Tell me about the IRA and the UDA, Veeky Forums

Origional Irish Republican Army that fought against the British during the war for independence
>Provisional IRA
Sect of IRA that started to protect the Irish minority in the north. Even though they call themselves the IRA, they've been given the name "provisional" to distinguish them from the origional organization

>Reasons to remain in the UK - legitimate as the majority of people want to remain in the UK
don't be retarded, the borders of NI were completely arbitrarily defined so that it wouldn't totally collapse in on itself, you talk of illegitimacy when the UVF was prepared by force to oppose pre-1916 any move by Westminster towards Home Rule, you can't claim to desire democracy after such actions

let them have their own little plantation, but let those who wish to join the ROI on the same principle NI was created, the majority of people in those areas want to

They thought the British threat of war escalation was another bluff. The Irish rebels had the sympathy of the world by 1921, any escalation of the conflict would've backfired against the Brits in their opinion

Although Michael Collins and the Free Staters were right, the Irish couldn't afford to continue the insurgency much longer, and definitely wouldn't have lasted long in an all out war. The saw the treaty as an obvious dissapointment, but the best option for bringing gradual independence to Ireland.

>the majority of Native Irish strongly opposed the Easter Rising of 1916 as both rash and backstabbing (especially during wartime).
there wasn't a census on the issue, people constantly state this because Dubliners threw shit at the rebels as they were being led to jail, but that was just because they were responsible for the destruction brought to the city

"Protect the Irish minority" by bombing civilians in England. Yeah.

last time I checked England was in the UK and the IRA claimed to be fighting a war against them

justified in the same sense as PKK bombings in Istanbul are honestly

Targetting non-strategic locations is not justifiable.

But first they set up barricades around their neighbourhoods so the RUC couldn't get in, as well as any bands of loyalist thugs, it's not like the first thing they did was to bomb the UK

it's something to expect in a war

Well maybe not for us, but it's not like they were just doing it for the sake of it. Their justification was they they were fighting a war. That's the reason it happened, but yes, it doesn't make it right