>cut an onion once
Cut an onion once
>cutting an onion
>juice squirts directly into your eye
>still chopping through the tears
>lose control of the knife
>blindly lop off the tip of your thumb
I don't like cutting onions
I've literally never teared up or had any issue chopping any variety of raw onion? Am I special?
no, your onions are old
Do you wear contacts or glasses?
One thing you can do OP is literally wait til the last moment to do your onion prep. Do all cutting board work, and set it all aside and do the onions last.
It has a lot to do with your sharp knife, and how much pressure you apply to the onion to break up the cells that produce the gas. Sharper knife, it goes through like butter. Work quickly, doing the root end last, scrape it into a bowl, quickly clean the knife and board, then ventilate and walk away. Glasses do help as do goggles if you have a large batch. It's sulfuric acid, so it's going to bother everyone's eyes eventually.
Cut them into halves and then quickly rinse them under running water - no more tears.
>no more tears
It helps a little but there will be tears
Bullshit, you just gotta be more thorough with the rinsing then. I normally tear up very easily but not after doing that.
Don't cut the root off, cut through the root, then slice up to it, dice across and dispose of the root immediately. No tears here!
Sharpen your knife and run it under cold water, you dumb fucking cunt. I cut onions every single day and can't remember the last time I've cried because of onions.
Put them in the fridge.
No Tears! Wa La!
>eats an onion once
>cutting onions
>bro tells me to do it outside for my own safety
>haha I'm no baby dude
>Get a onion on my cutting board
>slice into it
>heh not so bad
>slice number 2
>sinuses are a bit irritated now
>cut 3
>suddenly eyes watering rub them and get onion juice in my eyes
>cut 4
>choking on fumes can barely breathe run out of house to get aire
>end up in the hospital with burnt lungs and eyes
>have to have house cleaned out by specialists
>medical bills in the 10's of thousands
Never again
It depends on the onion. I've gotten some that don't bother me at all and others that are so noxious I have to very quickly finish cutting them and walk away after. I think it depends on growing conditions and how mature the onion was when it was harvested.
Refrigerating them for a while before cutting seems to help, I guess because it slows down the chemical reaction that makes your eyes burn.
I've never once had an issue cutting onions
However one time after chopping up hot peppers my hands felt like they were on fire for about an hour and nothing I did would stop the pain. I wear gloves now if I'm going to be handling peppers.
Those eyes are a product of a combination of speed and weed.
t. Have looked in a mirror
Get a mandolin you poor whiny faggots.
They cost fuck all and are clean after rinsing under the tap. No more cry baby onion tears.
but what if you need them diced
what then
I've only had it happen to me once and I eat onions all the time. Fuck though it really burned
I like how nobody acknowledges this guy even though he's completely right, just fucking google how to chop an onion or look up Ramsay's video. Chopped hundreds of onions since with maybe like 3 tears.
Nobody acknowledged it because you were the only one in the thread stupid enough to believe gordon ramsays old wives tale. I have always left the root on and it doesn't have any effect. Sometimes my eyes tear up and sometimes they don't.
This. Since I chop onions virtually every time I cook it just doesn't happen.
>cut onions into smaller pieces to fit in a blender
>blend only a TINY bit (obviously not enough to make onion juice, dumbass)
>no tears until you open it and try to get them all out
Explain how it works.