Mise en place
Mise en place
Other urls found in this thread:
What are we making?
Making a tomate sauce?
Making Bolognese pasta.
I will do my own fettuccine.
Go back Mohammad
go away hasan
Some prep done
I have sheep milk cheese.
Gonna sweat it in this garlic for a bit and simmer up a sauce.
deglazed with a bit of house red after this
>mise en place
I don't think you know what that means.
Everything in its place
Right now we are simmering and rolling pasta
right yet wrong
Pasta done and I added herbs to the sauce.
Just waiting on the garlic bread now
>adding garlic first
you already fucked up
That's way too much meat for the amount of sauce and pasta you have; you should have increased either one or the other.
Dinner done
Set some meat aside and froze it for making pizza later.
That's a lot of cheese but it still looks good. I personally like smaller garlic breads. 7/10
Also, "mise en place" means that you have everything cut and peeled, all the pots and pans ready, that sort of thing. You merely assembled the ingredients in OP, that is not mise en place.
>garlic from a jar
>making your own pasta
>that onion:meat ratio
>adding garlic first instead of browning your meat in the pan you're making the sauce in
>deglazing a pan with no fond because you didn't brown your meat in that pan
>letting your tomato sauce boil
>adding tougher herbs at the end instead of the beginning
>unmelted cheese
cold food
You tried, at least.
Looks like it turned out pretty great dude. Would definitely eat.
I have the Kitchen Aid pasta roller set
i need to watch this again
every time you catch something new, no matter how many times you've seen the whole thing already
It actually refers to the action of putting stuff in place. It implies that the action is not finished.
But who cares honestly, great job on your dish and thanks for sharing
Okay faggots, can someone please pst the authentic italian bolognese recipe
i like your salt container.
Chopped garlic in oil not water. I use a bunch of garlic and that jar goes a long way. In restaurants they have tubs of chopped garlic, its no different.
I grew those tomato's that are pre stewed with onion and celery.
I also grew the rosemary and thyme. You add fresh herbs near the end of the cook or you will drive off flavor.
I get a bit of fond from sweating the veggies. Its just not a meat based fond.
The cheese was Pecorino Romano. Its not a melty cheese.
Himalayan salt, the lid swivels and is magnetic. Nice for taking a pinch.
I also keep one like this for my sugar next to the coffee maker.
>not fleur de sel.
So the garlic does not burn you put it on low heat with olive oil and butter. The butter will have a bit of water in it that keeps it from getting brown too fast.
I cook my garlic this way often.
I prefer mined salts over evaporated.
yeah, but that symbol on your salt cellar implies it's fleur de sel.
>not going with grey salts netted from shallow bays
Yea the engraving is just a way to distinguish the Salt from the Sugar for people because I have both and I dont want other people to mix them up.
Or you might end up with a spoon of salt in your coffee
rusty salt, from the world's second largest salt mine in Pakistan
Its a traditional Italian pasta and everybody will have their own little way to make it.
Here is some info on the dish:
yeah, i no longer trust "Himalayan Pink Salt" because it's all sourced from fucking Pakistan, and i'm not too keen on trusting those fuckers. most likely it is low-grade salt dyed pink because Pakis are not trustworthy and they have no desire to deliver good products, especially to Western countries which they see as an enemy.
just regular white sea salt tastes so much better, and has that subtle ocean flavor.
OP is making a big mistake going with pink salt.
>sea salt
All salt is sea salt, even if it is mined it came from the sea.
I have been in the pink salt mine in Pakistan. It's for real.
if you are not going to use a meat based fond why even bother with making bolognese? shouldn't you be eating napoli?
How long did this take? Asking for a friend
mise en place means that everything is cut into it's portions for the dish dummy that is not mise en place that is ingredients on a counter
OK, continue using pink salt and paying higher price for it. i am a bagholder of pink salt myself so i have to use what i have left and just get it over with.
if you say all salt is sea salt, then there shouldn't be a big difference between mined salt and salt from the sea. if you want high quality mined salt you might as well get Real Salt, mined in the U.S. from ancient lake beds.
maybe it's just my racism but i don't trust Paki pink salt.
i can get 2 lbs. of sea salt, sourced from Italy, or a 32 oz. sea salt shaker from Spain, for around $1-$2, which is a cost savings vs. the $4 for pink salt.
also, lastly i was looking into buying a Pink Salt Lamp because it looks nice and I like the red light, but all of them come from China. really makes you think. so they're sourcing this salt from Pakistan and then shipping it to China to install the light component, then selling it to English speaking sucker.
I'm glad you're trying OP. You'll git gud someday.
>Pasta with bolognese sauce
>Bologonese sauce with pasta
that is the question
Looks fucking delicious op. Good job.
England is for faggots.
About an hour and a half.
does this come with HIV or is just a garish ?
mmm delicious dirty tough carrot skin.
peeled before grated.
So how nutrient deficient are you?
Carrot skins ruin every dish. Theres no nutrient argument to be made, its evidence of a lazy/unskilled chef.
>Theres no nutrient argument to be made
I just made it, cunt.
mine is the same, except no flur de lis, just wood.
i really like being able to bump it closed with my pepper grinder heheh. if i see one like that next time im down in new orleans i'm getting it and giving mine away.
looks pretty good, filling and i bet the homemade pasta was spot on for texture and soaking up the moisture from that sauce. nice one. thanks.
>you add fresh herbs near the end of the cook or you will drive off flavor
That's true for delicate herbs like basil or cilantro. Woody herbs like thyme and rosemary stand up to the high heat and actually develop more flavor when cooked for a while.
>Its[sic] just not a meat based fond.
That's fucking dumb. Also, I saw your image. There was no fond.
>Its[sic] not a melty cheese.
I use pecorino constantly, and it absolutely will melt to a certain degree as long as you put it on hot food and don't use a mountain of it.
Knowing how to grow food does not mean you know the best ways to cook it. I'm trying to help you hear; my advice is sound.
Americlaps misusing fond to mean sucs.
lot of fuckers in here not posting their own food but being awfully judgemental. it would be cute if it wasn't so cringe worthy.
looks good op. obviously not perfect but I'd chow down.
Do you know where you are?
>constructive criticism is the same as being judgmental
self improvement averse woman detected detected