What was the oldest game known too humans?


jokes on you, I already lost.

What is the game? What are the rules? How do I win?

>Mfw this is actually the most logical answer

>how do I win?
Too late.

There are three commonly reported rules to The Game:[1][2][3][4]

Everyone in the world is playing The Game. (Sometimes narrowed to: "Everybody in the world who knows about The Game is playing The Game", or alternatively, "You are always playing The Game.") A person cannot choose to not play The Game; it does not require consent to play and one can never stop playing.
Whenever one thinks about The Game, one loses.
Losses must be announced. This can be verbally, with a phrase such as "I just lost The Game", or in any other way: for example, via Facebook. Some people may have signals or expressions that remind others of The Game.

It's weird how long it took to invent tabletop role-playing games.

Probably something like tag or hide-and-seek, since those require no equipment, have very simple rules and do somewhat emulate the hunter-gatherer livestyle.

Those are basically a very advanced form of pretend play, which is also old as fuck.

The Royal Game of Ur is one of if not the oldest

1) make some holes
2) take many things small and sort of round
3) Throw in some rules about filling the holes with the things
4) You have created the first game ever
It is still played in Africa, I can't remember its name though