Brainlet holocaust when?

Brainlet holocaust when?

>He reads the reviews on goodreads


Begin the morning by saying to thyself, I shall meet with the busy-body, the ungrateful, arrogant, deceitful, envious, unsocial. All these things happen to them by reason of their ignorance of what is good and evil. But I who have seen the nature of the good that it is beautiful, and of the bad that it is ugly, and the nature of him who does wrong, that it is akin to me, not only of the same blood or seed, but that it participates in the same intelligence and the same portion of the divinity, I can neither be injured by any of them, for no one can fix on me what is ugly, nor can I be angry with my kinsman, nor hate him, For we are made for co-operation, like feet, like hands, like eyelids, like the rows of the upper and lower teeth. To act against one another then is contrary to nature; and it is acting against one another to be vexed and to turn away.

what book is this

It sounds like The Old Man and the Sea.

this actually triggers me

read the goddamn file name you morons

How about this?

Ahh! Yes...

This reminds me of a great saying of mine:

He who knows, does not speak. He who speaks, does not know. He who asks Lao Tzu for the rent when he has no money, is surely damned to hell.

Best new poster

Admittedly, "this book makes me wish Abraham was my dad" is a pretty good line for a shit review of Kierkegaard, you've got to give him that.


Female opinion is repulsive. Repeal female suffrage.

I'll give him credit for that, absolutely. It almost earns him enough credit to make up for the line about the penis.


old man and the sea is fucking boring tho

Why even read the opinions of plebs?


>I nevertheless decided to read the entire top 100 novels
>I would start with the top novel, Ulysses
Poor man's so used to numbers he thinks everything can be ordered.

Yeah it's pretty much his own fault

>Just as in the case of The Great Gatsby, I understand the book.
100% sweetie

why do we let normies read?

>I understand the book.
>clearly doesn't understand the book



women should be banned

>reading the edgiest edgelord give his hot, edgy opinion on Anna Karenina
>it's one of the most "liked" posts of Anna Karenina book reviews on Goodreads

It's time to stop. I'm ((triggered)) enough to not even want to post/link it.

I have loads more.

I didn't even need to search for embarrassing reviews of Crime and Punishment, these were the first 3 single star reviews


Now you've got me diving in to find some more.

how does an adult come to such a stupidly simplistic understanding of Hamlet having read it?

I bet she read a summary text of it or something

and we found the elusive black studies major in the wild

>he's pointless because my slimehole wasn't his central motivation

Didn't you read it? They said they understood the book. Then went on to give an explanation that shows a complete misunderstanding of the book.


i don't know why, but i always find myself somewhat charmed by other people's opinions of books. there's something about a person's views on art that's way more revealing than their political views or religious beliefs. i guess because a person's political views or religious beliefs are largely determined by geography, class, race, nationality, etc. and say little about them as a person beyond vague generalities. the only opinions that annoy me are the ones that aren't genuine or display smug self-satisfaction and arrogance. everything else is fine imo. i'm never remotely offended when someone calls a novel i love "boring" or "pointless". in order to enjoy something, it needs to hit you viscerally as well as intellectually, and sometimes something hits your head but misses your gut. i've felt exactly the same about a ton of books other people said were great and maybe were. it's funny to me that people on Veeky Forums are actually annoying reading stuff like this rather than amused with how psychotic normies are.

>just his lay his
>spindly body down on some Danish soil and tried to swim to Babylon. 0% less pointless
Certainly with that attitude.
>100% more amusing.
So there is a chance of swimming to Babylon?Or it isn't amusing?

Guck off Marcus you pseud. Never even read Nietzsche

>I searched hard
>Didn't even get Penelope

She read the emoji version

why can't autheists get into literature

>tfw Peterson was right about post-modernism

>generic lefty wants to read neetcha because he thinks he will find ebic argubents against religion and borality
damn I love when this happen

>Hegel takes special consideration to assert the value of things/objects as being complex and in order to fully "understand them" (read consume) he turns to "life's resources/forces" to assert man's right to consume this property to take ownership of all things in effort to gain access to achieving "absolute knowing."
Jesus fucking christ, has she taken any sort of composition course before? All these non-finite verbs. Shit opinion, shit sentence structure.

She's transcended the white boi's grammar and become one with ra.

Oh hey, this cured my atheism.

Do these guys write their reviews in Word and synonym search every single word? Or do they have a list of "long words that look smart" that randomly insert whenever possible.

Every review also seems to be based around their own aesthetic tastes, political opinons and personal tribulations rather than actual quality.

Obviously the writer can never be separated from review but, why the fuck would I want to read your synonym peppered log of complaints. I want to guage the validity of the text not a poorly written diatribe that says more about the author than the book they are reviewing.



>implying any human being can escape their own aesthetic tastes, political opinions, and personal tribulations

Shes right tho

This actually makes me mad.

You guys should see the reviews for The Sorrows of Young Werther. 90% negative comments are "I want to beat Werther's ass" Beating up the mentally ill in a time before psychiatry or medication sure would change their attitude, right?


just man up faggot I can beat your face if your daddy didn't

The myth of the disembodied reader

These people are plebs. Plain and simple. Let me explain:

They do not pay attention to the language, words and sentences mean nothing. They think there is some conspiracy to reanimate an army of dead white male writers. They don't care to understand how or why these writers have endured for hundreds of years.

What does matter is LARPing as a lawyer in criminal court where the book/author is the defendant. They want to convince others of a crime the book committed with gaudy words and they form strong, often negative, and grandiose opinions that completely miss the mark. Their ideology and politics trumps what the author has actually written.

Reading isn't a pleasure for these people. They don't read to be moved, or to understand, or to be delighted... they read to form some kind of strong opinion their normie friends will applaud them for.




Do you want women to be like men? (Are you gay?)

Ah, the good old 'the book is soooo bad because I hate the character! OMG! he should SHUT UP!' reviews. It's like I am back in school!

>knowledge, for Hegel, is measured by ones property
What? How? So this woman read the Phenomenology of Spirit and the thing she got out of it was: "Yeah, this guy thinks billionaires can achieve Absolute Knowing."

Has this woman never been forced to be with people she doesn't like for extended periods of time? People get on each other's nerves constantly so much that it looks like insanity.

She's also taken the time to indirectly brag about how much of bro she is.

The answer will always be no, kindly deal with it. You're only here because it's working.