Why does Pynchon appear to reference MK Ultra in books published before the program was uncovered?

Why does Pynchon appear to reference MK Ultra in books published before the program was uncovered?

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Which books and segments do you mean specifically

Because Pynchon knew about MKULTRA. Ken Kesey was a subject in the program while living in California, and even stole drugs from MKULTRA to use recreationally. Anyone who knew Kesey or was part of the west coast literary community would have known about the program, and there were likely other, less famous leaks.

It's also likely that Pynchon had friends from Cornell who went to work at the CIA. That agency was all Ivy-League back in the day.

Hilarius giving Oedipa pyschedelics in COL49

There'a a guy on twitter with like a million Pynchon conspiracy/hidden message threads. They're so detailed that even some of the wackier ones come off as plausible.

the idea of MKULTRA wasnt really that original. you mean torturing and drugging people for extended periods of time might make them more cooperative? wow im sure nobody knew about that one until the CIA did it.

hint: read naked lunch

Die Brucke ... good question. He knew.

tcol49 literally has a former nazi doctor prescribing lsd to unknowing patients

and naked lunch literally has a former nazi doctor brainwashing people into eating shit or something, its not special, it was a common trope of the time.

mk ultra did not involve brainwashing citizens to eat shit


thats what you think, kiddo

link? I'd love to see some.

thats what t h e y want you to think

There aren't as many as I remember, but if you get a kick out of paranoid communists, you might find something of interest mobile.twitter.com/cuttlefish_btc

I pretty much am one. Had a psychosis this year that made me think the local Trotskyists were after me. Idk why, since all they do is sell newspapers and wear kaffiyahs. Thanks though.



Conspiracies about secret government programs are older than the 60s

Speaking of this, what was the bit about the little creature in Gabriel Ice's underground vault supposed to be?

>Moot and Snacks were teenage recruits by the Spooks to attract neckbeard virgins to complain and post pictures of cats

Sounds about right