Rate my prairie oyster guys

rate my prairie oyster guys

Two jumbos was a bit too much to drink though.

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Puke in a cup/10
Prairie oysters only work because of the bourbon you put in, it's a hair of the dog drink for severe alcoholics.
Have an 8oz redbull, an egg, and toast/bacon if you can stomach it or have any.
You basically need sugar, caffeine, and a shitload of B6/B12 and some carbs.

It's a virgin prairie oyster.

Then I don't know why the fuck you're drinking one

In my neck of the woods prairie oysters are fried bull testes

in your neck of the woods you introduce people to your wife and sister with only one woman standing next to you so it's not surprising

>bull testes
Technically, since they've been removed, they're steer testes.
But anyway, I digress. Where I grew up, fried testes were called Rocky Mountain Oysters.
The Prairie Oyster drink goes back aways, a least well over a hundred years if not more. You can find references to it in literature and life accounts.

2 jumbo eggs might be a bit much. Next time you want one, make a shot with a quail egg or two, those are nice. But for regular eggs, one medium or large should do it.

Isn't this what Spike drank for his hangover?

Yep. Made with "Boofeater".

Those are rocky mountain oysters you dunce

rocky mountain and prairie oysters are the same thing.

Its also a myth, just like pickle juice and whatever the fuck else you hear. The only thing that can soothe a hangover is a benzodiazipine or indica cannabis. You might think more booze helps, but really its just putting off the hangover for later and probably making it worse than it already was.

Hey look, it is Bill Nye's retard brother

I thought Bill was the retarded one?
I mean, he calls himself a "science guy" despite having only a bachelor's. Plenty of people on this board, myself included, are better educated than Bill Nye.

No one cares what the fuck you say you are. Stop huffing your own farts and don't squeeze out opinion all confident in it being fact.

Might as well just post pics with your balls tucked back. Christ.

Not educated enough to avoid this shithole


In the States, yes.

rocky mountain comes from pig, prairie comes from cow



Sorry, but you're wrong. See again.
The Prairie Oyster drink is older than the names for fried testes.
Regionally, the names for fried testes make vary, but you can't argue against the drink name, it's already been decided by history.


> also known as prairie oysters in Canada

Also, in many regions, they're just called calf fries or lamb fries. (Lamb fries are better).

Grew up in TN. they were called prairie oysters by everyone.
Also, there is no citation in that wikipedia article for that claim.

>caring about what Leafs call things
They lost that battle with the word "touk "

Who can possibly be this retarded?

Thank you user for finding this out. Leafs BTFO yet again.

Usually they come from sheep but can be any animal.

>Grew up in TN.


I bet you did pajeet

>A wikipedia article claims that leafs call them prairie oysters, that MUST mean nobody else can call them prairie oysters!

You attended inner-city public school didn't you?


everything else is horseshit