Well since I can't afford my usual Gatorade anymore what are some good alternatives that don't have added sugar?

Well since I can't afford my usual Gatorade anymore what are some good alternatives that don't have added sugar?

Other urls found in this thread:


>doesn't apply to powders
just buy the gatorade powder and mix it yourself


just drive to oregon and stock up.

Move out of seattle

>This kills the /sip/ general

>buy koolaid
>buy potassium
>buy salt
Really thought you could put less salt more potassium it will be cheaper and healthier then it ever was.

That's not going to taste anywhere near the same.


Holy shit, that is a lot of tax. Thank god I don't drink sugared beverages, but damn that sucks.

Might be time to learn how to enjoy a nice glass of water.

>almost 40% tax BEFORE sales tax

I hope the sales tax is calculated on the 15.99 at least....

Reminder seattles alcohol tax is worse

Seattle is filled with a bunch of waterfags


Powerade zero


>MFW I live in central FL
>MFW I went to Publix and they had a special buy one get one free on 8-pack Powerade
>MFW I bought two packs for 8 bucks and got two more for free
>MFW I don't live in Commie Seattle

>mfw a lolbertarian twink gets a taste of the BIG AUTHORITARIAN COCK

And new hampshire

If Seattle had any niggers they would have overturned this law by crying racism.

Atlanta almost passed a 'soda tax" but the niggers cried Racism & kicked & screamed so badly they killed it in like a month.

you're right it'll taste better

>If Seattle had any niggers they would have overturned this law by crying racism.

White people need do what niggers do and start looting & destroying their own neighborhoods. You almost have to put on a shitshow tantrum for the liberal government to take you seriously.

gatorate and powerade is so overpoweringly sweet and syrupy, who gives a fuck
don't drink that nasty shit

What this guy said

If you have an actual use case for gatorade you're better off buying powders anyway. You get more control and it's much cheaper

Anyone who buys gatorade at costco is a confirmed fattie, so all this image proves is that the seattle fat fuck tax is doing god's work

>God's work
oh fuck off you atheistic socialist parasite

>seattle fat fuck tax is doing god's work

The only thing this tax hurts are the poor Niggers & Mexicans who drink sodas habitually.

You think some fat seattle techie making six figures will give a shit about the soda tax? It's just one less POP toy on his desk.

t. butt-blasted commie

You have a typo in your post, you wrote "hurts" by accident instead of "helps"

I buy it sometimes for my team at work.


>15 min drive to a different costco outside seattle
>normal price
how is it that hard? even the seattle area costcos are actively telling people to visit other costcos that don't have the bullshit tax

i live on the other side of the state and i'm scared of it spreading here
i don't know how places can stay open with the minimum wage and taxes like that

looks like i'm moving to wyoming
it'll pay for itself

woah woah woah, slow down there Emeril that's some next level shit

>recovery fee
so what do they put this toward, and what does the city of seattle pay for health related issues caused by sugar? like, the government of the city of seattle, the one that receives the tax.
fucking voters over there are insane

Yet I can still buy handles of booze for about $10 less than calicucks.

It goes toward elected officials and companies like Whole Foods and Starbucks because they lobbied hardest.

>15 minutes to get out of seattle

I don't really see how this is legal. In fact I'm pretty sure it explicitly says somewhere that taxes are not supposed to be used as a punishment

heh, remember when america fought a war over unfair sugar taxes?
liberals are such fucking cowards to let this shit slide

seattle is borderline LA traffic

kind of my point
jay inslee can drop off a real real tall bridge

its only in seattle proper, the gas to go to the closest store outside seattle proper is less than the price increase on one case of gatorade. Even if it were more money I would drive there and waste as much gas as possible just as a middle finger to that hell hole of a city. This isnt /pol/ so I wont go on but just fuck Seattle and king county for that matter.

t.eastern washington resident

u ever read the constitution boi

It's a bullshit extension of "sin taxes" that lets local governments apply extra taxes to alcohol and cigarettes. It's just a delusionment that sugar is inherently bad and that unfairly taxing it makes sense.

Thank fuck I live in Snohomish

Fuck NC. I hate this god damn place so much.

Wow, I thought it was going to be a -little- tax when I heard people talking about it. That's straight up rape.

Jesus christ that sucks for some states. Guess the "flyovers" aren't so bad.

>taxachusetts isnt even in the top 25
this is seriously first, im so proud

Why is it that modern liberals always scream 'take that, poor people!' the loudest.

1.75 cents an ounce doesn't SOUND bad on paper until you do the math. It's an extra 29.6 cents a bottle, and even that doesn't sound too bad until you buy in bulk like that. The average Joe Blow wouldn't notice.

That's why Costco is putting up these big signs so people will notice and get pissed about it. Based Costco, defender of capitalism.

I'm here as well asshole

>my team
Unless you're in the military or play professional sports, don't refer to yourself as part of a team. That's some faggoty corporate retreat drink the kool-aid and don't question your superiors shit.

We have a costco in Shoreline and it doesn't have shitty ass sugar tax.
It is literally like a 15 minute drive from downtown Seattle.

That means your tax is higher you hick. Booze is cheap as fuck in California

Having been around the country I can confirm it is not cheaper than elsewhere.

I pay 3 times as much as you fucks, get over it.

No, retards here just like putting taxes on everything. We even tax bottled water now.

>In fact I'm pretty sure it explicitly says somewhere that taxes are not supposed to be used as a punishment
Nope, also lol @ "punishment"

You're probably one of those hammyfats who thinks exercise is a kind of "punishment" to be temporarily endured in response to a crisis, and only under medical supervision

>local governments have a monopoly on the pigouvian tax
>pivouvian taxes are about jeebus and sinning
You are delusional, go back to your gold standard crackpot forums

It was Flavor-aid at Jonestown.


A team is a group of people who work for a common goal. I'm sorry you are so offended by a word but it's an accurate word even within a corporate environment. What should I call the group of people who report to me and I manage on a daily basis?

Minion slaves? Indentured servants? They're not a team player and consider you merely a middle management asshole who will back stab them or take credit for their work in a heartbeat. Btw, they alll have resumes out to escape your dictatorial abuses.

That's an awful lot of projection. Tell me, what did you get fired for? Couldn't keep performance up? Couldn't work well with others?


You mean like from the toilet?

>Reduce, reuse, recycle

Well with their $15 an hour minimum wage they can afford it.

Do you have a reading comprehension problem?
I've been to california, I know how much it costs there, and it's consistently $5-10 more than anything I buy here in Idaho.

>pivouvian taxes are about jeebus and sinning
They're literally called sin taxes you stupid fuck

Electrolytes are not a sin.

>Only hurts the poor, niggers & Mexicans
That's the point you fucking retard, those people make up the majority of obesity, the "fat techie making six figures" is statistically less likely to suffer from obesity due to their more active life style

>so what do they put this toward
Welfare and pandering to fags on Capital Hill

I miss Eastern WA so fucking much, and I've been actively trying to transfer back.

But now with Democrats controlling the entire legislature, we're going to see more Seattle level retard at the state level.

I'm moving to Alaska or Montana.

Try Texas instead. As long as you're not in Houston it's pretty great.

But you do live in florida.
Who wants to live in a state were the state flower is mildew?

You understand that it contains salt for a reason, they didnt just add it to make sure it tasted like shit.

Sure, to dehydrate and make you thirstier so you drink more.

>tfw only drink water for 20 years and see people get corrupted by the liquid jew in many forms (soda, energy drinks, coffee, alcohol, etc..)

Coastfag soyboys cant compete with the midwest manmores in all facets of life

>hurr we have In n' Out and oceans, what do you guys have?
>Freedom, low taxes, gun ownership, and minimal basketball-americans

>They're literally called sin taxes
Black people are called "coons" and "porch monkeys", what's your point?
>you stupid fuck
No U

But Gatorade is for fat people...

Apparently being so goddamm fat you spill into someone else's seat on the airplane is "freedom" and the gubmint needs to stay off our backs and focus on the important thing: inspecting people's genitals before they pee, and telling people what genders they are and are not allowed to love.

My guess: autism combined with Communism. Complains enough to be one at any rate.

>implying the commiefornian sees ANY of that as a positive
Please. These fuckers see mere family values as a dinosaur from a bygone age. The day Kim Fat III chimps out at Dongald's shitposting and plunges us into nuclear war will be the best day ever.
... or would the fallout just make them worse?

You only drink water.

Applause everyone! What a fucking hero. Someone erect a statue! If he doesn't watch TV, we just might have a new king of the universe.

>family values
This is dustbowl okie for “knock up the first girl you kissed before either of you is out of high school and stay away from gerddam contraceptives”

Don't forget, they get divorced after the husband was jailed for domestic violence because he caught her fucking Jamal for her daily meth.

The salt is there to replace salt lost from perspiration, you know, sweating
Not like some chair sitting overweight autistic social outcast on Veeky Forums would know anything about going outside.. physically exerting themself, or sweating from anything other than jerking off to Japanese cartoons

Did you report my post you fucking crybaby? Fuck you

I would be willing to bet op does not drink Gatorade for the electrolytes and if he does he almost definitely doesn't need to.
If you eat anything out of a package or a fast food restaurant in a day you are probably getting your daily dose of salt already.

If you don't like Seattle level retardations maybe stay away from the hill country region (Austin, San Antonio, San Marcos.) They've earned a reputation for being the "People's Democratic Republic of Texas." Still pretty country down there and the rivers are nice.

Texas welcomes you.

You guys had an interesting family life.

Join me and you will no longer be a brainlet manlet.

Ah yes, a completely natural, albeit dumb as hell broken relationship. Surely it's comparable to two lesbian trans women brainwashing their adopted son into thinking he's also a woman because he may have played with barbies at some point, dressing him in drag, chopping his balls off, and flaunting him in front of their friends at the local pride parade. They also very feed the kid very well. Little Stephanie is now a healthy, beautiful 350 pound transgenderfluid catgirl with a self diagnosed case of autism. Out-mother-fuckin'-standing parenting, """ ladies""".

you watch way too much porn

Is that really the best comeback you have?
This is what you're encouraging.

Almost as bad as the "family values" flyover, both parents on their 2nd marriage, who sentence their 16 year old son to a gay conversion concentration camp because he admitted he was gay, where he is relentlessly tortured and beaten to knock the devil gay out of him, returns home, becomes addicted to meth, fetanyl and alcohol before finally committing suicide at 20. Family values sho' nuff good 'n all dat!

Literally this