be lower I think, like 400ish.
My point was that cheap highly refined olive oil is a great oil to use for searing steaks.
I sous vide my steaks and rub them with highly refined olive oil.
I have a cast iron pan I use specifically for searing that I put on a propane burner outdoors.
I heat that sumbitch until the seasoning is smoking. My infrared thermometer reads "Over Temp", but the pan is in the 700-800 degree range.
Have fun with your pulmonary adenocarcinoma from the hydrocarbons in the cooking oil fumes.
Did you not see the part where I said that I do this outdoors?
Did you not see the part where I say that I do this outdoors?
Both are correct...
Okay. Have fun.
What about rapeseed oil?
You have no idea what youre talking about.
Eat some lard and tell me what it tastes of.
don't use rapeseed oil, use canola oil.
>fat has no flavor
Great! Cut the layer of fat off of a deer, fry it up and tell us it doesn't taste just like your mom's dog's ass after it evacuates it's bowels.
This dude is going to die.
>Cheeto man
>>more fat than meat
Good bait bro
Everybody dies.
You're okay at eating but shit at cooking.
You're retarded. Read your post again and try to understand where you went wrong.
I did and it simply points out the retardation of your assertion that fat has no flavor on it's own. My post stands as a valid evidentiary counterpoint to your asinine statement.
It's okay. Keep trying. You'll get it eventually.
When I sear a steak I baste it with liquid butter. Is this wrong?
>I burn my oil to cook steak, cause I'm better than you
>am i retarded
Possibly. Its pointless and a little dim-witted but the fact you ask means there is hope.
Butter on a steak is great but apply pat after the steak is rested and plated. Better yet...make a compound butter with garlic thyme rosemary and salt.
this is the dumbest post ITT, worse than the user when uses burnt oil to cook
flavor from meat is mostly from the fat, why do you think lean cuts are cheaper than heavily marbled ones of the same cut?
look up your shit before you post so you don't say stupid shit
He's choosing to die painfully.
>worse than the user when uses burnt oil to cook
You guys are soo autistic.
You heat the pan to smoke point. When you add the beef it instantly cools the pan.
That will be $49.99 + tip
you tip your butcher? i thought it was already added.
>find recently cut ribeye on sale for half-price
>it's "select" but should have been labeled "prime"
>best fucking steak I've ever had
Not part of the argument but I felt like bringing it up. Life convinces me there is a god from time to time.
Why is it wrong?
Go look at the post where he claims to heat his pan to 700+ degree, room temp meat is not even touching that.
>look up your shit before you post so you don't say stupid shit
Find me something that says fat has flavour of its own faggot
My taste buds, for one. Are you genetically inferior?
That will come to $35 with your mandatory tip sir
for you
it says $28.04 right there you dumb cunt
$35* plus tip
*tip included incase you refuse to tip
in case you aren't trolling, use avocado or grapeseed or another oil with a very high smoke point to sear your steak. burned olive oil tastes like shit.
what is canola/ vegetable oil
is that canadian?
fuck me that looks good
Yeah, dry aged beef from PEI
Fat is so fucking chewy.
huh what the fuck is up with flaxseed oil
is the fat cap even entirely fat? it doesn't render down, even after prolonged cooking.
i always eat it, thinking it's just nutritious protein.
Some fat is good, but that's just ridiculous.
It's used for its nutritional value, rather than as a cooking oil.
This thread is making me wish I bought steak instead of pork chop.
Literally any fucking product that has 2 versions, normal and fat free.
They are the same recipe, but one has no fat in it. Guess which objectively tastes better?
depends on the cut of meat, ribeye usually has softer fat that almost melts in your mouth when eaten
strip has more chewy fat that needs to be rendered out or crisped up to enjoy
The claim I made was that fat has very little or no taste OF ITS OWN, and that as an ingredient IT ENHANCES the flavours that are otherwise present.
Brainlets ITT
If it's cheap then it's worth using, since it's refined so much it doesn't have much flavor though and you should use whatever is cheapest as long as it isn't rancid.
If there's only a 15F difference between refined olive oil and ghee, you should use the ghee if you can find/make it though. It'll give a nice flavor.
and your only proof of this is lard
i know, you're retarded
Still waiting for a link that says i'm full of shit, tastlet brainlet.
you support your claim before you ask for proof against it
you spout nonsense and try to call people out who disagree
>fat does have flavor after all
>The extra virgin stuff burns easily, but the highly refined stuff is far and away the cheapest of the high performance searing oils.
you don't normally find 100% highly-refined olive oil in stores.
they usually mix it with virgin oil for flavor, so its actual smoking point is lower
But you are wrong.
where did you go?
>heat up my carbon steel pan
Opinion discarded, kys
>olive oil
Ghee my nigga
Fat doesn't have much of a taste, infact it was only confirmed in 2012. Instead fat acts as a vehicle for flavor and what we mostly associate with fat is either the tastes of other foods cooked in the fat or the mouthfeel of triglycerides.
The actual taste of fat is unpleasant, and food companies take great care to reduce the amount of actual fats to the correct levels.
>We might be able to distinguish a fatty taste, but it’s not the type of fatty taste we know and love. The creaminess and viscosity we associate with fatty foods is largely due to triglycerides: a molecule with three fatty acids that isn’t a taste stimulus, but rather a mouthfeel, Mattes says. Triglycerides also deliver fat-soluble flavor compounds, Mattes says, but that flavor isn’t the true taste of fat.
>To get a sense of what that tastes like, imagine heating your fryer for a good long time and tasting the food you cook in it, Mattes suggests. It won’t be pleasant, and you certainly won’t want to eat it. “The food industry has known about this for a very long time, and they go to great efforts to keep concentrations of these fatty acids below detection thresholds, because if you can detect them you’re likely not to eat the food,”
Where did you go?
>In science, “taste” is the perception of certain chemicals on the tongue, while “flavor” is the combined experience of taste and smell.2 Fat definitely induces responses based on its smell and texture, but over the past decade, evidence has been mounting that it may also have a taste component.
>Researchers at Purdue University are studying how fat interacts with our taste buds. Their research highlights similarities and differences between fat and the other five basic tastes. But they also learned that fat tastes different from everything else.
I went to sleep you cheeky bastard. Your argument that fat has no taste at all is already debunked, even in your own post. Since you ignored the comparison of normal and fat free products, we are only talking about fat and if it has a flavor. Everything posted has proven that it has a taste. Now tell me i'm wrong, tell me that fat has zero taste.