Why is he always so fucking lazy

why is he always so fucking lazy

it's his whole thing
he has shit tons of videos titled lazy man's x
don't watch if it bugs you

his kid will grow up to be a lazy fat man like him which is sad cause i see potential in him

so what the fuck does it matter to you
no matter what you do there will always be plenty of lazy fat people in the world
do you have a crush on him or something

Any good clips in this new video? His lazy man videos are usually good for webms

jack juniors trip to the dentist looks promising

I hate this whole tumblr mentality of "it's a thing, you don't have to like it but stop shaming it" There's nothing wrong with caring about the collective well-being of our species and calling out bullshit when you see it.

nobody cares about you tumblr retard stop posting

Wrong board, dipshit.

Do you know where you are?

Look how fat he is of course he's lazy


Is there even a non-lazy version of that? It's not a complicated thing to make.
Well, for this fat retard it might be.


Well, it's not lazy but I still hate it.

You guys really need to stop obsessing over this retard

you need to stop obsessing over how I spend my free time


>looks bad
>messy as fuck
What an awful variation...

I only care because fucking ja/ck/posting is trash that ruins every single webm thread, and not only on Veeky Forums, you bring that boring shit everywhere.

crying faggot

Cry to the Hot Pocketeers, homo.

>Cry to the Hot Pocketeers
Name of my band btw

the fucking retard smashes the pastry against the table and ruins it. he's proud of that too

Also who the fuck needs instructions on rolling pre-bought sausages in pre-bought pastry!?