Her expression is like those videos where they pay a girl to get pissed on. Not the shitty ones where she is totally into it, I mean the good ones where she's legit disgusted and choking back tears and vomit.
I love those kinds of videos.
Her expression is like those videos where they pay a girl to get pissed on. Not the shitty ones where she is totally into it, I mean the good ones where she's legit disgusted and choking back tears and vomit.
I love those kinds of videos.
I can do to this
>did you feel sorry that nothing happened to them but getting money from thirsty views
I don't think it's real. The one on the right smiles and laughs a few times. In any case they're stupid whores
women are so unattractive when they're happy
God this is a turn on
why are they wearing sports bras?
because they are idiotic prostitutes like all women
fake and gay
t. someone who has done this
that's what you get for being an att whore
but not all women wear sport bras
I miss piss mops
I could have sworn that was from a "sis loves me" video when I saw the thumbnail.
They are prostitutes in other ways
Meatholes was good too
I always felt max hardcore was too crass. Too much drama and yelling, not enough focus on the girl's mind breaking
as if we needed more proof that women are literally children
youtube is a fucking joke
>Screaming because they're uncomfortable
>Thinking they're gonna die
>Mother is just as bad, egging them on
Would laugh in their face if I was the dad/10
>(gone wrong)
Did someone manage to stick it up their nose?
The blonde one is pretty hot though, she looks a bit like my cousin that I fantasize about sometimes.
>max hardcore
i never liked those closeups of his sweaty red face before he cums, really gross.
I don't think they would be putting videos like this on youtube if they had a father figure
Yeah he always made it about him and not about the girls. Like, I get it, you're gross and angry. Now zoom in on the girl crying please.
I've had some carolina reaper jerky before. Its probably not the same but because I burnt my tongue on boiling coffee I can't feel the heat of spice except at the back of my throat. It was just a numb feeling in my mouth and activated dragon mode for my throat. And I shit blood.
who hurt you?
Because women wear gym clothes as regular fashion since it clings nice and tight to everything.
Basically they do it to lie about their body.
>attention whore children try something they shouldn't
Fuck no. No sympathy for the dude who got shot through a book by his wife either.
It's literally just for views. Wears sports bras and other outfits to show cleavage and grab that young pubescent youtube audience. Over the top reactions from mothers seal the deal. Pretty standard tbhfamalam
>fake and gay
go back to plebbit
>clings nice and tight
>lies about their body
Pick one
I assume what he's getting at is the fact that saggy awful breasts and a dumpy ass can be fixed with the appropriate architectural support
My reapers arrive today, probably around 1 pm
Ask me anything
Note bro
retarded thots doing know about milk and just made it worse by chugging water, also that bitch who kept screwing on the water bottle cap, like hello.
why are they practically topless
did you try butt chugging one? I would thumbs up a youtube video of that. No question.
who cares?
just enjoy it
plus at the end, the blonde chicks crotch has a little damp spot
>at the end, the blonde chicks crotch has a little damp spot
This is the kind of bullshit FAKENEWS that validates my vote for The Donald.
Ate two of them, spice I handled with no problem, it was even enjoyable.
The pepper baby in my stomach is another story I think I might die.
You're kidding, right? I wear underarmor because it makes my puffy nipples less puffy.
So 7 minutes of bad acting, followed by 30 seconds of shitty POV fucking that switches positions every 10 seconds?
God, we need to repeal the 19th amendment.
I made hot sauce out of some reaper paste. Its bretty gud.
wut? I have puffy nipples and under armor makes them stand out like crazy. I can't wear any of those poly materials to the gym, I can only go with cotton t shirts
This isn't funny. All the over acting is just straight up pathetic.
Thought the thumbnail was from a porn
but you still looked, didn't you
go back to /pol/, loser
how many times did you flunk 9th grade algebra?
>water and bread to negate the heat
dumb bitches
smart man. after failing it twice, you didn't take it a third time
>This can't get anymore retarded
>and heeeeeeeeere come their white trash mothers
i wouldnt pull out for either if you smell what i mean
i'll never eat super hot peppers 'cause i think i have a weak stomach lining or ulcers.
the burning in the mouth and throat is endurable. the pain when it hits your stomach? excruciating.
it stops being heat. it turns into a stabbing, ripping pain.
i ate a whole habanero. felt like a i got shot in the stomach.
No, I didn't feel sorry. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
As much of a barb as your comment is, I really think "reddit spacing" is actually just "phone spacing" because one sentence probably looks like a paragraph on their iShits.
this was all planned
I miss watching those kinds of videos, I might get back into it. There's something about watching the process of a girl being broken on camera.
What does the right of women to vote have to do with all women being whores?
titlets btfo
sports bras flatten tits are you retarded or just that deprived of ever seeing a woman outside of porn
Ever read Big Red Son? Its a really cool article about the adult film awards. Really reveals Max Hardcores character.
David Foster Wallace wrote a piece on Max Hardcore? How did this escape my notice?
women are weak
Imagine getting it in your eyes.
Not that guy you were talking to but just read it. Thanks for the recommendation. I can't believe DFW did a porn essay and I'd never heard about it.
>be from /m/ because of that other thread
>This is top thread
The fucking food board has e-celeb threads?? Are you fucking kidding me? What the fuck
I apologize about it, but it's been way worse
I loved meatholes. You guys should give facialabuse/facefucking.com a go if you haven't already
jacking it hard to the brunette
>my voice, how did I lose my voice, oh my god
try screaming like a retard a little less cunt
Fuck them hoes
3rd time since this was posted. Even tried finding her social media, she deleted her youtube. :(
>white people
Literally the opposite
I thought id see more in the UK but i guess it was just the higher classes fucking their sisters for the sake of "class and nobility"
How the fuck did the british manage to make the US the laughing stock of the world? Shits sooooo fucked over there.
Say what you will about the British, but Americans became the laughing stock of the world by their own volition
Carolina Reaper isn't the hottest pepper anymore.
There's 4 torrent packs (20gb each from memory) on tpb, they're active and I've got all of them. I discovered a single facialabuse vid years ago (Aimee) that really activated my almonds and I can fap to it on demand.
A lot of them are shit though, big natural tits are my thing and some of those dogs are flat and covered in disgusting tats.
My favourite porn to download, though.
I've seen most of their stuff and I can usually find it stream rather than download. They do have some rough looking girls. I especially like the breakdowns and the psychological side of it. I also like it when it gets messy, it can get pretty disgusting sometimes.
Not sure what you idiots we ditched are laughing at while we run the world. At least you are not just staring at the Sun.
Phoneposters need to leave too desu.
We can post where ever and whenever. We will never leave. Enjoy sitting in front of you "battlestation"
Phone posters post while shitting and have poop on their phones.
No. What the fucked did they expect?
what ever you dont cook them in doors
theyve got a very nice fruity flavour though
Nothing better than shitting and shit posting