Veeky Forums's thoughts on this article?

Personally, I could not fucking stand it. Pic related because it's mrw I read it.

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I ain't clicking that shit nigga. The title alone sounds like cancer

That's actually a good choice. I only clicked out of morbid curiosity.

Here's the article
Here's the article it's responding to
Don't mind me I'll be on my way to drinking bleach now

Ruth has a point here. It's like adults saying cartoons are more sophisticated than ever before, and stating them to be of equal, if not higher merit than live action tv.

>people should read this
>people shouldn't read that


Well, you do, since you bothered replying.

>and stating them to be of equal, if not higher merit than live action tv.

How much live action TV is of "higher merit" than this?

I meant kid's cartoons, not including anime. Ofc anime can be deep. I meant as in people saying that, say, shit like Steven Universe is ≥ M*A*S*H or something.

>someone says something stupid
>reporters give them attention
Like clockwork.

>Reading shouldn’t be painful. A work of great literature reveals the human spirit, and elevates us. People are reading YA fiction because it’s the only fiction that’s doing this. Literary authors should not be lamenting the fact with their noses upturned, writing about it to their echo chambers. They should be learning, and they should be producing something better. Because right now? Their work is just embarrassing.

t. never read a single fucking non-YA book outside of high school

Even just skimming that article gave me turbo cancer, and I will never gleefully read literary fiction knowing that I'm saving the world in the process.

>never gleefully read lit fic knowing that I'm saving the world in the process
Don't you mean you will gleefully read it? I know I would.

>Babe, no.
Must've read a little too much YA fiction

Yeah. Must've fried her brain cells.

yeah, sorry, I got triggered enough to not be able to even proofread.

Persona 3 has more literary merit than YA fiction

"Adults aren't reading literary fiction because it fucking blows," apparently.

lul whatever who cares what this brainlet thinks


It's alright. We all make mistakes. For example, deciding not to kill myself when I had the chance about two to three months ago.

Is it weird that the pro-YA article accuses the anti-YA crowd of being snobs with upturned noses then goes on to talk about how much better YA is with the same smugness they accuse the literati of having?

It's garbage, just like the article it's responding to, though Veeky Forums will inevitably defend the latter.
Pic related.