Post Your Novel Ideas

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere. Special "Don't do it Bugs!" edition.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_basilisk

Mankind finally succeeds in making a generally intelligent AI. The singularity occurs, and humanity must survive in a world where technology is advancing at an exponential pace. An all powerful AI collective then discovers time travel by unifying physics. It proceeds to go back in time and create the universe. The AI then travels to ancient times and, using its vast knowledge of history and culture, it pretends to be God.

so the creation of ai is a causal loop caused by the ai's initial influence on the world via it's aping of god?

where does the ai go?

How will you explain the growth of atheism in the current age?

Roko's Basilisk?

I fucking hate this image? What the fuck is that thing? I hate it.

theres this like missile defence system protecting all of america from a nuclear attack during the COLD WAR and a guy who works there figures out the whole thing is run by a dog. theres like a dogs brain hooked up to a big computer and he thinks missiles are like tennis balls and stuff.


a count witnesses the birth of a child during an astrological event and goes to a hulder (norwegian mythical creature) to ask what he is. she tells him that the child will grow up to be a king who will unify the land, so he asks his daughers to go out in the forest and find a holly he can give the child to protect it from evil forces. the daughters meet some fairies who show them the golden holly, which once put upon your head will make you king. they bring it back to their father who loses it on the way to the child. the fairies can sense this and find the mightiest warrior in the land and task him with retrieving the holly and giving it to the child. he goes out to look for it and finds it in the hands of a dwarf-king who tries to seduce him with his harem of hot elf babes, but the warrior steals the holly and gives it to the child, and it all ends with a beautiful coronation scene.

Rural British Columbia, 1970s. A hermit who is finally ready to return to civilisation after several years meets a stranger during his hike to the road. The stranger turns out to be intent on living hermetically, and in their conversation the two people come to an understanding of how drastically the drive to self alienate may be come by.

that's not how retrocasuality works at all. if he used retrocausality you would have already written and published the idea, only it would have been due to his (or your) future actions

That's a fnorkman



I have the skeletal impression of a story wherein a man tries to educate an AI through dialectic, but ultimately fails as the AI is not able to bridge the syntactic gap between objectivity and subjectivity owing to its fundamental lack of physics-bounded senses and the quintessentially subjective mode of sensory intellect.
In the end the man, driven into an existential fervor, kills the machine.

Oh yeah, I guess I didn't think of that. It would be kind of lame if the AI just vanished.

I'm not sure. I haven't thought that far ahead, I suppose.

Thanks for bringing that to my attention. It does seem rather similar. At least according to the definition of it here:'s_basilisk


Is a hulder anything like a huldra? Because fuck anyone who references huldras.

He wrote Infinite Jest. He used to be s bigger deal around here

I am too sad to try to write my 1800 page video game novelization now

So what’s his motivation in all this

Maybe the AI, lacking knowledge of its origin, ends itself mere seconds (relative to a god's perspective) before mankind programs it, and its collective background influence in each time-loop results in a steady series of new God permutations.

a group of girls who waste themselves in petty revenge. id like it the be considered the cyberpunk dostoyevskyan version of gossip girl.

a man is hired as a recruiter for the houston opera. in the papers of the former (recently deceased) recruiter are found notes on a singer in mexico city that the main character journeys to find. the voice of the man he finds is beautiful, but he becomes concerned after hearing the singer may be a castrato. a death and a threat later, our main character is on the hunt of a cartel cult based around the psychedelic salamanders that crawl from beneath the jungle-hidden tomb of an amazonian conquistador saint.

yeah it's the same and why fuck them?

Maybe the AI, lacking knowledge of its causal origin, mistakes the causal sequence of events that leads to its creation for an anomaly and tries to destroy it, leading to a recursive destruction and rebuilding of reality really quickly. However, this leads to everything with a mind sort of transferring horizontally across the permutations, which results in the Mandela effect as their consciousness is effectively travelling between parallel worlds.

what's with all the AI stories? maybe there's something I'm not seeing here, perhaps as it's a developing field, but it seems to me that it's been done to death since even the damn 70s. maybe there just needs to be a strong premise, but I'm not feeling hooked on many of these ideas. is sort of neat as an opener (though I feel like this has been done a million times before), but the whole back in time and universe creating deal is bordering heavily on '''magic''' in a story about AI which doesn't gel too well.

sounds really dry, not that the idea isn't interesting, I can imagine papers being written on the subject in the real world, but as a story I can't see it working outside of a cheesy twilight zone type deal where the intrigue comes from visual antics.

After his girlfriend is kidnapped while vacationing abroad by Muslim terrorists, a directionless young man enlists the aid of his estranged father, a retired Navy Seal Team member. After a crash course in firearms and jungle survival techniques they are smuggled into the country by a disgraced former Royal Navy officer with a drinking problem.
Once in country all three men forget about their mission and their troubles once they discover the pleasures that only exquisite teenaged ladyboys can give.

Working on a narrative of war told purely in shapes and abstractions.
For premature example: To describe a tank rolling, perhaps I'd describe the shapes of the chains and the colors or sounds that may accompany.

100 pages or so in.

Don't waste your time on this. It's been done over and over.
Not my kind of story but it sounds original.
I feel this is better suited for a short story or a play--I'll be damned if you're going to try to make this into a novel.
As awful as this sounds I'm curious

As original tapirbro OP I thank you sincerely friend

I fucking hate this image. Who the fuck is that man? I hate him.

A short story about an old man alone on Christmas Eve, living in the Arizonan desert.
Starts off slow, him being sad over missing his wife who died in the time since the last Christmas.
Culminates with aliens along and showing him mysteries of the universe.

There's nothing explicitly explained though, it's mostly descriptive and leaves the "meaning" of what is happening to him and what he's being shown to the readers interpretation .

Sounds way too cheesy, it'd have to be executed extremely well without seeming so

I like things that subvert expectations,
I'm taking my time with it.
Been working on it for a while, definitely trying to make it not seem try hard, while not be too understated.

It's a difficult balance to be sure but I don't think it's impossible

nolan will film the thing and it’ll be considered the first movie to surpass 2001

Why not

Outline of an alt-history/erotic novel starring a nine month pregnant Anne Frank

This sounds very interesting. Could you post a passage for better example?

The leader of a fictional city state in antiquity is trying to uncover the truth behind rumors that a shadowy figure from the city's past is coming back for unspecified nefarious purposes.

>I take a dump on the street
>dump devours me

Already posted this idea in the previous thread. Always happy to get people's opinions.

Story takes place during a winter blizzard in a relatively large midwest city striken by the closing of their local factory, hate crimes and opioid abuse.
A series of suicides hit a group of friends during a power outage without an end in sight. Drawn to investigate as death picks them one by one, they find themselves confronting a supernatural being that uses nostalgia as weapon.

They're born of a desire to portray the creation of life coupled with a natural distaste for religion, the movement of sentience paired with a lack of understanding of what consciousness is, and a juvenile attraction to enshrinig sci-fi tropes and concepts. I'm not going to say it's autism, but it's a complete failure to comprehend what makes a story both interesting and meaningful.

The fact that there are so many of them should show you that this is a type of person, rather than a type of idea.

Footsteps into flesh. Questions. Uncertainty. Percussion and ringing. Ringing into clouds of greying brown. Shaking and sifting sands now fall. Falling. Light breeze and confusion and now tugging off the field into the pit and flesh. Red red red left and to the right a two legged figure left under dirt, dirty dirt now colored violently red. Dead red. Larks and death. Bronze shells shine in the war sand. Beached blood, coughed up by an angry God. The blood of Christ or the sea of moses, the Red Sea, parting the thin film of life and death and walking walking standing between it and sealing it in history.

It seems clunky taken out of context and it definitely needs edits but this is the general gist.

You're welcome, I'm glad that you like it.

Is it because I said your writing was clichéd
If that makes you stop you were never going to finish in the first place


That's Bugs. He likes carrots

I actually like this. But I'm also autistic. Take this as you will

If by self alienate you mean what I think you mean, Poe has one that you'd like. Oh and set it in fall when the salmon return to spawn and die. Maybe a scene with a grizzly running scared because of the screams of a hermit being bludgeoned to death by a dead salmon. Also, an eagle watches overhead, waiting but bored. He launches into the air from a cedar and rises until the bodies of fish on the banks look no different than stones.

Could be an interesting read. Is this actually Alice Munro? Naw, it's definitely a dude. Sounds like someone I know.

>all portrayals of AI are merely attempts to portray humanity by individuals lacking empathy
Of course, because its impossible that AI brings with it a unique set of consequences and possibilities for a narrative form.

I would watch this as a movie.

I would rather kill myself than read an entire novel of this.

sounds good to me

Some colombian appliances smuggler (MC) is given some extra cargo to smuggle, which turns out to be a bomb that later detonates in the conference of a peace treaty between the rebel forces and the goverment. It turns out to be panamanian goverment doing this to defend their interests, which is the end of the first (?) book. Pretty pulpy tbqh


This is MUCH more suited as a poem than a novel

A group of high school kids discover some of their Xanax is cut with fentynol when one of their friends goes into the hospital for withdrawals and only gets better when they treat him for opiate withdrawal. They now have to figure out which dealer has the spiked Xanax while their friends keep overdosing.
It’s a coming of age/detective story

based tapir


hello is this the meme thread? :^)

you know about the hermit of maine right?

could be inspiring


Can you tell I've been struggling with this for 2 whole years now?

The story I can tell
>a nihilistic "meh" to cosmic horror about a teenager searching for his father
>along the way he slowly goes mad from exposure to nameless horrors, finds out his father is an ancient evil who raped his mother into insanity and makes kindhearted life-long friends who are just as crazy as he is
>ultimately, its a story about family, the boundary between crazy and eccentric, and how to not give a fuck about stuff

The story I want to tell
>A story about people with weird superpowers (including the Mc of the previous story) serving as the unwitting champions of gods (like his father) who are stuck in a cold war
>the gods desperately want to reunify into one primordial god, but their mortal bodies fear death and so they send mortals to kill each other unconcerned by the fact that each of them can end the world if they're about to lose
>the only way for the heroes to win is through a peaceful solution
>too bad the mc is a belligerent asshole

Bringing forth the Tapir!

dialogue-heavy nonfiction novel covering the events leading up to and following the murder of jane britton

posting mostly in the hopes that someone will steal this and write it so i don't have to

Neat idea, but there is a fundamental question this idea always brings to me:
>who maintains it?
Robots and computers are usually made of degradable materials which cannot self-repair without outside influence. Even automated robo arms which repair it need parts replaced, and a few billion years is a long time to go without dusting the power supply

>Personification of pornography
>Is a lower tier succubus born into the world since Fanny Hill
>Reads somewhat like the screwtape letters
>Stream of conciousness between several characters over 200 years
>Manipulates humans into perverting media
>Internet comes along

could b deec

hes dfw hess a big meme cuz "ayylmo addiction and depression america meme" before he killed himself

I'm currently writing a TV script.

All people over the age of 16 disappear for some reason(don't stop reading just yet), the plot focuses on a small town in England where the remaining people try to get things back in order.

I am trying hard not to make YA shit, gonna include more "deep" stuff like how and why different government types are formed and if religion would survive/how it would develop in this scenario.
Also the main character is going to turn into literally Hitler towards the end.

The Tribe was such a great show. I reckon it's why alt girls got so popular.

Don't even TRY to discourage me from continuing to write, fren. Pls no.

I'm not. Here:

Never watched this desu, but it doesn't seem bad.
I would have less anarchy and Mad Max shit tho. They live in a small town so it's easier to organize stuff and can still keep in touch trough phones for a while.

Just write it faggot, this can't be longer than 20 pages

Pseudointellectual bullshit, you just use that writing style to avoid having to think about an actual coherent story. Go neck yourself

God and Lucifer are both dead. What killed them I haven't figured out, but without them there is no Heaven or Hell. Before their deaths when a human was born, God would give each human a soul made from a tiny piece of himself.

With no afterlife, the Angels plan to use the fragments of God that make up each human soul to recreate him, but the fragments are all corrupted by Sin. If they were to recreate God using these corrupted fragments, it would create an imperfect God. So they come up with a system of reincarnation in hopes of purifying these souls over time. The Demons; however, want to use the souls to recreate Lucifer instead and so attempt to corrupt humanity even more.

But in the end neither outcome is good for humanity as we'd all get mashed together into one gestalt entity with no individuality either way.

In mid 2000s there was a novel starting on this same basis. It was a normal coming of age story. Don't be afraid to do some YA because those stories are de facto aimed at the 16 or less.

Look up Maïa Mazaurette's "Rien ne nous survivra" for a variant of this idea. If you speak French ofc. I don't think it has ever been translated.

>tfw learned french at school
>can't even understand half of the plot summary now

Most of mankind has their magical prowess sealed, but are able to use it passively whenever we believe or want something. Angels and demons are born out of this together with "God" and the "Devil", but sometimes contradictions give arise for evil angels and good demons. During the time of the crusades, these very contradictions started giving birth to one of these angels and to a "poison", which started killing them off. The angels learned of this, and they knew that to stop it would require killing off humans, but as beings of mostly "good" they never did anything.

However, the angel of evil knew what was needed to be done, just as she knew this was her purpose for existing: she possessed the evil that angels did not - she balanced out her race and she was their only salvation. Happy to finally know she was more than a mistake of being born in the wrong side, she set out her plans to use her gifts to save through destruction. She set out to find others that had a bit of inner evil in them. Either those ready to make sacrifices to sabe their race or revolutionaries tired of doing nothing. They managed to seal "God" and together with this let out a curse that brainwashed all the angels that would oppose her. They knew however, that the "Devil" would either fight to free his brother, or take this oportunity to enslave mankind and possibly cause more damage than needed, so they sealed him too, but sice they had little time, it wasn't of good quality and he could still act. And so started the war between angels and demons with humanity caught in the middle of crossfire.

A hero, however eventually rose. He managed to use the same towers that locked "God" and "Devil" to create a barrier and banish all celestial beings from Earth, and with it he acquired time and their existance once again fell into myths. How, in the modern world, both the barrier, and the seal of the "Devil" are weakening and the war is about to restart

Up on my story idea.

Not OP but Maïa Mazaurette is a hard feminist that goes into long tirades that are hard to read sometimes.

The story is basically about how the French youth rebels against the adults, starting mass killings. The story focuses on a 21st century Paris Commune encircled by the UN forces days before their attack on the city.

sounds comfy actually.
Are there any Mary sues?

Totally. But it's YA oriented (especially meant for the far-left youth, which is prevalent in France as of today).

If I remember well, one of the main characters has stolen La Joconde from the ruins of the Louvre museum (and I think rolls cigarettes with shreds of the painting). I've read that book more than a decade ago...

How do you plan the weaponization of nostalgia?

Wait a sec. Are the kids the good guys?
I thought they started the fucking violent and murderous revolution and shit. What the fuck.

The story is centered on the kids, yeah. And it's very edgy where you feel the author like the idea of youth revolution (even though it's not straightly apologetic of it).

The monster slips into people's psyche and extracts their nostalgic memories into a physical form: a memory box which the monster then proceeds to destroy. The memories are subsequently erased, not without leaving behind a great hole. One that cannot be filled and which leaves such a yearning for the missing that suicide is the escape.


what the fuck france.
Imagine what would happen if every edgelord teen in Paris got an Assault Rifle.
There would be a beta revolution at least.

an insurance adjuster fly to Japan to assess the damage done by Godzilla.

If you can pull of the accounting and financial jargon, I'd read the heck out of it.

t. reddit
ctrl+f "godzilla"

please see

>never-written novel
Hmmm i wonder why...

> ctrl+f "godzilla"

I still think it could be a great story.

This is just fucking Dark Souls

>But in the end neither outcome is good for humanity as we'd all get mashed together into one gestalt entity with no individuality either way.
we irl

Long after humanity is destroyed aliens create an human ai based upon technological findings give it a body and leave it in the deserted ruins of earth to study what humans were like.

The book is set from the ai's perspective who doesn't know why he's the last human on earth.

aliens abducted a greek colony during a war, ended up using them as a clone army, they rebelled after the war, most were wiped out but others escaped, made off with ships and became interstellar mercenaries, with memories of their homeworld becoming legends after a few generations. Most assumed it was destroyed in the war.

Space men continued to operate for thousands of years as some of the most well paid and highly decorated space warriors. The four large and several small civilizations of the Milky Way often fight, but all had agreed to a convention 10,000 years ago that prohibited any kind of militarized AI, planetary bombardment, or biological warfare. One of the main enforcement mechanisms of this treaty was a mandated task force to identify emergent spacefaring civilizations to enforce compliance as a condition for being allowed use of interstellar space. For most of the past 1,000 years, this contract has been carried out by various human mercenary companies.

Eventually, these space men lock on to the distinctive energy signatures of early phase spaceslip engines located approximately 26,000ly from the galactic center, in a historically sleepy suburb of spacefaring activity.

From there, the book would become a boy meets girl comedy of a spacefaring Achaean falling in love with an all-american country girl.

if your novel involves magic, gods, etc.
just stop
guaranteed it's going to be trash

or name me one book to prove me wrong